Ch 44 Pediatric Emergencies Flashcards
Explain some of the challenges inherent in providing emergency care to pediatric patients and why effective communication with both the patient and caregivers is crucial to a successful outcome. (p 2432)
Describe the developmental stages of children including examples of each stage. (pp 2433-2436)
Describe differences in the anatomy, physiology, & patholophysiology of the pediatric pt as compared w/the adult pt & their implications for the health care provider. (Pg 2436-2441)
Describe challenges in dealing with stressed parents or caregivers of ill and injured children. (pp 2441-2442)
Describe the steps in the primary survey for providing emergency care to a pediatric patient including the elements of the Pediatric Assessment Triangle, hands-on ABCDEs & transport decision considerations. (Pg 2442-2451)
Describe the steps in the secondary assessment including the systematic assessment, which may include a full-body exam or a focused assessment of the body part or system involved. (Pg2451-2455)
Describe the different causes of pediatric respiratory emergencies; the signs and symptoms of increased work of breathing; the differences among respiratory distress, respiratory failure, & respiratory arrest; & the emergency medical care strategies used to manage each. (Pg 2444-2446, 2455-2457)
Explain upper airway emergencies in a pediatric patient including anaphylaxis, croup, epiglottitis, & tracheitis; their possible causes, signs, & symptoms; & steps in caring for a child who is experiencing these conditions. (Pg 2459-2461)
List the steps in managing foreign body airway obstruction of an infant and a child. (pp 2458-2459)
Explain lower airway emerencies in a pediatric pt, including asthma, RSV, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, pertussis; their possible causes, S/S, & steps in caring for a child w/these conditions. (pp 2461-2465)
Discuss other respiratory conditions including cystic fibrosis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia; their possible causes, S/S, & emergency management in the field. (Pg 2465)
Discuss the most common causes of shock (hypoperfusion) in a pediatric patient; its signs and symptoms & emergency management. (Pg 2477-2484)
Describe the procedure for establishing intravenous access in the pediatric patient. (pp 2479-2480)
List the steps to establish an intraosseous infusion in a pediatric patient. (pp 2481-2483)
Describe common pediatric heart rhythm disturbances and management of each dysrhythmia. (pp 2484-2489)
Discuss the most common causes of AMS in a pediatric patient its S/S, & emergency management. (Pg2492-2493)
List the common causes of seizures in a pediatric patient; the different types of seizures, & emergency management. (Pg 2493-2495
List the common causes of meningitis, patient groups at the highest risk for contracting this infection, its S/S, special precautions, & emergency management. (Pg 2495-2496)
Discuss the pathophysiology, assessment, and management of endocrine emergencies in pediatric patients, including hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. (pp 2502-2504)
Discuss the types of gastrointestinal emergencies that might affect pediatric patients, including biliary atresia, viral gastroenteritis, appendicitis, ingestion of foreign bodies, gastrointestinal bleeding, intussusception, Meckel diverticulum, pyloric stenosis, and malrotation with volvulus. (Pg 2499-2502)
Describe conditions in which the pituitary produces inadequate amounts of some or all of its hormones. (p 2504)
Describe special considerations in patients with childhood immunodeficiencies. (pp 2505-2506)
Discuss hematologic disorders in pediatric patients, including sickle cell disease, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and leukemia and lymphoma; signs and symptoms; special precautions; and emergency medical management in the field. (Pg 2506-2508)
Discuss toxicologic emergencies in pediatric patients, including common sources, assessment findings, and techniques for emergency medical management, including decontamination and antidotes. (pp 2508-2510)
Describe special considerations during the management of a pediatric behavioral or psychiatric emergency, including safety precautions and assessment and management techniques. (pp 2510-2511)
Discuss the common causes of a fever emergency in a pediatric patient and management techniques. (pp 2511-2512)
Describe child abuse and neglect and its possible indicators, and discuss the medical and legal responsibilities when caring for a pediatric patient who is a possible victim of child abuse. (pp 2513-2516)
Discuss sudden infant death syndrome, including its risk factors, patient assessment, and special management considerations related to the death of an infant patient. (pp 2516-2517)
Discuss the common causes of pediatric trauma emergencies and the differences in injury patterns in adults, infants, and children.
(pp 2517-2518)
Describe the procedure for performing needle decompression in the pediatric patient. (p 2519)
List the steps to perform spinal motion restriction (SMR) of both an infant and a child. (pp 2520-2522)
Describe the indications for fluid and pain management for a pediatric trauma patient. (pp 2522-2523)
Discuss the significance of burns in pediatric patients, common causes, and general assessment and management techniques.
(pp 2523-2524)
Describe the needs of technology-assisted children, including the various types of medical technology used. (pp 2524-2527)
Describe injury patterns in pediatric patients and potential areas for intervention and prevention. (pp 2527-2528)