Social Perception, Relationships, and the Self Flashcards
Topics of interest to Social Psychologists include _________________________________.
Social Perception and Cognition, Interpersonal Relationships, the Self in the Social Context, Social Influence, Attitude Change, Aggression, Prejudice, Prosocial Behavior, and the Social Environment
Researchers interested in ____ ____ and ____ have identified factors that affect impression formation, causal attributions, and other types of social judgments.
Social Perception and Cognition
Our ____ of other people are influenced by several factors. For example, we’re often swayed most by information received ____ in an interaction (the ____ ____), and we frequently exhibit a ____ ____ ____ which is the tendency to weigh negative information more heavily than positive information.
Impressions; Early; Primacy Effect; Trait Negativity Bias
____, ____, and ____ influence the way we interpret the world, including how we perceive and judge other people.
Schemata, Prototypes, and Scripts
____ (or ____) are organized, interconnected mental networks of information that are based on our previous personal and social experiences and help us process and organize information. For instance, your schema for “supervisor” consists of knowledge that allows you to make judgments about your supervisor’s current behavior and predict his or her future actions.
Schemata (or Schemas)
Research has shown that people typically pay more attention to evidence that ____ their ____, interpret new information in ways ____ with their schemata, and have better ____ for ____-____ information.
Confirms their Schemata; Consistent; Recall for Schema-Consistent
____ are more abstract than schemata and consist of knowledge about the most representative or ideal example of a particular category of people, objects, or events. Your supervisor prototype may consist of the ideal attributes you believe a supervisor should have.
____ are also known as event schemas and provide knowledge about the appropriate sequence of behaviors in specific social situations. As an example, your script for “mental health clinic” informs you about how you should behave in that setting and how you can expect others to behave.
____ ____: Some of the earliest research on ____ ____ was conducted by Asch who found that certain traits influence impressions more than others.
Central Traits; Impression Formation
A person described as “intelligent, skillful, industrious, warm, determined, practical, and cautious” is likely to be perceived more ____ than a person described as “intelligent, skillful, industrious, cold, determined, practical, and cautious.” According to Asch, this is because “warm” and “cold” are ____ ____ that provide unique information, are associated with a large number of other characteristics, and, as a result, carry more weight than other attributes. More recent work that two primary dimensions underlie impressions of others; ____ and ____.
Positively; Central Traits; Warmth and Competence
The ____ ____: The impact of the ____ ____ on impression formation was demonstrated by Rosenhan, who had eight ____ (____) admit themselves to mental hospitals complaining that they were hearing voices. After being admitted, the pseudopatients stopped faking symptoms and acted normally when interacting with hospital staff and other patients.
The Social Context; Social Context; Pseudopatients (Confederates)
Although one-third of the genuine patients suspected that the pseudopatients were ____, the staff diagnosed all but one as having schizophrenia. Results of Rosenhan’s study have been interpreted as showing that the behaviors of others tend to be perceived in a manner that is ____ with the ____ ____ in which they occur.
Sane; Consistent; Social Environment
____ refers to the process of determining or inferring why a behavior has occurred.
____ of ____: Attributions can be described in terms of the following types: ___________.
Types of Attributions; Dispositional versus Situational; Stable versus Unstable; Specific versus Global
____ versus ____: Behavior may be attributed to the actor’s ____ (____) ____ or to situational (external) factors. Mood, ability, and desire are dispositional attributes; characteristics of the task, social situation, and physical environment are situational factors.
Dispositional versus Situational; Dispositional (Internal) Attributes; Situational (External) Factors; Dispositional Attributes; Situational Factors
____ versus ____: Behavior may be assumed to be the result of ____, ____ ____ (e.g., intelligence or personality) or ____, ____ ____ (e.g., fatigue or other transient state).
Stable versus Unstable; Stable, Enduring Factors; Unstable, Temporary Factors
____ versus ____: Behavior may be viewed as ____ or ____. ____ ____ are restricted to a limited number of events or circumstances, while ____ ____ occur in many different situations.
Specific versus Global; Specific or Global; Specific Behaviors; Global Behaviors
Heider used two of these types (dispositional vs. situational and stable vs. unstable) to describe attributions for ____ and ____. For example, a person might attribute his or her failure to obtain a job to a ____ ____ ____ (lack of ability), an ____ ____ ____ (lack of effort during the job interview), a ____ ____ ____ (a job market in which there is always too much competition for that job), or an ____ ____ ____ (bad luck).
