Physical Development and Health Flashcards
Although ____ ____ is rapid during the prenatal period, the brain is only about _% of its adult weight at birth. The brain grows very quickly following birth, and, by the time the child is __ years of age, it has reached nearly _% of its adult weight. This growth is due less to the addition of new neurons than to an increase in the ____ between ____ (____) and the formation of ____ ____, which are responsible for the myelination of nerve fibers.
Brain Development; 25%; Two; 80%; Interconnections; Neurons (Synaptogenesis); Formation of Glial Cells
The brain continues to ____ throughout childhood and adolescence and reaches its full adult weight ____ or ____ ____ _. During its development, the brain initially produces more ____ than it ____, but ____ ____ are subsequently ____ through the process of ____ ____.
Grow; On or Before Age 16; Interconnections; Uses; Unused Synapses; Eliminated; Synaptic Pruning
While the lower centers of the brain are sufficiently developed at birth to control the ____-____ ____, the ____ — which is responsible for higher-level cognitive functions, language, spatial skills, and complex motor activities — is almost completely ____.
Life-Maintaining Reflexes; Cerebral Cortex; Undeveloped
During the first few months of life, the ____ ____ and ____ ____ of the cortex undergo ____ ____, while the ____ ____ continues to mature through ____ and ____ and may not be fully developed until the ____ or ____-___.
Primary Motor and Sensory Areas; Substantial Development; Prefrontal Cortex; Childhood and Adolescence; Early or Mid-20s
____ ____ reflects the ____ (head to tail) and ____ (center to extremities) ____ that characterizes all ____ ___: The areas of the cortex that ____ ____ of the ____ and ____, for instance, develop before the areas that govern movement of the ____.
Cortical Development; Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal Pattern; Physical Growth; Control Movement of Head and Trunk; Limbs
By about ____ _, the brain starts to gradually ____ as the result of the ____ of ____, and there is an acceleration of this ____ ____ ____ ____ _. Atrophy is most apparent in the ____ ____ (especially the prefrontal cortex), followed by the ____ and ____ ____, and then the ____ ____.
Age 30; Shrink; Atrophy of Neurons; Cell Death After Age 60; Frontal Lobes; Parietal and Temporal Lobes; Occipital Lobes
Other changes in the aging brain include –
the development of senile plaques, enlargement of the ventricles, reduced blood flow to the brain, and a decrease in the level of some neurotransmitter.
The brain attempts to ____ for ____ ____ by forming ________________________ and possibly other areas of the brain.
Compensate for Neuronal Loss; New Synaptic Connection and Neural Pathways and by Creating New Neurons (Neurogenesis) in the Hippocampus
____ are unlearned responses to stimuli in the environment. Some ____ ____ are: ____- Toes fan out and upward when soles of the feet are tickled. ____- Turns head in the direction of touch applied to the cheek. ____- Flings arms and legs outward and then toward the body in response to a loud noise or sudden loss of physical support. ____- Makes coordinated walking movement when help upright with feet touching flat surface.
Reflexes; Early Reflexes; Babinski; Rooting; Moro (Startle); Stepping (Walking)
Several techniques are used to study ____ in ____, and the optimal technique depends on the child’s age: ____-____ ____ is especially useful for studying the perceptual abilities of infants aged I to 4 months, ____ is used with infants aged 12 weeks and older, ____ ____ is an appropriate measure for those aged 5.5 to 12 months of age, and ____ and ____ ____ are considered useful across a wide range of ages.
Perception in Newborns; High-Amplitude Sucking; Reaching; Head Turning; Heart and Respiration Rates
Habituation and dishabituation are two of the strategies researchers use to evaluate the ____ and ____ of newborns. ____ occurs when the infant’s response to a stimulus decreases when the stimulus is repeatedly presented, while ____ occurs when the infant’s responsivity increases following a change in a stimulus.
Perception and Cognition; Habituation; Dishabituation
Of the senses, ____ is least well developed at birth. At birth, the newborn sees at 20 feet what normal adults see at about _ to _ ____; but, by about ___ ____, the infant’s visual acuity is probably very close to that of a normal adult. There is evidence of ____ ____ ____ by ___ ____ of age and some degree of ____ ____ by ___ to ___ ____.
