Adverbs & possessive Flashcards
a little, slightly, rather, quite, fairlu
hardly, toughly, difficult
well, nicely, properly
he fell badly
alianguka vibaya
we are rather happy
tunafurahi kidogo
answer properly
jibu vizuri
that tree grew badly
mti ule uliota vibaya
that child did well in the examination
mtoto yule alifanya vizuri mtihanini
buy a little (bit of) bread
nunua mkate kidogo
the month started very badly
mwezi mlianza vibaya sana
the European is increasing salaries a little
Mzungo anaongeza mishahara kidogo
that exam was a little difficult
mtihani ule ulikuwa mgumu kidogo
these plants are drying up very well
mimea hii inakauka vizuri sana
you put that mirror badly
uliweka vibaya kioo kile
the servant cleaned this room well
mtumishi alisafisha vizuri chumba hiki
that child cut the finger a little
mtoto yule alikata kidogo kidole
that journey was quite difficult
mwendo ule ulikuwa mgumu kidogo
would you bring the bread? OK!
ulete mkate? vizuri.
y’all are using those knives very badly
mnatumia vibaya sana visu vile
that book was brought by that child
kitabu kile kilileta na mtoto yule
chakula kilipikwa na mwanamke yule
the food was cooked by that woman
the child was cut with a knife
mtoto alikatwa kwa kisu
the chair was covered by a cloth
kiti kilifunikwakwa kitambaa
those new potatoes were brought by that youth
viazi vipya vile vililetwa na kijana yule
this fierce animal was caught by the legs
mnyama mkali huyu alikamatwa kwa miguu
that game is being played by the children
Mchezo ule unachezwa na watoto
this chit was written by that european doctor
chiti kile kiliandikwa na mganga Mzungo yule
that good book is read a lot
kitabu kizuri kile kilisomwa sana
efficient teachers are wanted in tanzania
walimu hodari wanatakiwa Tanzania
these large rooms are cleaned every month
vyumba vikubwa hivi vinasafishwa kila mwezi
that tree fell and that child was hit by that piece
mti ule alianguka na mtoto yule alipigwa kwa kipande kile
these cups were put out by the servant
vikumbe hivi vilitolewa na vibarua hawa
i was asked to go to dar es salaam
niliombwa kwenda dar
watoto wadogo wale walitafutwa
the small children are being searched for
mishahara iliongezwa na Wagiriki
the salaries were increased by the greeks
the servants were arranged by that European
vibarua wale walipangwa na Mzungo yule
the games were begun this month
michezo hii ilianziwa mwezi huu
these dishes were washed with this dirty cloth
vikombe hivi vikisafishwa kwa kitambaa kichafu hiki
that clever thief was seized by those people
mwizi mwerevu yule alikamatwa na watu wale
that great (of character) woman is loved by the children
mwanamke mwema yule anapendwa na watoto
that door was opened badly
mlango ule ulifunguliwa vibaya
those heavy bags were taken by those servants
mizigo mizito ile inachukuliwa na vibarua wale
afterwards, later on
not yet, still
afterwards, later on, and then
this way, thus
hivi, hivyo
fancy that!
perhaps, possibly, maybe
early, soon
as, well, also, too
as well, also, too, just the same
vile vile
slowly, slow, carefully, gently
only, just
quickly, hurriedly
luckily, fortunately
kwa bahati
kwa ghafula
quickly, speedily
kwa haaraka
usually, generally, customarily
kwa kawaida
briefly, shortly
kwa kifupi
purposely, on purpose
kwa kusudi
kwa kutwa
truthfully, really
kwa kweli
kwa sauti
kwa hiyo
kwa sababu hii
luckily, i saw just one rhino
kwa bahati, niliona kifaru mmoja tu
usually, those labourers come daily
kwa kawaida, vibarua wale wanakuja kwa kutwa
fancy that! he has forgotten, today, perhaps he will remember tomorrow
kumbe! amesahau, leo, labda atakumbuka kesho.
