FP ch 5 STDP JD Flashcards



    1. 1968 BUILDING CODE, subchapter 17 section 27-962
      1. 1 Wet standpipe systems shall be installed:
      2. 1.1 In all buildings or portions thereof exceeding six stories or seventy-five feet in height, except that open parking structures shall not require installation of a wet standpipe system unless they exceed ten parking levels or seventy-five feet in height.
      3. 1.2 In all portions of buildings two or more stories in height that have a floor area of ten thousand square feet or more on any floor.
      4. 2 Where standpipes are required by the height and area limitations, a non-automatic or automatic dry standpipe system may be installed in lieu of the wet standpipe in all buildings classified in occupancy group G not over six stories or seventy-five feet in height. A dry standpipe system shall be installed in all open parking structures which exceed three parking levels and contain not more than ten parking levels.
      5. 3 A standpipe system shall be installed in all buildings exceeding three stories in height that have an area exceeding seven thousand five hundred square feet on any floor and where a standpipe system is not otherwise required by the provisions of this subchapter. A non-automatic or automatic dry system may be used in lieu of the wet standpipe.(doesnt have be wet)

2. 2008 BUILDING CODE Chapter 9, section 905
2.1. Wet standpipe systems shall be installed throughout the following buildings:
2.1.1. In buildings 2 stories or more in height with a floor area of 10,000 square feet or greater on any story.
2.1.2. In buildings 3 stories or more in height with floor area 7,500 square feet or greater on any floor.
2.1.3 In buildings of any area with a floor level having an occupant load of 30 or more that is located 55 feet or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access
2.1.4 In buildings of any area, with occupied floors located 75 feet or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
2.1.5 Standpipes are not required in buildings occupied entirely by Group R-3.
Explanation of “lowest level of fire department vehicle access”: This should be taken to mean the lowest point a fire apparatus may be driven in order to gain access to any portion of the building.

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  1. 1938 BUILDING CODE, Article 17 section C26-1381.0 Standpipe Requirements
  2. 1 Standpipes were required in structures erected before 1/1/1938, over 85 feet high, previously without a standpipe three inches or more in diameter.
  3. 2 Standpipes were required in structures constructed after 1/1/1938 that exceeded 75 feet in height.
  4. 3 Standpipes were required in structures more than one story high and with more than ten thousand square feet of net floor area.


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