FP MD BC Alarms Flashcards
For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement,fire on two floors what BC call?
For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement, special call an extra engine and truck for fire on two floors.
For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement If progress is not made on at least one floor in a short period of time,
If progress is not made on at least one floor in a short period of time, transmit a 2nd alarm.
For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement,if fire is in a shaft extending into an exposure,what transmit?
If fire is in a shaft extending into an exposure, transmit a 2nd alarm.
For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement If fire is extending into two exposures,transmit?
If fire is extending into two exposures, transmit a 3rd alarm.
For a fire in an Old Law or New Law Tenement,what should BC anticipate?
The IC should anticipate the possible need to use outside streams and have hoselines stretched to supply tower ladders, ladder pipes, deckpipes and other methods of developing heavy outside streams.
The IC must be prepared to give an accurate report of conditions to the Deputy Chief when they arrive. This report should include:
A. The location and extent of the fire.
B. Whether the floors above have been examined and searched and the results.
C. The situation with regard to the exposures; whether fire is visible in the shafts between buildings or at the rear.
D. Where lines are stretched to and which companies are operating those lines.
- Identification of ladder companies on the scene and where they are operating.
- If any special units are on-scene and, if so, what assignments they were given.
- If any additional chiefs are on the scene and their assignment.
- Any sectors or groups that have been established and who is supervising them.
- Any unusual or important information pertaining to the building such as unusually large area, separate stairways with no crossover above the first floor, people reported trapped or missing, etc.
3. 4.6
If there is fire in two apartments on a floor or fire involves an apartment from front to rear,what is needed?
If there is fire in two apartments on a floor or fire involves an apartment from front to rear, two lines may be needed on that floor.
what opeations for a cellar fire in OLT NFP First line?
Cellar Fires
A. The first line should be stretched to the cellar entrance door which is located inside the building, under the interior stairway on the first floor. This line should remain at this position to provide protection for people coming down the stairway, and to extinguish fire which may be extending upwards from the cellar via partitions, dumbwaiter shafts and other voids. This line should not be advanced down the cellar stairs if there is an outside entrance to the cellar at the front or rear of the building, unless of course, the fire is minor.
B. Ventilation must be provided at the roof over the stairway, at the top of the dumbwaiter shaft and other shafts and vertical openings. Ventilation must also be provided via the cellar windows, doors, trap doors, and by intermittently opening and closing the door at the top of the interior cellar stairs after all of the occupants have been evacuated.
Second line cellar fire OLT NFP operations?
The second hoseline stretched should be advanced into the cellar by way of the front or rear entrance to the cellar.
Fires in cellars may quickly spread to the upper parts of the building since OLTs do not have the advantage of a fireproof cellar ceiling such as is found in buildings erected at a later date. This spread of fire may be via combustible ceilings, partitions, shafts, pipe recesses and other voids. It is important to check for such extension and have hoselines stretched to stop the spread of fire.
store fire OLT NFP what are operations?
Store fires in OLTs may involve a large amount of combustible material. A 2 1â2” line should be stretched for large volume fires and a second line stretched to the entrance hallway. When assured that the second line is not needed on the first floor it may be advanced to the floor above the fire.
B. A charged hoseline must be ready before the store is ventilated. It is especially important that no plate glass windows be broken without a charged line being ready.
C. Fires in stores may extend to the upper floors by auto-exposure or via openings in the store ceilings. These store ceilings were usually constructed of metal. The metal ceiling can communicate heat to the floor above.
D. Fire issuing from stores may be directly under a fire escape and people attempting to use the fire escape may be in great danger. It is very important to position a hoseline to protect the people on the fire escape.
E. Hidden fire extending upward from store via floors, partitions and various horizontal and vertical voids may present a very difficult fire problem.
Members trying to locate and extinguish the hidden fire will be subject to very severe heat and smoke conditions. Masks will become depleted and members will have to be relieved.
F. Rolling Steel Doors. (See information pertaining to Rolling Steel Doors in stores in WNYF, 4th Issue, 1969).
G. Stores in OLTs may have a door which opens into the public hallway on the first floor. The first floor public hallway should be examined immediately to determine whether the means of egress for the occupants of the building is in danger from the store fire. If so, a hoseline should be positioned to protect the interior stairs.
H. Store owners may use the rear of the store as their living quarters, so it is important to search the rear of stores as soon as possible. Access to the rear will be extremely difficult because of iron bars on windows and the interior hall rear door possibly nailed shut.
what are the operations at stairway fir in OLT NFP?
A. Fires in stairways in OLT’s present a serious situation since the stairway is the primary means of egress for the occupants. If the fire extended into the stairway from an apartment, it is possible that the fire escape exit may also be cut off by flame from the apartment windows.