Vision; 200 to 400 Feet; Six Months; Limited Color Vision by Two Months; Depth Perception by Four to Six Months
Research on the development of depth perception has shown that ____ to ____ ____ emerges in a ____ ____ i.e., babies are first sensitive to ____ ____, then ____ ____, and finally ____ ____.
Sensitivity to Depth Cues; Predictable Sequence; Kinetic Cues; Binocular Cues; Pictorial Cues
Regarding specific types of visual stimuli, newborns prefer to look at ____-____ ____ (e.g., a bold black-and-white checkerboard), and their preference for ____ ____ ____ ____ with ____ ____. Newborns also begin to prefer looking at ____ by ___ to ___ ____ after birth; and, by ___ ____, they prefer the face of their ____ over the face of an ____ ____.
High-Contrast Patterns; More Complex Patterns Increases with Increasing Age; Faces by Two to Five Days; Two Months; Mother; Unfamiliar Woman
____: The fetus hears sounds in the uterus during the last months of development, and newborns are only ____ ____ ____ to sound intensity than adults. Some ____ ____ (the ability to orient toward the direction of a sound) is evident ____ ____ ____. seems to disappear between ___ and ___ ____, and then reappears and improves during the rest of the ____ ____.
Audition; Slightly Less Sensitive; Auditory Localization; Shortly After Birth; Two and Four Months; First Year
By ___ ____, infants not only distinguish between ____ ____ but also prefer the sound of their ____ ____. Infants are particularly sensitive to speech sounds and, a few ____ ____ ____, can distinguish between the vowels “” and “” and, by ___ or ___ ____, between similar ____ _____.
Three Months; Different Voices; Mother’s Voice; Days After Birth; A and I; Two or Three Months; Consonant Sounds
Newborns are responsive to different ____ and ____. Within ____ ____ ____. their facial expressions show that they can differentiate between ____ and ____ ____ and have a definite preference for ____ ____.
Tastes and Odors; Hours After Birth; Sweet and Nonsweet Tastes; Sweet Liquids
The research has confirmed that newborns are sensitive to ____. For example, male newborns who are circumcised without anesthesia often react with a loud cry, a facial grimace, and an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. There is also evidence that exposure to ____ ____ as a newborn can impact later reactions.
Pain; Severe Pain
Taddio and colleagues (1997) found that newborns who were not given anesthesia during circumcision had a ____ ____ ____ than those who received anesthesia when given a ____ ____ four to six months later. Also, based on a review of the research, Taddio and Katz (2005) conclude that full-term infants who undergo ____ ____ ____ during infancy later exhibit ____ ____ to ____, while preterm infants who experience these procedures may exhibit ____ ____ to pain later in infancy.
More Adverse Reaction; Routine Vaccination; Painful Medical Procedures; Heightened Responsivity to Pain; Reduced Reactivity
____ ____: Note that the ages at which these ____ are reached vary considerably from ____ to ____ and that the experts often report somewhat ____ ____.
Early Milestones; Milestones; Child to Child; Different Ages
- ____: Able to raise chin from ground and turn head from side-to-side; by the ____ ____, can play with hands and fingers and brings objects in hand to mouth.
1-3 Months; Third Month
- ____: By _ ____, roils from abdomen to back; at _ ____, sits on lap and reaches and 4-asps; at _ ____, sits alone and stands with help; first teeth appear at _ to _ ____.
4-6 Monts; 4 Months; 5 Months; 6 Months; 5 to 9 Months
- ____: Shows increasingly good coordination; at _ to _ ____, sits alone without support and begins crawling and creeping. At _ to _ ____, pulls self to standing by holding furniture.
7-9 Months; 8 to 9 Months; 9 to 10 Months
- ____: At _ to _ ____, stands alone and walks with help; at about _ ____, takes first steps alone.
10-12 Months; 10 to 11 Months; 12 Months