Position Flashcards
The dog is sleeping under the bed
Mbwa analala chini ya kitanda
I have put my luggage inside the car
Nimeweka mizigo yangu ndani ya motokaa.
There is a fierce dog outside the house.
Kuna mbwa mkali nje ya nyumba.
Plant this tree in front of the house.
Panda mti huu mbele ya nyumba.
The child has hidden himself behind that tree.
Mtoto amejificha nyuma ya mti ule.
They followed the ditch at the side of the road
Walifuata mfereji kando ya barabara
They have felled the tree between those two house
Wameangusha mti kati ya nyumba mbili hizi
There are animals amongst those trees
Kuna wanyama katikati ya miti ile.
I cannot reach the far side of that river.
Siwezi kufika ng’ambo ya mto ule.
That big house has been damaged because that tree fell on it.
Nyumba kubwa ile imeharibika kwa sababu mti ule ulianguka juu yake.
There are no cattle on the other side of that village.
Hakuna ng’ombe ng’ambo ya kijiji kile.
That old man stood at the side of the road.
Mzee yule alisimama kando ya barabara.
It is our responsibility to help them.
Ni juu yetu kuwasaidia.
I have put those laborers under that foreman.
Nimeweka vibarua wale chini ya mnyapara yule.
Halt! There is danger ahead!
Simama! Pana/kuna hatari mbele.
Look for the children inside the house and outside, also.
Watafute watoto ndani ya nyumba na nje, pia/vilevile
I am standing in front of y’all to tell you that there is a thief amongst you.
Ninasimama mbele yenu kuwaambia/kuwaambieni (or niwaambie / niwaambieni), kwamba kuna mwizi katikati yenu.
There is a very beautiful bird at the top of that tree.
Pana/kuna ndege mzuri kabisa juu ya mti ule.
It is up to everybody to try hard.
Ni juu kila mtu kujaribu/ajaribu sana.
Wear your hat on top of (your) head.
Vaa kofia yako juu ya kichwa.
Leave that coat outside
Acha koti lile nje.
He has put the money on top of the table.
Ameweka fedha juu ya meza.
If you don’t know, ask someone or other.
Kama hujui, mwulize Fulani.
There are cattle the other side of that hill.
Kuna ng’ombe ng’ambo ya kilima kile.
Let us go ahead.
Twende mbele.
Bring the big bucket inside.
Lete ndoo kubwa ndani.
We shall use this color outside the house, and that color inside.
Tutatumia rangi hii nje ya nyumba, na ile ndani.
Don’t work like this.
Usifanye kazi namna hii.
It is up to you to remove these stains.
Ni juu yako kuondoa alama hizi.
Those women are carrying bananas on top of their head.
Wanawake wale wanachukua ndizi juu ya vichwa.
Let us follow this path at the side of the river.
Tufuate njia hii kando ya mto
Tie this rope outside.
Funga kamba hii nje.
What is the flag on top of this house?
Ni bendera gani juu ya nyumba ile.
He has out something or other inside.
Ameweka kitu fulani ndani.
Those termites have damaged the bottom parts of the door.
Mchwa wale wameharibu sehemu za chini ya mlango.
He has given me a very good present.
Amenipa zawadi nzuri sana.
It has rained the other side of those mountains.
Imenyesha mvua ng’ambo ya milima ile.
Hide his gun under the coat.
Ficha bunduki chini ya koti.
I shall close up those chickens inside my hut.
Nitafunga kuku wale ndani ya kibanda changu.
Put the basket on top of the table
Weka kikapu juu ya meza