86 - Maji Flashcards
But in other countries, water is not plentiful like this. In those places, there is very little rain for a period of several months in the year, the grass dries up and dies, the wells dry up, the quantity of water in the river diminishes, the people have to carry their water vessels far in order to get water to drink and to cook with.
Lakini, katika nchi nyingine, maji hayapatikani kwa wingi namna hii. Huko, kuna mvua kidogo sana kwa muda wa miezi mingi kidogo mwakani, majani hukauka mpaka yafe, visima hakauka, wingi wa maji mitoni hupungua, watu lazima wachukue vyombo vyao vya maji mbali sana ili wapate maji ya kunywa na kupikia.
In countries with plenty of water, people do not look after their water, but in dry countries, they do not use it without thinking, because they know that if they use it too quickly, their will be none left for their use nor their cattle and perhaps either they or their cattle will die.
Katika nchi zenye maji tele, watu hawaangalii maji Yao, lakini katika nchi kavu hawayatumii bila kufikiri, kwa sababu wajua kwamba wakiyatumia upesi zaidi, hayatabaki kwa matumizi yao wala ya ng’ombe zao na labda ama wao ama ng’ombe zao watakufa.
In some countries tree is always plenty of water so that men and animals have no danger of dying from thirst. In some countries it rains often, there is plenty of grass, the wells and rivers are full, and the people do not go far from their houses to get water for drinking and cooking.
Katika nchi nyingine kuna sikuzote maji ya kutosha kwa hiyo watu na wanyama hawana hatari yo yote ya kufa kwa kiu. Katika nchi nyingine hunyesha mvua Mara nyingi, kuna majani tele, visima na mito hujaa, na watu hawaendi mbali na nyumba zao ili wapate maji ya kunywa na kupikia.