Exercise 62 - More Verbs and Practice Flashcards
Slaughter that hen
Chinja (OR mchinje) kuku yule
Don’t annoy me!
if you cross that bridge
ukivuka daraja lile
would you be early, tomorrow?
uwahi kesho
that dog bit him
mbwa yule alimwuma
don’t extinguish that light
usizime taa ile
would y’all precede?
that patient has got better
mgonjwa yule amepona
keep quiet
mix the medicine together with the food
changanya dawa hii pamoja na chakula
we are very sorry
tunasikitika sana
throw this outside
tupa hii nje
this leg hurts
mguu huu anauma
he wants to extract this tooth
anataka kung’oa jino hili
don’t forget to gather up these papers
usisahau kukusanya karatisi zile
the dog has vomited
mbwa ametapika
my vehicle has got stuck in that mud
gari langu limekwama katika matope yale
would you please push my car?
usukume mototkaa yangu
my watch has been repaired
saa yangu imetengenezwa
they are hoping that they will build their house here
wanatumaini kwamba watajenga nyumba yao hapa
we have dug this ditch because of this water
Tumechimba mfereji huu kwa sababu ya maji haya
who threw this rubbish here?
yule aliyetupa takataka hii hapa ni nani
those visitors have gone round all this country
wageni wale wamezunguka nchi hii yote
This debe (4-gallon can) does not leak
debe hili halivuji
don’t be afraid to hold this thing
msiogope kushika kitu hiki
I am sorry, you cannot cross this river
ninasikitika, huwezi kuvuka mto huu
if you burn this grass (these leaves) which was/were heaped up, put the fire out before you leave
ukichoma majani haya yaliokusanywa, zima moto kabla hujaondoka
if I send the letter today, i hope to get a reply the day after tomorrow
nikituma barua leo, ninatumaini kupata jibu kesho kutwa
if you meet him on the way, tell him to show you the tree which was uprooted
ukimkuta njiani, mwambie akuonyeshe mti uliong’olewa
the vehicle which broke down has already been repaired, now
gari lililoharibika limekwisha tengenezwa sasa