Success and Failure; Stable Dispositional Factor; Unstable Dispositional Factor; Stable Situational Factor; Unstable Situational Factor
____ and ____: Several researchers have investigated the impact of ____ on the ____ of ____ that people make in western societies.
Gender and Attributions; Gender; Types of Attributions
Deaux and Emswiller found that male and female participants attributed the success of a man on a traditionally masculine task to ____ but the success of a woman on the same task to ____ but that male and female participants attributed the success of a man or woman on a traditionally feminine task to ____. Subsequent research has indicated that men tend to attribute their own success to ____ ____ of ____ and failure to a ____ of ____ or ____ ____, while women attribute their own success to ____ ____ or ____ ____ and failure to a ____ of ____.
Ability; Luck; Ability; High Levels of Ability; Lack of Effort or Unfair Treatment; High Effort or Outside Help; Lack of Availability
____ ____: A number of ____ ____ are known to impact our judgments about the causes of behavior.
Attributional Biases; Cognitive Biases
____ ____ ____: The attributions we make about the behaviors of others often reflect the ____ ____ ____, which occurs when we overestimate the role of dispositional factors and underestimate the role of situational factors.
Fundamental Attribution Error; Fundamental Attribution Error
We’re more likely to attribute a stranger’s rude behavior to his ____ ____ than to the possibility that he’s having a ____ ____. The fundamental attribution error has been used to explain several phenomena including the belief in a ____ ____, which is the tendency for people to view victims as the cause of their own misfortune.
Unpleasant Personality; Bad Day; Just World
____-____ ____: The fundamental attribution bias does not usually apply to inferences we make about our ____ ____. Instead, we’re more likely to attribute our own behavior to ____ ____. The tendency to make different attributions about our own behaviors and the behaviors of others is referred to as the ____-____ ____.
Actor-Observer Effect; Own Behavior; Situational Factors; Actor-Observer Effect
The fundamental attribution error is actually a ____ ____ of the actor-observer effect. Researchers find that people will make attributions to whatever is most ____ to them. For actors, the ____ is most salient, but for observers, the ____ is most salient.
Special Case; Salient; Situation; Actor
____-____ ____: Studies investigating the actor-observer effect have found that self-attributions are often influenced by the consequences of our ____: Although we tend to attribute our behaviors to ____ ____ when the consequences are ____, we often attribute them to ____ ____ when the consequences are ____.
Self-Serving Bias; Behavior; Situational Factors; Negative; Dispositional Factors; Positive
The tendency to blame external factors for our failures and take credit for our successes is referred to as the ____-____ ____. The self-serving bias appears to be relatively ____, but there are exceptions. People who are depressed, for instance, often exhibit ____ ____ — i.e., they attribute their failures to internal, stable, and global factors.
Self-Serving Bias; Universal; Learned Helplessness
____ are mental shortcuts or rules-of-thumb, which people use when making attributions and other social judgments. Although heuristics allow us to reach conclusions ____, they may result in ____.
Heuristics; Quickly; Errors
The ____ ____ involves basing your judgment about the likelihood that a person, object, or event belongs to a particular category on how representative (similar) the person, object, or event is to that category while ignoring probability (base rate) data. If you learn that a person is introspective, creative, and likes to work alone, you’re more likely to conclude that she’s a writer of novels than a postal worker even though you have only limited information about her and the number of postal workers in the population is much larger than the number of novelists.
Representative Heuristic
The ____ ____ involves judging the likelihood or frequency of an event based on how easy it is to retrieve information about the event from long-term memory. In other words, you’ll predict that an event is more likely to occur if you’re able to recall ____ ____ of its occurrence than if you’re able to recall only ____ ____.
Availability Heuristic; Many Examples; One Example
In one study, Tversky and Kahneman gave participants a list of names of famous men and women but, for some participants, the men in the list were more famous than the women while, for other participants, the women in the list were more famous than the men. Each participant was subsequently asked to estimate the number of men and women in his or her list. There were an equal number of men and women; but, consistent with the availability heuristic, participants identified the gender that had the ____ ____ (____) ____ as being more frequent.