B. The first hoseline should be stretched up the stairway, operated to extinguish fire, shut down and advanced further up the stairway. When possible, the line should be operated up the wellhole to cool off the hall and stairs above. This procedure should be repeated until line is advanced to the top floor. A second line should follow to finish up extinguishing operations and to serve as protection for members advancing the first line. Apartments must be checked for possible extension of fire in them.
C. Ventilation at the roof over the stairway is extremely important so that hoseline can advance up the stairway.
D. It is important that members do not overload the stairway in these old buildings. Those not immediately necessary to the operation should remain on the floors below.
what operations for fire in OLT NFP air and light and dumbwaiter shaft fires?
A. Windows opening on shafts may provide means for fire to extend into a building or into two buildings. This is true especially in warm weather when windows may be open. Prompt examination must be made to determine if fire has extended into buildings, and windows must be closed to prevent fire or flying brands from entering. In some shafts there are doors at cellar level leading into cellars of both buildings.
B. A hoseline should be stretched to the nearest point from which water can be directed onto fire in the shaft. Sufficient hose must be stretched to reach the upper floors of the building.
C. A second hoseline may be necessary if it appears that fire might have extended into the adjoining building.
D. In some cases the base of the shaft may be the roof of a store or ceiling of a cellar and the fire may burn down into the store or cellar.
E. Shafts may be open or covered. It is important to ventilate over those shafts which have skylights or any other covering.
F. For fires in rooms in the vicinity of a shaft, after the fire in the room has been controlled, the line should be operated up the shaft to extinguish fire and cool the shaft.
The roof firefighter must inform his/her officer and the Incident Commander of the fire of the presence of party wall balconies in the rear of the building. The Incident Commander should consider calling ?
additional ladder company to aid in rescue and search via the rear party wall balcony. A line may have to be stretched to the rear to protect the occupants and firefighters on the balconies. Portable ladders may also have to be brought to the rear.
4.3.7 D
operations fire NFP MD built after 1901
-Pipe Recesses-the danger of allowing vertical fire travel are well known and require little emphasis. A note of caution-repairs by local handymen may have been made around pipe recesses or light fixtures. These poorly repaired openings may facilitate fire entering walls or ceilings. Waste pipe recesses exist wherever a kitchen or bathroom exists. Their presence may be picked up first by the roof firefighter who notes the locations of exposed waste pipes atop roofs which line up with the fire below. If the pipe is hot to the touch what must roof FF do?
If the pipe is hot to the touch a top floor examination is required and notification made to officer and the IC.
5.1.1 F
Fire NFP H type MD Meduim fire that is when anticipated that two lines will be required what shall BC call for?
Additional units: Because of the severe life hazard, height area and combustible construction of these buildings, an additional engine company and ladder company (beyond a full 1st alarm assignment) should be called for a medium fire condition, that is, when it is anticipated that two lines will be required. When additional units have been special called, they should be given instructions by radio regarding positions, masks, extra hooks, etc.
5.2.3 B
If two floors are involved, or at extensive cockloft fires, it will generally be necessary for BC transmit?
If two floors are involved, or at extensive cockloft fires, it will generally be necessary to transmit a 2nd alarm. The time that it takes 2nd alarm units to arrive must be considered under these conditions.
5.2.3 B
When transmitting 2nd or greater alarms for fires which have entered the cockloft of large “H” type buildings, the IC should consider special calling?
When transmitting 2nd or greater alarms for fires which have entered the cockloft of large “H” type buildings, the IC should consider special calling additional battalion chiefs to cover critical sectors and/or exposures. These additional battalion chiefs could be assigned as top floor sector supervisor, roof sector supervisor, or as needed.
5.2.3 C
The officer who arrives first on the fire floor shall transmit the following information to the Incident Commander:?
a. Location of the fire apartment: (Wing, Floor, Apartment No.)
b. Number of apartments on the floor of the fire wing.
c. Fire conditions: (Fire out in public hall, heavy smoke condition)
d. Access: Location of stairway in fire wing closest to fire apartment. Report if it is possible to go from one wing to another above the first floor. (Transverse, wing or isolated stairs)
e. Fire extension: Whether fire is extending and how it is extending. Need and location for additional lines. (Fire floor or floor above adjacent apartment). Give reasons.
f. Difficulties or delays in gaining entrance to fire apartment or in advancing line. Give reasons.
g. Occupants: If occupants have been located and are accounted for. (This information may be obtained from one of the occupants or from a neighbor).
