phrases, m-wa, m-mi, and locative Flashcards
the servant is sweeping
mtumishi anafagia
the children are waking up
watoto wanaamka
the old man is lying down
mzee analala
i am looking for a doctor
ninatafuta mganga
tunakaa Arusha
we are staying in arushA
S/he is wanting to read
anataka kusoma
y’all are needing to cook
mnahitaji kupika
i am following an animal
ninafatua mnyama
we are hunting rabbit
tunawinda sungura
the guests are starting to arrive
wageni wanaanza kufika
today, i am (being) happy
leo, ninafurahi
close (pl.) completely
fungeni Kabisa
the crops are flourishing
mimea inasitawi
the bread is cooling
mkate anapoa
the smoke is hiding the town
moshi anaficha mji
the nails are loose
misumari inalegea
wazungu wanapanda mlima
europeans are climbing the mountain
the old man is planting crops
mzee anapanda mimea
the bread is enough
mkate unatosha
the trees are smelling nice
miti inanukia
how many children are reading?
watoto wangapi wanasoma?
he is hiding dirty hands
anaficha mikono michafu
the tall, fat pupil is carrying an empty bag
mwanafunzi mnene mrefu anachukua mfuko mdogo mtupu.
the new cook is cooking a few loaves
mpishi mpya anapika mikate michache
how many children are reading?
watoto wangapapi wanasoma?
these europeans
wazungu hawa
that good cook
mpishi mzuri yule
these tall trees
miti mirefu hii
this rotten bread
mkate mbovu huu
those small children
watoto wadogo wale
those short [carpentry] nails
misumari mifupi ile
these people
watu hawa
that child
mtoto yule
this bread, those trees, this month
mkate huu, miti ile, mwezi huu
that leg, those carpentrynails, this year
mguu huu, misumari ile, mwaka huu
those women, this heart, these thorns
wanawake wale, moyo huu, miibo hii
that fire, this luggage, that door
moto ule, mizigo hii, mlango ule
that salary, that teacher, those thieves, those mountains
mshahara ule, mwalimu yule, wezi wale, milima ile
that high mountain, these few loaves
mlima mrefu ule, mikate michache hii
those dirty hands, these good crops, this new year
mikono michafu ile, mimea mizuri hii, mwaka mpya huu
that fierce speed, that fat body, that big town
mwendo mkali ule, mwili mnene ule, mji mkubwa ule
that fierce fire, those small insects, that large animal
moto mkali ule, wadudu wadogo ile, mnyama mkubwa yule
bring (pl.) that heavy load!
leteni mzigo mzito ule
that teacher is waiting for these children
mwalimu yule anangoja watoto hawa
seize that thief!
kamata mwizi yule
that bad bread is smelling very bad
mkate mbaya ule unanuka sana
these tall trees are giving out a very nice smell
miti mirefu hii inanukia sana
those small breads are enough
mikate midogo ile inatosha
this small test is very suitable!
mtihani mdogo huu unafaa sana!
that child is trying very hard, this year.
mtoto yule anajaribu sana mwaka huu.
don’t hide those hands!
usifichi mikono ile!
ufunge mlango ule!
would you close that door?!
where is the big door?
mlango mkubwa uko wapi?
it is right here
upo pale
where are the children?
watoto wako wapi?
they are standing over there-ish
wanasimama kule
where is the cook?
mpishi yuko wapi?
he is somewhere in the kitchen
yuko jikoni
is the guest here?
mgeni yuko? (yupo)
he is here
is the doctor here?
mganga yupo hapa?
he is not here. he is in town.
hayupo hapa. yuko mjini.
where is the fire?
moto uko wapi?
it’s not around here, it is on the mountain
hauko huku, uko mlimani
the animals aren’t about?
wanyama hawako?
they are not.
isn’t the sick person here?
mgonjwa hayupo?
bwana yuko?
is the bwana about?
he is at the market
yuko sokoni
the end is not here
mwisho haupo hapa
the insects are not here
wadudu hawapo hapa
Where is the river? It is over there.
Mto uko wapi? Upo pale (or ‘uko kule’)?
Where are the new games? They are on the table.
Michezo mipya iko wapi? Ipo mezani.
Where are the animals? They are not about here, they are among the baobab trees.
Wanyama wako wapi? Hawako, wako mibuyuni.
Where is the servant? He is sweeping the house.
Mtumishi yuko wapi? Anafigia nyumbani.
Where are those bad insects? They are not about here, they are by the river.
Wadudu wabaya wale wako wapi? Hawako huku, wako mtoni.
where are those servants? they are helping to bring the luggage here.
watumishi wale wako wapi? wanasaidia kuleta mizigo hapa.
the luggage isn’t here? no, it is not here. it is in/at the house.
mizigo haiko? haiko hapa, imo/ipo nyumbani.