Causative Flashcards
he has filled three baskets with potatoes
amejaza vikapu vitatu kwa viazi
heat up this food
pasha moto chakula hiki
we have fed the children early, today
tumelisha watoto mapema leo
those laborers have felled many trees, over there
vibarua wale wameangusha miti mingi, kule
many trees have been felled by those laborers
miti mingi imeangushwa na vibarua wale
these people were compelled to go, today
watu hawa walilazimishwa kwenda leo
heat up these potatoes
pasha moto viazi hivi
don’t drop that load, she is feeding her child
usishushe mzigo ule, analisha mtoto wake
dry these clothes quickly
kausha vitambaa hivi upesi/kwa haraka
their salaries have been reduced
mishahara yao imepunguzwa
prepare this room for the guest
tayarisha chumba hiki kwa mgeni
my arm is itching
mkono wangu unawasha
he will get married on Sunday
ataoa Jumamosi
y’all listen to your teacher
sikilizeni mwalimu wenu
boil the potatoes for only a small period of time
chemsha viazi kwa muda mdogo tu
that teacher is teaching the blind children to read with their fingers
mwalimu yule anafundisha watoto vipofu kusoma kwa vidole vyao
your book was returned yesterday
kitabu chako kilirudishwa jana
visitors are very pleased with the mountains of Tanzania
wageni wanapendezwa sana kwa milimu ya Tanzania
when did you lose your pocket knife
lini ulipoteza kisu chako cha mfukoni
send this basket back to the farmer
rudisha kikapu hiki kwa mkulima
my servant has failed to put the furniture straight
mtumishi wangu amesahau kusawazisha vyombo
those loads were lowered slowly because they were heavy
mizigo ile ilitelemeshwa polepole kwa sababu ilikuwa mizito sana
would you prepare that room for my guest?
utayarishe chumba kile kwa mgeni wangu
don’t wake the children up early tomorrow
usiamshe watoto mapema kesho
return this knife, i am loosening this nail
rudisha kisu hiki, ninalegeza msumari huu
the pastor is marrying a woman, today
mchungaji anaoza mwanamke leo
would you dress the child please?
uvalishe mtoto, tafadhali
get this chit to mr. mohamed
fikisha chety hiki kwa bwana mohamedeni
this book has explained many things
kitabu hiki kimeeleza vitu vingi
erect this pole over there
simamisha mti huu pale
i have lost my umbrella
nimepoteza mwavuli wangu
that fire is burning well
moto ule unawaka sana
go feed those animals
nenda kulisha wanyama wale
To improve the efficiency of organizations
Kuboresha ufanisi wa mashirika