negatives Flashcards
the children are not eating their food
watoto hawali chakula chao
the doctor does not come on Tuesday
mganga haji Jumanne
this door (in general) does not close properly
mlango huu haufungiki vizuri
the potatoes are not (generally) visible
viazi havionekani
i do not buy bread in town because it is not suitable
sinunui mkate mjini kwa sababu haufai
those animals do not live here
wanyama wale hawakai hapa
our salaries are not being increased, this month
mishahari yetu haiongezwi mwezi huu
i don’t wish to buy your things today
sipendi kununua vitu vyako, leo
why does he not say something? because he cannot hear.
kwa nini hasemi kitu? kwa sababu hasikii.
this fire is not burning well, try again.
moto huu hauwaki vizuri
i have heard that you cannot come today
nimesikia kwamba huwezi kuja leo
she is happy because her meetings are not. continuing
anafurahi kwa sababu mikutano yake haiendelei
cloth is not sold here because it is not bought by the locals
kitambaa hakiuzwi hapa kwa sababu hakinunuliwi na wenyeji
potatoes are not obtainable in town this month
viazi havipatikani mjini mwezi huu
he does not lend
they are not standing
i don’t know how to drive
sijui kuendesha
he isn’t returning
the fire isn’t burning
moto hauwaki
these onions don’t rot
vitunguu haviozi
he isn’t wAking up
I’m not cultivating this year
silimi mwaka huu
are you all not going in?
the animal is not eating today
mnyama hali leo
we do not stay/live here
hatukai hapa
the children aren’t listening
watoto hawasikilizi
this vessel will not be made to stand
chombo hiki hakisimamishwi
i don’t see a thing
sioni kitu
i do not like/desire any bread
sipendi mkate
the pupils are not playing today
wanafunzi hawachezi leo
she is not progressing well
haendelei vizuri
mwanamke yule hana watoto
that woman hasn’t children
there is no football ground hereabouts
hakuna kiwanja cha mpira huku
this cup has no handle
kikumbe hiki hakina kipini
we shall go to town to eat because i have no food in the house
tutakwenda mjini kwa sababu sina chakula nyumbani
that tree will not fall here
mti ule hautaanguka hapa
this room will not have two beds
chumba hiki hakitakuwa na vitanda viwili
i myself am not going to Dar tomorrow
mimi, sitakwenda dar kesho
I shall not want to return home, this year
sitataka kurudi nyumbani mwaka huu
they will not be able to finish this thing, today
hawataweza kumaliza kitu hiki leo
these dirty cups will not be suitable
vikombe vichafu havitafaa
i know that our bwana will not agree to raise our salaries, this year
ninajuwa kwamba bwana wetu hatakubali kuongeza mishahara yetu, mwaka huu
we shall not want to buy another knife like this one
hatutataka kununua kisu kingine kama hiki
the children’s game will not be played today.
mchezo wa watoto hautachezwa leo
bring more cups because these will not be enough
lete vikombe vingine kwa sababu hivi havitatosha
this nice tree will not be felled, not the slightest
mti mzuri huu hautaangushwa, hata kidogo
the farmers of this village will not follow our program
wakulima wa kijiji hiki hawatafuata mpango wetu
these loads will not be carried today
mizigo hii haitachukuliwa leo
the meeting will not be tomorrow
mkutano hautakuwa kesho
there will be no people there
hapatakuwa na watu pale
insects will not be seen thereabouts
wadudu hawataoneakana kule
that book will not be read
kitabu kile hakitasomwa
I shall not stay there much
sitakaa sana pale
your cook dud not get his salary
mpishi wako hakupata mshahara wake
my guest was unable to arrive yesterday
mgeni wangu hakuwezwa kufika jana
the bread was not eaten yesterday
mkate haukuliwa jana
they did not wake early but they were not late
hawakuamka mapema lakini hawakuchelewa
many insects entered the room because he did not shut the dior
wadudu wengi waliingia chumba kwa sababu hakufunga mlango
these potatoes were not bought in town
viazi hivi havikununuliwa mjini
the football game was not played on Thursday
mchezo wa mpira haukucheza Alhamisi
the food is spoiled because it was not covered by a cloth
chakula kimeharibika kwa sababu hakikufunikwa kwa kitambaa
I didn’t know that you had a wife
sikujua kwamba una mke
they didn’t go to mombasa to bring their luggage
hawakuenda mombasa kuleta mizigo yao
that sick person didn’t eat his food
mngojwa yule hakula chakula chake
mt kenya wasn’t visible yesterday
mlima wa Kenya haukuonekana jana
we did not succeed
he didn’t go
there was no meeting yesterday
hapakuwa na mkutano jana
the bread was not brought
mkate haukuletwa
we did not fill those baskets
hatukujaza vikapu vile
didn’t y’all stay there?
hamkukaa pale?
there was no river, thereabouts
hakukuwana mto kule
i did not return those books
sikurudisha vitabu vile
the fire did not burn well
moto haukuwaka vizuri
the patient was not made to lie down (put to bed)
mngojwa hakulazwa
the salary wasn’t good
mshahara haukuwa mzuri
the potatoes were not spoilt
viazi havikuharibika
i was unable to sleep
sikuweza kulala
the food wasn’t cooked
chakula hakikuchemshwa
we did not start, he was not angry, they were not wrong (didn’t fail)
hatukuanza, hakukasirika, hawakukosa
the child didn’t shut the door, didn’t you want to go, they didn’t agree
mtoto hakufunga mlango, hukutaka kwenda, hawakukubali
what animals did you see in ngorongoro?
Uliona wanyama gani Ngorongoro?
we are going to have many guests on Saturday
tutakuwa na wageni wengi Jumamosi
how did you find (what did you think of) Dodoma?
ulionaje Dodoma
he will not take his luggage because it is heavy
hatachukua mizigo yake kwa sababu ni mizito
only 18 farmers came to our meeting the day before yesterday.
wakulima kumi na wanane tu walikuja katika mkutano wetu juzi
go quickly to fetch help
nenda kwa haraka kuleta msaada
there is a big fire over there
kuna (pana) moto mkubwa kule (pale)
where is my new lighter? i don’t know, perhaps it is lost
kiberiti changu kipya kiko wapi? sijui, labda, kimepotea
i need two pieces of that white cloth
ninahitaji vipanda viwili vya kitambaa cheupe kile
whom have you been to see in that town?
umekwenda kuona nani katika mji ule?
don’t fell those tall trees. they are not suitable.
usiangushe miti mirefu ile, haifai
there will be a meeting here for everyone, tomorrow
patakuwa na mkutno kwa kila mmoja kesho
why, for heavens sake, did you not come yesterday? I didn’t remember.
mbona hakuja jana? sikukumbuka.
these potatoes are not suitable anymore because they’ve dried up.
viazi hivi havifai kwa sababu vimekauka
didn’t you go to town to buy my things?
haukuenda mjini kununua vitu vyangu
my children have already gone to play football
watoto wangu wamekwisha kwenda kucheza mpira
that football ground is unsuitable because it has a slope.
kiwanja cha mpira kile hakifai kwa sababu kina mtelemko
he did not agree to enter our club/society
hakukubali kuingia chama chetu
what did you do, yesterday?
ulifanya nini, jana?
would you send (cause to arrive) this note to Mr Mongi? that labourer has done well to return here.
ufikishe cheti hiki kwa Bw Mongi. kibarua yule amefanya vizuri kurudi hapa.