TB 094 - Asbestos Flashcards
Asbestos is a _________
There are more than _____ products containing ACM
Effective October 1, 1990, the Fire Department implemented a program which requires a Division __ Permit and on-site inspection of all asbestos-abatement projects
A permit for asbestos abatement is good for ____ days from the date of issue and only for the specific project for which it is issued
A Fire Department Division 5 Permit is required to conduct any asbestos removal process which reduces the fire resistiveness of any building, or results in the removal of ____ square feet or more of asbestos containing material (ACM)
In high-rise buildings that have had the insulation removed from the structural steel, it is required to be replaced within ___ days
Many ACM’s were used by the building construction industry, the majority being used from about 19___ to 19___
40 to 73
Fibers vary in length from __ to ___ microns and are easily dispersed by air movement
1 to 20
Multiple story buildings (where more than ___ percent of the floor area is undergoing abatement, or under demolition in preparation for abatement)
Asbestos abatement is permitted on a floor-by-floor basis, provided that no __ consecutive floors are undergoing active abatement simultaneously
a minimum of __ clean buffer floors must separate them from the next __ floor group
A maximum of ___ percent of the total floor space may be under active abatement at any one time
4A/60BC dry chemical extinguisher - At each _________ panel
4A/60BC dry chemical extinguisher - At each corner of the work area. If no corners then approximately ___ percent of the total distance apart
4A/60BC dry chemical extinguisher - Within __ feet of the external entry to the shower room from the work area
4A/60BC dry chemical extinguisher - Within __ feet of the external entry to the shower room from the “clean room.”
FIRE SAFETY WATCH - In all cases where the abatement project is ______ square feet or more
FIRE SAFETY WATCH - fire protective coating of the building’s structural members is ________
FIRE SAFETY WATCH - The Fire Watch may perform no other duties & performed every ___ minutes
Existing fire alarm manual pull boxes is a minimum of __” X ____” wide on a contrasting background
3 X 1/2
All existing sprinkler systems shall remain active. Sprinkler heads may be covered with a thin, ____” or less, plastic bag during abatement to avoid their contamination
Two _____” X ___” floor plans for each f loor undergoing an abatement process which requires Fire Department notification
8 1/2” X 11”
The licensed contractor performing the abatement process shall notify the Los Angeles City Fire Department in writing a minimum of ___ days prior to the start of any abatement project which reduces the fire resistiveness of any building or results in the removal of ____ square feet of ACM or more
A separate letter shall be mailed to the Fire Department within ___ hours of the job’s completion affirming the completion of the job and confirming that all removed fireproofing has been replaced in a manner approved by the Department of Building and Safety