Book 70 MCI Flashcards
The medical portion of an incident may be handled by the Incident Commander and/or Medical Group Supervisor through additional emergency and hospital personnel and equipment depending upon 3 things:
- Number of _________
- Severity of __________
- __________ of the incident
________________ is reserved for incidents with a medical component that includes an unusually large number of victims, where patients are spread over a large area, or access to patients is separated by a great distance as much as 800 feet.
Medical Branch
________________ are the basic level established at an LAFD incident when the number of resources exceed the span of control of the Incident Commander or Operations Chief
Medical Groups
_________________ is responsible for the implementation of the Incident Action Plan within the Branch
Medical Branch Director
_________________________ Establish command and control of the activities within a Medical Group, in order to assure the best possible emergency medical care to patients during a multi-casualty incident.
Medical Group Supervisor
___________________ - Assume responsibility for providing triage management and movement of patients from the triage area
Triage Unit Leader
_________________ - Assume responsibility for Morgue area activities until relieved of that responsibility by the police department or Office of the Coroner
Morgue Manager
_____________________ - Assume responsibility for treatment, coordination of patient treatment, and preparation for transport, in the treatment areas. Direct movement of patients to loading location(s)
Treatment Unit Leader
____________________ - Responsible for coordinating with Transportation Unit/Group or Medical Group Supervisor, the transportation of patients out of the treatment area, reserved for large-scale incidents. There is only ONE
Treatment Dispatch Manager
__________________ - Responsible for treatment and retriage of patients assigned to Immediate Treatment Area
Immediate Treatment Manager
__________________ - Responsible for treatment and retriage of patients assigned to Delayed Treatment Area
Delayed Treatment Manager
____________________ - Responsible for treatment and retriage of patients assigned to Minor Treatment Area
Minor Treatment Manager
_____________________ - Coordination of patient transportation and maintenance of records relating to patient identification, patient classification (Immediate, Delayed, or Minor), transporting unit’s identification and destination
Transportation Unit Leader
__________________ - Maintain communications with the Medical Alert Center (MAC) to assure proper patient transportation and destination
Medical Communications Coordinator
_________________ - Maintain records of patients, triage classification, mode of transportation, hospital status, and destination
Transportation Recorder
_________________ - Manage the Ambulance Staging Area and dispatch ambulances as requested
Ambulance Staging Manager
_________________ - Acquire and maintain control of appropriate medical equipment and supplies from units assigned to the Medical Group
Medical Supply Unit Leader
______ - A communications system between medical facilities and on incident Department personnel, which provides available hospital patient receiving capability and/or medical control
Patients are not moved to the treatment areas(s) until the treatment area(s) are prepared to ________ them
Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment
The Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) plan allows the first responders to triage patients in ___ seconds or less, depending on three simple observations
START triage has 3 physical assessments are:
- __________
- __________
- __________
- Ventilation
- Perfusion
- Mental status
Triage personnel must rate or place the injured into one-of-four categories:
- __________
- __________
- __________
- __________
- Deceased (Nonsalvageable)
- Immediate
- Delayed
- Minor
____________ - No ventilation present even after attempting to reposition the airway.