Spirochetes Flashcards
what is spirochetosis?
bacterial infection caused by spirochetes
what domestic animal diseases are caused by spirochetes?
lyme disease
swine dysentery
papillomatous digital dermatitis
how do spirochetes gram stain?
what is the causative agent of syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
can unstained spirochetes be seen with brightfield microscopy?
no: darkfield
what can you see on a chem with leptospirosis?
BUN elevated
creatinine elevated
SDMA elevated
dilute urine with protein
what is the pathogenesis of leptospirosis in the liver?
hyperactive kupffer cells in liver
replication and inflammation lead to centrilobar necrosis
jaundice from hepatocellular dysfunction
what happens in the kidneys with leptospirosis?
interstitial nephritis
increased capillary permeability
tubular necrosis leads to hypovolemia
what leads to infection with leptospirosis?
exposure to water containing leptospires
spirochetes penetrate mucosa or broken skin
what do leptospires have in their outer membranes?
if you are trying to confirm a clinical diagnosis, you would rather have ______________________. if you are doing an epidemiological study, you want _____________________
what is the evidence that leptospirosis causes equine recurrent uveitis?
leptospira are found in both aqueous and vitreous humor of the eye
high anti-leptospiral titers are found in horses with ERU, antibody found in aqueous humor
leptospira have been cultured from aqueous humor of horses with ERU
leptospira is more common in horses with ERU than those without
what is Vincent’s disease/acute necrotizing gingivitis of humans due to?
fusospirochetal or polymicrobial mix of spirochetes and other anaerobes
what causes swine dystentery?
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
how does lyme disease differ from other spirochetoses?
vector arthropod requirement