come early, tomorrow
njoo mapema, kesho
he came quickly
alikuja kwa haraka
luckily, i got bread in town, yesterday
kwa bahati, nilipata mkate mjini, jana
clean the dishes, and then sweep this room, and this one, too
safisha vyombo, baadaye, fagia chumba hiki, na hiki vilevile
usually, there ate many meetings in the month, but especially this month.
kwa kawaida, kuna mikutano mingi kila mwezi, lakini hasa mwezi huu
the door was opened suddenly
mlango ulifunguliwa ghafula
we went yesterday on purpose to arrive early
tulikwenda jana kwa kusudi, kufika mapema
he comes here daily
yeye anakuja kwa kutwa
lift this load carefully
inua mzigo huu polepole
truly, that club is very suitable
kwa kweli, chama kile kinafaa sana
a bag of potatoes and the farmer’s crops
mfuko wa viazi na mimea ya mkulima
these cups’ large saucers
visahani vikubwa vya vikombe hivi
a few trees of the forest
miti michache ya msitu
the people of tanzania
watu wa Tanzania
the child of that european’s cook
mtoto wa mpishwa wa Mzungo yule
the farmer’s labourers
vibarua wa mkulimo
mr smiths things
vitu vya bwana smith
the guests’ luggage
mizigo ya wageni
the wells of that village
visima vya kijiji kile
the child’s food, the trees of the forest, the door of the room
chakula cha mtoto, miti ya msitu, mlango wa chumba
wages of the workers, mountains of tanzania, thorns of the tree, books of the students
mishahara ya vibarua, milima ya Tanzania, miiba ya mti, vitabu vya wanafunzi
toes (of the foot), a finger (of the hand), the patient’s body, the farmer’s animals, the old man’s pipe, the servant’s reference, the teacher’s chair, the members of the society, the farmer’s potatoes
vidole vya mguu, kidole cha mkono, mwili, wa mngojwa, wanyama wa mkulima, kiko cha mzee, cheti cha mtumishi, kiti cha mwalimu, wanachama (wa chama), viazi vya mkulima
mind the thorns of that tree, they are very sharp
angalia miiba ya mti ule. inakuwa mikali sana.
the farmers of that village had good food crops
wakulima ya kijiji kile walikuwa na mimea mizuri ya chakula
mount kili is visible, now
mlima wa kili unaonekana sasa
the five year plan has started for this period. those visitors’ loads were quite heavy.
mpango wa miaka mitano umeanza kwa muda huu. mizigo ya wageni wale ilikuwa mizito kidogo.
kenyas aggricultural program is progressing quite well
mpango wa kilimo wa kenya unaendelea vizuri
cut five pieces of bread for the guests’s meals
kata vipande vitano vya mkate kwa vyakula vya wgeni.
the meeting of the aggricultural society starts tomorrow
mkutano wa chama cha kilimo utaanza kesho
put two pillows on the childrens bed. perhaps i shall try a swahili exam this year.
weka mito miwili kitandani cha watoto. labda, nitajaribu mtihani wa kiswhili, mwaka huu
many farmers of that village are members
wakulima wengi wa kijiji kile ni wanachama
they will have two months of aid with us, and then we shall return to nairobi
watakuwa na miezi miwili ya msaada nasi, halafu tutarudi nairobi
the slope of this mountain is very steep
mtelemko wa mlima huu ni mkali sana
the old pastor of the christians of tanga town has already died
mchungaji mzee wa kijiji cha tanga amekwisha kufa
i have bought the spear of that Masai’s
nimenunua mkuki wa Mmasai yule
we have stayed in tanzania for a period of 8 years, now
tumekaa katika Tanzania kwa muda wa miaka minane, sasa
many inhabitants of that town have gone to the meeting
wenyeji wengi wa kijiji kile wamekwenda mkutanoni
don’t buy that bread, it is yesterday’s
usinunue mkate ule, ni wa jana
that European’s guests are making a one month journey
wageni wa Mzungo yule wanafanya mwendo wa muda wa mwezi mmoja
where are those people’s things? in the guest room.
