Study Guide Lecture 1 Exam Flashcards
No nucleus
Single celled
Peptidoglycan cell walls
Examples of bacteria
Escherichia coli and streptococcus
Are prokaryotes
May or may not have cell walls
Often live in extreme environments (very salty, very hot)
Are not known to cause disease in humans
Bacteria are _____ because their genetic makeup DNA is not housed within a true nucleus
Common bacterial shapes
Unlike most bacteria, archaeal cell walls do not contain peptidoglycan, but their cell walls are often composed of a similar substance called ______?
Pseudo peptidoglycan
This domain contains all plants, animals, fungi, and protists
Has a true nucleus
Protists (algae, Protozoa)
Eukaryotic microbes
Are an informal grouping of eukaryotes, that are not plants, animals, or fungi.
All Protozoa are examples of_____?
Most are protists, they have cellulose cell walls, found in freshwater, and use photosynthesis for energy.
Absorb or ingest organic chemicals
Maybe mobile via pseudopods, cilia, or flagella
Free living or parasitic (derive nutrients from a living host)
Are not photosynthetic, and their cell walls are usually made of chitin rather than cellulose.
Are unicellular
Some _____ have beneficial uses, such as causing bread to rise and beverages to ferment; can also cause food to spoil. Some can even cause diseases, such as a vaginal yeast infections and oral thrush.
May produce toxins, cause allergies, spoil food, or even be used as sources of medicine (penicillin)
Consist of genetic material DNA and RNA
Protein coat (capsid)
Are replicated only when they are in a living host
Inert outside living host
Homo sapien domain and kingdom
Domain = eukarya
Kingdom = animalia
Escherichia coli domain and kingdom
Candida albicans
Domain is eukarya
Kingdom is fungi
Plasmodium falciparum
Causes malaria
Kingdom is protists
Domain is eukarya
Halobacterium salinarum
Domain = archea
Kingdom archea
Schistosoma mansoni
A water born parasite and belongs to the group of flukes
Kingdom animalia
Domain eukarya
Used a simple microscope to view his “wee little besties”
The father of microbiology, credited with the discovery of micro organisms
Antoine van leeuwenhoek
A French chemist, showed that individual microbial stains had unique properties and demonstrated that FERMENTATION is caused by microorganisms. He also invented pasteurization, a process used to kill microorganisms responsible for spoilage, and developed vaccines for the treatment of diseases, including rabies.
Louis Pasteur
A German physician, was the first to demonstrate the connection between a single, isolated microbe and a known human disease. For example he discovered the bacteria that caused anthrax, cholera, and tuberculosis.
Robert Koch
Proposed a series of postulates based on the idea that the cause of a specific disease could be attributed to a specific microbe.
Robert Koch “Koch’s postulates”
Developed procedures for the proper care of surgical wounds and the sterilization of equipment.
Established a protocol to the cause of infectious disease
Believed that microbes from the air could be a source of contamination
Used specially crafted swan necked flasks to disprove spontaneous generation
Louis Pasteur
50% of surgical patients died from infection
Advocated for hand washing and sanitation
Began using phenol carbolic acid as a disinfectant
Joseph lister
Monomer name : monosaccharide
Polymer name : polysaccharides
Function : provide energy and structural support
Location: found in cell walls (plants cellulose), liver/muscles (glycogen), cytoplasma (glucose)
Special properties: soluble in water can form complex structures
Monomer: amino acids
Polymer : polypeptides
Function : structural support, enzymes, transport and signaling
Special properties: folding determines function primary, secondary, tertiary,
Diverse structures and functions, can denature
Reaction: dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis
Monomer : nucleotides (A T C G for DNA and A U C G for RNA
Polymer : DNA and RNA
Function : storage and transmit genetic information
Location : nucleus DNA (eukaryotes) and cytoplasma RNA (prokaryotes)
Special properties: double helix DNA and single strand RNA
Reaction : dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis
Nucleic acids
Monomer: fatty acids and glycerol
Polymer : triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids
Function : store energy, cell membrane structure, signaling
Location : cell membranes, adipose tissues
Special properties: hydrophobic, non polar
Reaction: dehydration synthesis forms lipids
Hydrolysis breaks down lipids into glycerol and fatty acids
Provides structural support and protection, surrounds the plasma membrane, helps maintain shape, composed of peptidoglycan in bacteria
Cell wall (prokaryotic)
Regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Just inside the cell wall encases the cytoplasma. Composed of phospholipid bilayer.
Proteins are embedded within the membrane or attached to the side of the membrane
Plasma membrane (prokaryotic)
While prokaryotes don’t have a nucleus, they still have DNA, the condensed region of DNA within a prokaryotic cell is called the
Nucleiod (prokaryotic)
Are small circular pieces of extrachromosomal DNA, they carry nonessential genes, they often contain genes for antibiotic resistance, adaptability to environmental stressors, toxins. Can be exchanged between bacteria, providing genetic variability within a population.
Plasmids (prokaryotic)
Longer than fimbrae, less numerous.
Used for attachment and exchanging DNA
Genes can be turned on or off depending on the needs of the cell.
The basic structure of a bacterial _______ consists of a basal body, hook, and filament.
Movements occur in a series of runs (swimming in one direction) and tumbles (stops)
- Bundled flagella (counter clockwise rotation)
- Flagella separated (clockwise rotation)
- Run
- Tumble
- Are the site of protein synthesis in all cells
- Are found in cytoplasma
Are composed of two sub units 30s + 50s
- Ribosome
- Prokaryotic ribosomes
- Total ribosome size 70s prokaryotic
Can form when environmental conditions are not ideal
Environmental stressors induces ______
The dna becomes encapsulated in protective coat, the surrounding vegetative cell degrades, releasing_______
The domain of life
Kingdom of life
Solution outside of the cell moves in
Solution equalizes
Solution inside of the cell moves outside of the cell