Most Famous (Salient) Names; Frequent
The ____ ____ involves using mental simulations of an event to determine the likelihood that the event will happen — i.e., if you can ____ ____ that the event will happen, you’re more likely to predict that it will happen. Use of the simulation heuristic has been linked to certain ____.
Simulation Heuristic; Easily Imagine; Consequences
Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich found that Olympic athletes who had won the silver medal appeared to be less happy about their win than those who had won the bronze medal, apparently because it was easier for silver medalists to imagine ____ the ____.
Winning the Gold
The ____ and ____ ____ involves using an initial value (____) as the basis for making a judgment or estimate and then making ____ up or down from that starting value. For example, if the seller of an item at a flea market tells you that he usually sells the item for $10.00, your offer will be closer to $10.00 than it would have been if the seller said he usually sells the item for $7.00.
Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic; Anchor; Adjustments
Baumeister and Bushman propose that, to deal with ____ ____, the human mind often relies on ____ ____ that facilitates the quick understanding and integration of incoming information but may also lead to ____ ____ and ____.
Information Overload; Automatic Processing; Cognitive Errors and Biases
The ____ ____ ____ is the tendency to rely on case-specific information and ignore or underuse base rate data when estimating the likelihood of an event or characteristic.
Base Rate Fallacy
When participants in a research study were asked to estimate the likelihood that a hypothetical student will take an economics or history course and told that the overall proportion of students in these courses is .30 and .70, respectively, the participants were more likely to rely on information about the student’s ____ ____ than on the ____ ____ information. Some experts explain this phenomenon as a “____ ____” of the ____ or ____ ____, while others argue that the base rate fallacy is itself a ____ — i.e., that the research supporting it is flawed and that people do not ignore ____ ____ as often as the studies suggest.
Personality Traits; Base Rate; Side-Effect; Representativeness or Availability Heuristic; Fallacy; Base Rates
The ____ ____ is the tendency to pay attention to information that confirms one’s beliefs and ignore or invalidate information that does not. The confirmation bias has been used to explain a number of phenomena including paranormal beliefs, hypochondriasis and paranoia, and the persistence of stereotypes.
Confirmation Bias
The ____ ____ is the belief that two characteristics, events, or other variables are related when they actually are not. The illusory correlation is similar to the confirmation bias in terms of outcomes because it causes us to recall and pay more attention to information that ____ our ____. One explanation for this error is that it’s the result of a ____ that links the ____ ____.
Illusory Correlation; Confirms our Belief; Schema; Two Variables
If you meet a politician and immediately assume that she’s dishonest, this is probably due to your schema for politicians. Another explanation is that humans underwent ____ ____ to find ____ ____ among events because such a bias would increase ____.
Evolutionary Selection; Casual Patterns; Survival
The ____ ____ ____ occurs when we overestimate the degree to which the beliefs, opinions, and behaviors of others are similar to our own. As an example, Wolfson (2000) asked college students who did or did not use drugs to estimate drug use by their peers and found that students who used drugs provided significantly higher estimates of peer drug use.
False Consensus Effect
The ____ ____ is the tendency to believe that the likelihood of a particular chance event is affected by the occurrence of previous events when there is actually no relationship between the events. The gambler’s fallacy is illustrated by a gambler who is convinced that a string of losses must be followed by a win and by parents who think their next child will be a girl since they’ve already had four boys and no girls.
Gambler’s Fallacy
The impressions we form of others are affected by a number of factors including (1) ____ which are organized, interconnected mental networks of information that help us process and organize social information and (2) ____ which provide knowledge about the appropriate sequence of behaviors in specific social situations. Our impressions are also influenced by (3) ____ traits that carry more weight than other traits because the) provide unique information about a person and by the (4) ____ which was demonstrated by Rosenhan’s pseudopatient study.
(l) schemata; (2) scripts; (3) central; (4) social context
The attributions we make about the behaviors of others often reflect the (5) ____ bias, which means that we tend to overestimate the role of (6) ____ factors when making attributions about the behaviors of other people. Research on the actor-observer effect has shown that, when making self-attributions, we tend to attribute our successes to (7) ____ factors and our failures to (8) ____ factors. This tendency is referred to as the (9) ____ bias.
(5) fundamental attribution; (6) dispositional; (7) dispositional; (8) situational; (9) self-serving