Adjectives Flashcards
good, of character
- ema
honest, trustworthy, faithful
- aminifu
thin, narrow, slender
- embamba
- ekundu
light, easy
- epesi
cunning, clever
- erevu
white, light colored
- eupe
dark, black
- eusi
many, much
- ingi
some, another, others
- ingine
A tall, cunning thief
Mwizi mrefu mwerevu
many european children
watoto wazungu wengi
a few trustworthy children
watoto waminifu wachache
a narrow red door
Mlango mwembamba mwekundu
another brown loaf
mkate mweusi mwingine
many tall, slender trees
miti mirefu myembamba mingi
bring another good chair
lete kiti kizuri kingine
that short person is waiting
mfupi yule anangoja
how many (people) want to go
wangapi wanataka kwenda?
i want some other (people)
ninataka wengine
this long narrow river
mto mrefu mwembamba huu
that old man knows much good agriculture.
mzee yule anajua kilimo kizuri kingi
bring another large red cup
lete kikumbe chekundu kikubwa kingine
how many small white mosquito nets?
vyandalua vidogo vyeupe vingapi?
that big fire is putting out much black smoke
moto mkubwa ule unatoamoshi mweusi mwingi
that exam was very easy
mtihani ule ulikuwa mwepesi sana
that cunning animal is eating those red plants
mnyama mwerevu yule anakula mimea myekundu ile
i need other efficient laborers
ninahitaji vibarua waminifu wengine
we saw a fierce black rhinoceros in serengeti
tuliona kifaru mweusi mkali serengeti
i am trying to learn this swahili
ninajaribu kujifunza kiswahili hiki
some children are playing a game
watoto wengine wanacheza mchezo
he went to town to buy potatoes
alikwenda mijini kununua viazi
many guests are coming to eat right here, today
wageni wengi wanakuja kula hapa leo
we need other youths to help to catch that cunning animal
tunahitaji vijana wengine kusaidia kukamata mnyama mwerevu yule
he got a very thin nail in the foot
alipata msumari mwembamba sana mguuni
that old man was a very good person.
mzee yule alikuwa mwema sana
we put some red cloth in the room
tuliweka kitambaa chekundu chumbani
he needs a faithful animal to stay in the house.
anahitaji mnyama mwamanifu kukaa nyumbani
i need a few dark bread loaves
ninahitaji mikate myeusi michache
some inhabitants lived there many years
wenyeji wengine walikaa pale miaka mingi
nilinunua kitabu kingine kile
i bought that other book
vitu vingine vilikuwa vyekundo, vingine vilikuwa vyeusi
some things were red, others were black
wanawake wengi walikuwa mjini, wengine walikaa nyumbani
many women were in town, others stayed at home.
unaweza kuchukua mizigo myepesi hii; ile inaweza kubaki hapa.
you can carry these light suitcases, those can remain here.
Mtumishi mwamanifu anaweza kupata mshahara mkubwa
a trustworthy/ honest servant can earn a big wage
wadudu weupe wale wanakula miti mibovu
those white bugs are eating rotten trees
wageni wengi walifika Tanzania mwaka ule
many visitors arrived to tanzania that year
mti mrefu mwembamba ulianguka pale.
the tall thin tree fell right there
lete chakula kingine hapa!
bring some more food here!
usafishe viatu vyeusi vingine vile
would you clean those other black shoes?