Exercise 59 - Relatives In Future Flashcards
The food he cooked
Chakula alichokipika
The book I’m reading
Kitabu ninachokisoma
The meeting which will start tomorrow will be short
Mkutano utakaoanza (or mkutano ambao utaanza) kesho utakuwa mfupi
The work he will do; the towns i have seen
Kazi atakayoifanya; miji ambayo nimeiona
Those who were forgotten
Watu waliosahauliwa
The nails which were not suitable
Misumari ambayo haikufaa
We who shall not be there
Sisi ambao hatutakuwa pale/kule
The flowers we planted
Maua tuliyoyapanda
The milk which has gone bad
Maziwa ambayo yameoza / yameharibika
The door which will be open
Mlango utakaofunguliwa / utakaokuwa wazi
The clothing which he ironed
Nguo alizozipiga pasi
The child who is called michael
Mtoto anayeitwa michael
The language we are learning
Lugha tunayojifunza
Water which will be sufficient
Maji yatakayotosha
The milk you’ll bring
Maziwa utakayoleta
The door which will be opened
Mlango utakaofunguliwa
The letters I shall write
Barua nitakazoziandika
The loads which will be heavy
Mizigo itakayokuwa mizito
The parts you will clean, today
Sehemu utakazozisafisha leo
The society we shall join
Chama tutakachokiingia
The profit they will get
Faida watakayoipata
We who will drink coffee
Sisi tutakaokunyuwa kahawa
The valley which will be seen/visible
Bande litakaloonekana
I shall take the car which will arrive at noon
Nitapanda gari litakalofika saa sita
We shall use all the trees which will be felled
Tutatumia miti yote itakayoangushwa
All those whose names are called shall come here
Wale wenye majina yatakayoitwa waje hapa
The guest who will come is my friend
Mgeni atakayefika ni rafiki yangu
The salary you will get will be 4 shillings daily
Mshahara utakaopata utakuwa shillingi nne kwa kutwa
The food I’ll take must suffice for three days
Chakula nitakachokichakua lazima kitoshe kwa siku tatu
I am waiting for a guest who will arrive at any time
Ninamngoja mgeni atakayefika saa yo yote
The knife I shall use is yours
Kisu nitakachokitumia ni chako
The dog I’ll get will be fierce
Mbwa nitakayempata atakuwa mkali
They work they will do will be difficult
Kazi watakayoifanya itakuwa ngumu