Exercise 57 - Relatives, Chapter 49 Flashcards
Would you look for the knife which I lost yesterday?
Ukitafute kisu ambacho nilikipoteza jana?
Dogs that eat much meat have much strength
Mbwa ambao kula nyama nyingi wana nguvu nyingi
Is there anyone here who has a pencil?
Kuna yeyote huku ambaye ana kalamu?
Your friend who came here the day before yesterday has returned again.
Rafiki lako ambaye lilikuja hapa juzi amerudi tena
The milk i got this morning has gone bad.
Maziwa ambayo niliyapata asubuhi hii yameharibika.
The letter I wrote the other day hasn’t yet arrived.
Barua ambayo niliiandika juzijuzi haijafika
Would the people who know English not say anything?
Watu ambao wanajua kiingareza wasiseme cho chote?
The road going to Tanga has been closed due to mud.
Barabara ambayo inakwenda Tanga imefungwa kwa sababu ya matope.
The mountain we climbed is called Meru
Mlima ambao tuliupanda unaitwa Meru
The child who broke the window which you saw lives over there
Mtoto ambaye alilivunja dirisha ambalo uliliona anakaa kule/pale.
The car I bought
Gari ambalo nililinunua
The children who are taught by that teacher
Watoto ambao wanafundishwa na mwalimu yule
The exam which was difficult
Mtihani ambao ulikuwa mgumu
The room which you have not yet cleaned
Chumba ambacho hujakisafisha
The guest who arrived yesterday
Mgeni ambaye alifika jana
The clothes you’re wearing
Nguo ambazo unazivaa
The leg which is broken
Mguu ambao umevunjika
The mountains which are visible
Milima ambayo inaonekana
The knife which is lost and the old man who died
Kisu ambacho kimepotea, mzee ambaye alikufa
We who are strangers
Sisi ambao ni wageni
The newspaper you read
Gazeti ambalo ulilisome
The rope which came apart
Kamba ambayo ilikatika
The medicine which you took
Dawa ambayo uliila