5. 2.3 D3
L-Location of fire apt
D-difficulties/delays forcing entry or line advance A-Access, location stairs type stairs N-number apts on fl or wing C-condition fire E-extension fire
The roof firefighter shall inform his/her officer or the Incident Commander of the following:?
a. The configuration of the building, “H”, “E”, “U”, etc.
b. Fire showing out windows (number and location) which are not visible from the street and whether any exposure is affected.
c. Color and volume of smoke coming from windows.
d. Persons trapped and their exact location.
e. Location of stairways and fire escapes.
f. If the building fronts on more than one street. Whether there is access for apparatus. Whether it is a street, alleyway, parking lot, vacant lot, etc.
g. Whether there is any difference in the height of the building from street to street, or from front or rear, or from side to side. (Figure 16)
h. Evidence of unusual heat, smoke or fire in the cockloft, if fire has burned through roof. Need for additional saws.
i. Location of parapet and dividing walls.
j. Any other information that will be relevant to aid operations.
5. 2.3 D4
Peaches for I
P-parapet/dividing walls location E-exposures A-Access/location stairs & FE C-Config bldg H-Height S- Smoke color/volume
F-Fire location
O-Occupants location/trapped
R-Roof (cock loft)
I-Information other
Engine tactics for fire in store of H type NFP MD?
- The first line is stretched to the store and extinguishes fire. Anticipate that store may be deep and that water must be directed into any vertical and horizontal openings that are found or suspected.
- The second line should be used to back up the first line. When it is obvious that the first line can control the store fire, the second line should be advanced to the floor above the fire. If two lines are needed in the store, the third line shall be stretched to the floor above.
- 3.1 B
Ladder tactics for fire in store of H type NFP MD?
- First Ladder: forcible entry to store, check rear of store for possible extension into public areas of building, quick opening of ceilings and voids.
- Second Ladder: floor above for forcible entry and search for life and extension. Areas larger than the actual size of the store must be checked due to the possibility of horizontal travel of fire as well as smoke. These buildings have a peculiarity in that many times a fire will bypass intermediate areas both vertically and horizontally and then when an obstruction is met will set fire to the surrounding material.
- Fire can spread to adjoining stores by way of spaces between the ceiling joists or by openings in walls for pipes, ducts and wiring.
January 23, 2012
Fire can extend upward in pipe recesses and vertical steel columns, to the cockloft, possibly bypassing intermediate floors. The top floor and cockloft must be promptly checked and rechecked at a later time.
5.3.1 B
BC considerations store fire h type NFP MD?
-Extra ladder companies may be needed immediately and should be called to evacuate upper floors if fire can not be controlled early and the smoke permeates to the many apartments found in these buildings.
Heavy fire and smoke can make fire escapes untenable for occupants above the stores or in close proximity to the stores. A line must be stretched to protect this means of egress and an aggressive interior search must be made.
Tactics Cellar fires H type NFP MD?
- The first line is stretched by way of the usually numerous exterior approaches to seat of fire and extinguish.
- First Ladder provides forcible entry and search of cellar to locate fire and search for life. Consider likelihood of cellar apartments for superintendent or maintenance people.
- First floor checked for extension and smoke condition.
- Roof firefighter to roof for vent and examination. This firefighter also checks cockloft for possible extension of fire through vertical voids.
- Numerous ground level windows are usually available at sides and rear, a considerable difference from Old Law Tenements. Due to this they are more easily vented and also provide alternate points of attack if interior attack is very arduous for the engine company.
- 3.2 B
Top floor fires always present the possibility of fire extending into the cockloft. This can result in a complete loss of the top floor and roof. Fire can also drop down to the lower floors. It is imperative for the IC to assign who to the roof?
Top floor fires always present the possibility of fire extending into the cockloft. This can result in a complete loss of the top floor and roof. Fire can also drop down to the lower floors. It is imperative for the IC to assign a roof sector supervisor early into the operation. The IC shall designate a company officer as the roof supervisor until a chief officer can be assigned. Once a sector supervisor is assigned all communications between the roof and the IC shall go though that roof sector supervisor.
If any hot spots are found that require examination, small holes can be made for visual check. Should any fire be encountered, notify Incident Commander and immediately go to the top floor and check the termination point of this void for any extension to the cockloft area. If fire is found here what must be done?
If any hot spots are found that require examination, small holes can be made for visual check. Should any fire be encountered, notify Incident Commander and immediately go to the top floor and check the termination point of this void for any extension to the cockloft area. If fire is found here a line must be provided at that point and the roof opened above. The smoke in this apartment and possibly throughout the top floors may be very heavy necessitating search, evacuation or rescue operations. As conditions develop and more help is available, the entire top floor must be searched and examined for extension. The possibility of heat and smoke traveling horizontally and then banking down at a remote point should be anticipated. If a heavy fire condition exists on a floor, the area and the base of any shafts below the fire must be examined for extension.
5.3.4 F
For fire in H type NFP MD what should IC should Consider a special call for the Satellite unit and its manifold. where is it placed and what info do arriving eng co need?
Consider a special call for the Satellite unit and its manifold. It could be placed in front of the fire building or within the courtyard. Engine companies arriving after the manifold is set up should be informed by Incident Commander as to the size and number of lengths of hose to bring to the manifold for stretching to their point of operations.