Every Battalion has at least one engine company assigned a hi-rise nozzle and all FDNY members have been trained in placing the hi-rise nozzle into operation. Dispatch policy dictates that every 10-77 will have at least one hi-rise nozzle equipped engine company assigned. It is the responsibility of the 4th due engine to bring the HRN to the Command Post. If this 4th engine is not equipped with a HRN, the officer shall contact the dispatcher for the identity of the engine company equipped with a HRN assigned on the box. Upon arrival the officer will have the unit bring the HRN, one length of 2 1/2” hose per firefighter and the standpipe kit with controlling nozzle and report in to the IC at lobby command post.
The high rise nozzle may be used as an alternate attack strategy at high rise multiple dwelling fires in the following situations:
IC has determined that a direct interior attack is not possible.
The fire apartment is inaccessible to outside streams including tower ladders, ladder pipes, apparatus mounted multiversal, or a handline from a window or exterior position that provides access to the fire area.
Any situation where the IC determines the high rise nozzle will be beneficial.
5.3 IC
placed into operation.
shall announce over operating radio frequencies that the high rise nozzle will be
5.4 Ensure all members are alert to the reactions of introducing an exterior stream into the fire area.
Equipped with a handi-talkie on the appropriate frequency and a pair of binoculars, this spotter will provide direction and progress reports to the IC and members operating. The spotter will be in the best position to monitor the effects of the high rise nozzle.
-Putting the nozzle into operation will require the services of two engine companies equipped with roll-ups, standpipe kits, forcible entry tools including a rabbit tool and the high rise nozzle.
If multiple rooms are involved, it will be necessary to reposition the nozzle to ensure complete knockdown of the fire. If this is the situation, start with the window that the wind is blowing into and extinguish the fire in this room first. Then move to the other windows downwind of the original fire room and complete knockdown of the fire.
Once in position, the officer supervising nozzle operations will order water started. This officer will then notify the IC that the nozzle is in position and ready to operate. THE NOZZLE WILL NOT BE OPERATED UNTIL THE IC HAS GIVEN APPROVAL.
The two 1⁄2” OSTs are NOT to be removed; these tips increase the reach of the stream in excess of 60 feet. They also facilitate the generation of steam that enables a more rapid extinguishment of fire in the confined spaces of a cockloft.
The cockloft nozzle is designed to extinguish fires in the confined space of any building with a cockloft. The cockloft nozzle should NEVER be the primary attack line and is ONLY to be used when supported and protected by an additional conventional handline.
Note: The IC shall consider use of the cockloft nozzle at any incident where its unique capabilities may be beneficial.
2.2 The cockloft nozzle shall be carried in all Division vehicles.
- 2 Prior to using a cockloft nozzle in a NFP Multiple Dwelling, consideration shall be given to cutting a vent hole over the main body of fire; this may relieve explosive gases, and reduce the possibility of the expansion of water to steam causing ceiling collapse.
- 3 When using a cockloft nozzle in a NFP Multiple Dwelling, the preferred location for operation is immediately inside the apartment door. This is to provide members with a degree of protection provided by the public hallway.
While the cockloft nozzle can cover a large area from a single position, it may also be moved from apartment to apartment to extend its reach.
3.7 The use of the cockloft nozzle does NOT eliminate the need of pulling ceilings for final extinguishment and washdown.
The cockloft nozzle shall only be placed into operation at the direction of a Chief Officer.
4.2 The Chief Officer must consider the following when placing the cockloft nozzle into operation: Dimension of the cockloft.
Volume of fire.
Type of roof support.
Type and weight of suspended ceilings. Potential for roof/ceiling collapse.