stative Flashcards
the food is finished
chakula kimekwisha
you are late
the door is open
mlango umefunguka
the child is lost
mtoto amepotea
I’m tired
the food is burnt
chakula kimechomeka
chakula kiNAchomeka
the food is burnable
mlango uNAfunguka
the door is openABLE
one cup is lost but the others are visibe
kikumbe kimoja kimepotea, laini vingine vinaonekana
that loaf is completely spoilt
mkate ule umeharibika kabiza
that old man is very angry because i am late
mzeeyule amekasirika sana kwa sababu nimechelewa
very good potatoes are obtainable in town this month
viazi vizuri sana vinapatikana mjini mwezi huu
juma has already arrived
juma ameshafika
the cow has already died
ng’ombe ameshakufa
i am already full of food, thanks
nimeshashsiba, asante
maria ameshakwenda
maria has already gone
i have already read that book
nimeshasoma kitabu kile
i have already finished reading that book
nimemaliza kusoma kitabu kile
the baskets have been filled
vikapu vimejaa
are you satisfied with food
he has already gone
ameshakwenda (or ‘amekwisha kwenda)
the doctor is well known
mganga anajulikana sana
this tree will be sawn, we are mistaken. he was very angry.
mti huu utapasuliwa, tumekosa. alikasirika sana.
don’t be late
those things have been forgotten
vitu vile vimesahauliwa
y’all are drunk
the guests have already arrived
wageni wamekwisha fika
they were satisfied with that exam. don’t tear that cloth.
walitosheka na mtihani ule. usipasue kitambaa kile.
don’t sit on that chair, it’s broken
usikae katika kiti kile, kimevunjika
he has failed to shut the door because it closes badly
amekosa kufunga mlango kwa sababu unafungika vibaya
they have already seen that big river
wamekwisha ona mto mkubwa ule
the food has already been cooked by that cook
chakula kimekwisha pikwa na mpisha yule
don’t put out more food because they are satisfied
usitoe chakula kingine kwa sababu wameshiba
is Bwana here? he has gone out.
bwana yuko hapa? ametoka.
the children have gone to bed because they are tired
watoto wamelala kwa sababu wamechoka
the arm is completely broken
mkono umevunjika kabisa
yesterday, juma got completely drunk
jana, Juma alilewa kabisa
if you have been to nairobi, you have seen a beautiful city
kama umekwenda nairobi, umeona mji mzuri
mkate umechomeka
the bread is toasted
mlango umeharibika
the door is damaged
the ditch is full
mfereji umejaa
we shall be late
he has failed to write a chit
amekosa kuandika cheti
don’t break that vessel, the Bwana is very angry
usivunje chombo kile, Bwana amekasirika sana.
the knife was lost on Wednesday
kisu kilipotea Jumatano
satisfy yourselves with food!
the bread is toasted in the kitchen
mkate unachomeka jikoni
we have already started
tumekwisha anza
they have finished
that door is openable
mlango ule uNAfunguka
this bed has been bought because the guest will arrive today
kitanda hiki kimenunuliwa kwa sababu mgeni atafika leo
this pipe has come apart
kiko hiki kimekatika
i have taken two pills
nimechula vidonge viwili
this exam is finished
mtihani huu umekwisha
do not fail to return here on tuesday
usikose kurudi hapa jumanne
they have fogotten to finish roasting those potatoes
wamesahau kumaliza kuchoma viazi vile
this servant has already finished washing up the dishes
mtumishi huyu amekwisha maliza kusafisha vyombo
don’t increase anymore because these containers are full
usiongeze tena kwa sababu vyombo hivi vimejaa
these hunters are well known
wawindaji hawa wanajulikana sana.
buy more potatoes because they are finished
nunua viazi vingine kwa sababu vimekwisha
he has looked for that good knife but it is lost
ametafuta kisu kile kizuri, lakini kimepotea
those mountains will be visible tomorrow
milima ile itaonekana kesho
has that old man die? yes, has already died.
mzee yule amekufa? ndiyo, amekwisha kufa
if you have finished this exam, rest a little!
kama umekwisha mtihani huu, pumpzika kidogo!