TB Mangt Flashcards
TASKS WHICH ONLY THE SUPERVISOR SHOULD DO: ⦠Check and sign reports ⦠Make out assignments ⦠Check on work being done ⦠Handle complaints
report (for)- reports
assignments- assignments
check- check work
complaints- complaints handle
p[age 3
TASKS WHICH THE SUPERVISOR SHOULD DELEGATE: ⦠Getting data for reports ⦠Some training of subordinates ⦠Give a tour of the firehouse ⦠Make a schedule for inspections
see other side
TASKS WHICH THE SUPERVISOR SHOULD NOT DO: ⦠Housewatch ⦠Equipment maintenance ⦠Taking the nozzle at a fire ⦠Driving the apparatus
H- housewatch
E- equipment maintance
N- nozzle at fire
COCK- chauefuer
page 3
Note that “delegation” is not the same as giving out routine assignments. Delegation means giving part of the supervisor’s job to a subordinate. It is justifiable when: (1 ) it is used as a way to train subordinates who may be promoted, (2) it is used to motivate skilled subordinates by giving them a share in the supervisory work, or (3) it is necessary because the supervisor is not able to handle all of the supervisory tasks alone. The supervisor should delegate only if the supervisor is confident that the subordinate will be able to handle the task successfully.
see other side
page 3
It is generally agreed in public agencies that the highest priorities should go to:
- Safety of people (Protection of “life and limb”)
- Protection of property
- People before paper (Take care of people first.)
- Outsiders before insiders (Service to the public)
people before paper
outsiders before insiders
When it comes to the rule of “people before paper,” the people can be prioritized in terms of who should be given first response. Apart from situations involving threats to safety, the order of consideration is:
- Superiors
- People who are upset, whether outsiders or insiders
- Outsiders: from another agency or unit, civilians
- Routine contacts with insiders
S- superiors U- upset C- civilians(outsiders) IN- insiders page 9
“hierarchy of needs” consists of:
- Biological needs, survival needs (salary)
- Security needs (pension)
- Social needs (good coworkers)
- Ego or self esteem needs (status, responsibility)
- Self fulfillment needs (self direction)
There are two general principles behind Maslow’s theory of motivation: (1) people are located at different levels in the hierarchy of needs and therefore respond to different kinds of needs; (2) people are never satisfied until they are on level 5 (Self-fulfillment).
page 17
- Deal with only one problem (or problem person) at a time. A supervisor can seldom win if fighting two battles at once. In dealing with a problem subordinate, it is better to deprive the subordinate of an ally by keeping on good terms with the rest of the unit.
- Deal with people in private, one by one. A problem between the supervisor and a particular subordinate should not be aired in front of others, and other people should not be dragged into it.
- A “cooling off period” is often desirable if the problem will not get worse due to the delay. However, even if the problem will be dealt with later, it is usually best to indicate awareness of the problem at once (“I’ll talk to you about this later this afternoon.”).
- Stress uniform standards and rules for all members of the unit.
page 24,25