States of Consciousness 3 Flashcards
psychoactive drugs
chemical substances that alter thinking, perception, memory, or some combination of those abilities
physical dependence
after using drug for some period of time, body becomes unable to function normally without the drug and person is said to be dependent or addicted
drug tolerance
sign of physical dependence
as person continues to use drug, larger and larger doses needed to achieve same initial effects of the drug
sign of physical dependence
symptoms when deprived of drug such as headaches, nausea, cramps, elevated blood pressure
negative reinforcement withdrawal
many users take more of drug to alleviate symptoms of withdrawal
makes whole situation worse
classical conditioning withdrawal
use drugs in certain surroundings or with certain people, when these cues are present even harder to resist using the drug
contingency-management therapy
operant conditioning strategy
patients earn vouchers for negative drug tests which can be exchanged for healthier items
cognitive-behavioral interventions
work to change how people think about stresses in lives and react to those stressors
work toward more effective coping without resorting to drugs
physical dependence drugs brain
drugs that can lead to dependence cause release of dopamine in mesolimbic pathway (neural track that goes from midbrain to prefrontal cortex)
brain decreases synaptic receptors for dopamine, next time take drug need more
psychological dependence
belief that drug needed to continue feeling of emotional of psychological well being
positive reinforcement withdrawal
people think need drug, rewarding properties of drug that cause dependency to develop
not all drugs produce physical dependence but any can become psychologically dependent
increase functioning of nervous system
sympathetic or CNS speeds up
decrease functioning of nervous system
alter perceptions and may cause hallucinations
cause brain to alter interpretation of sensations, can produce sensory distortions similar to synesthesia
often experience hallucinations
two kinds: made in lab or found in nature
stimulants that are synthesized in labs rather than found in nature
amphetamine psychosis = nausea, vomit, strokes, delusional, paranoia
crystal meth
sometimes used to treat ADHD or narcolepsy
crystalline form that can be smoked
stimulant, natural drug found in coca plant leaves
produces euphoria, energy, power, pleasure, deadens pain, suppresses appetite
devastating effects, highly addictive
not physical dependence but mood swings, psychologically dependent
crack cocaine
stimulant, even more addictive than cocaine
less pure, cheaper
mild but toxic stimulant
slight rush, raises blood pressure and accelerates heart, raises dopamine in reward pathway, relaxing
hugely addictive, seems not as bad but terrible
stimulant, natural, helps maintain alertness, increase effectiveness of some pain relievers, doesn’t help induce sobriety
aka major tranquilizers or sleeping pills
drugs that have a strong depressant effect
have sedative effect
minor tranquilizers
drugs having relatively mild depressant effect
minor tranquilizers
lower anxiety and reduce stress
valium, xanax, etc
date rape drug
unaware of actions but can still respond to commands
most commonly used and abused depressant
health, economic, social, etc risks
increased risk of osteoporosis (loss of bone density), heart disease, etc
inhibits social rules and natural inhibitions
stimulates release of GABA< inhibit brain’s neural activity
order of things alcohol affects
social inhibitions, motor skills, reaction time, speech
type of depressant that suppresses sensation of pain by binding to and stimulating nervous system’s natural receptor sites for endorphins, the neurotransmitters that deaden pain sensations
all narcotics are derivatives of opium
pain-relieving and euphoria-inducing properties
highly addictive, severe withdrawal symptoms
dissolve opium in acid and neutralize it with ammonia
very addictive
used to control severe pain but in small and short doses
derivative of morphine
even more addictive than morphine or opium
methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone
used to control withdrawal symptoms and help treat opiate addictions
lysergic acid diethyl amide
synthesized from ergot (grain fungus)
expand consciousness but bad trips common, can’t control which trip go on
can’t perceive reality, poor decisions
phenyl cyclohexyl piperidine or phencyclidine
can be hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, or analgesic
hallucinations, distorted sensations, bad effects
violence against self or others
stimulatory hallucinogenic
release of large amounts of serotonin and blocks serotonin reuptake
euphoria, energized, could damage serotonin receptors, excessive liquid intake
stimulatory hallucinogenics
drugs that produce a mixture of psychomotor stimulant and hallucinogenic effects
comes from cannabis sativa
hashish comes from resin, both contain cannabinoids
has THC, well-being, sensory distortions, relaxed, information processing very bad
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
most psychoactive cannabinoid
active ingredient in marijuana