vitu vya watu wale viko wapi? vipo katika chumba cha wageni
put my loads in my room
weka mizigo yangu katika chumba changu
this potato is excellent. look at its roots!
kiazi hiki ni kizuri kabisa. angalia mizizi yake!
this child has many toys, but his ball is lost
mtoto huyu ana michezo mingi, lakini mpira yake umepotea
that farmer has gone to sell his animals in town
mkulimo yule amekwenda mjini kuuza wanyama wake
my hands are dirty
mikono yangu michafu
this is not hamisi’s book. his is red.
hiki si kitabu cha hamisi. chake ni chekundu.
the children have brought their food
watoto wameleta chakula chao
there is a meeting of our society today
pana mkutano wa chama chetu leo
their workers started early, today
vibarua wao walianza mapema, leo
that animal is known because its tail has been cut
mnyama huyu ni anajulikana kwa sababu mkia wake umekatwa
that european is looking for his wife
Mzungo yule anatafuta mke wake
the animals have lain down in the shade of that tree
Wanyama wamelala katika kivuli cha mti ule
this cup is broken. its handle is lost, also.
kikumbe kile kimevunjika. kipini chake kimepotea pia
these people are waiting for their salaries. if you have finished your food, have a rest.
watu hawa wanangoja mishahara yao. kama umemaliza chakula chako, pumzika.
y’all bring their luggage. the doc has gone to see his patients.
leteni mizigo yao. mganga amekwenda kuangalia wagonjwa wake.
his knife is not sharp, but mine is extremely sharp.
kisu chake si kikali, lakini changu kikali kabisa
i was able to enter their mosque the day before yesterday
niliweza kuingia msikiti wao juzi
the youths of that village are helping their elders a lot
vijana wa kijiji kile wanasaidia sana wazee wao
they have planted trees on their boundaries
wamepanda miti katika mipaka yao
his umbrella is lost
mwavuli wake umepotea
bring the pillow of your bed, and its mosquito net, too
lete mto wa kitanda chako, na chandalua chake pia
i am requesting to use your lighter. it is in my pocket.
ninaomba kutumia kiberiti chako. kimo katika mfuko wangu.
what sort of bread have you bought
umenunua mkate gani
which tall tree fell?
mti mrefu gani ulianguka
why are you late again
kwa nini umechelewa tena
why, for heavens sake, are you late again
mbona umechelewa tena
when will they go to mombasa
watakwenda mombasa lini
whom did you see?
Uliona nani?
who will go, today?
nani atakwenda, leo
what fell?
kitu gani ulianguka
say, will you go to nairobi, today?
je, utakwenda nairobi, leo?
i say, are you going to town?
Aisei/Je/Ebu, unakwenda mjini?
how did the children play, today?
watoto walichezaje, leo?
how are you selling these potatoes?
unauzaje viazi hivi?
how do you feel / what do you think?
what do you say?
this child is very sick, How about that one?
mtoto huyu ni mgonjwa sana, yule je?
what sort of animals did they see in the serengeti?
waliona wanyama gani Serengeti?
how shall we climb that steep mountain?
tutapandaje mlima mkali ule?
say, what have you done with those things?
je, umefanya nini na vitu vile?
for goodness’ sake, you have returned again?
mbona, umerudi tena
I say, what are you doing gere?
Ati! unafanya nini hapa?
how will they be able to carry that load?
watawezaje kuchukua mzigo ule?
what book is lost?
kitabu gani kimepotea?
what is this thing?
kitu gani, hiki?
why is the food late?
kwa nini chakula kimechelewa
when will the food be ready?
chakula kitakuwa tayari lini?
what sort of plant is that
mmea gani, ule?
how many children have failed to come today
watoto wangapi wamekosa kuja leo?