Measures of Intelligence Flashcards
Intelligence tests are administered for a variety of reasons including assessment of ____ ____, ____ and ____ ____, and identification of ____ ____, ____ ____, and other disorders.
Scholastic Aptitude; Educational and Occupational Counseling; Intellectual Disability; Learning Disabilities
Commonly used individual tests of intelligence include the ___________________________.
Stanford-Binet, Wechsler tests, Kaufman tests, Cognitive Assessment System, and Slosson tests
____-____ ____ ____: The ____-____ ____ was the first version of the Stanford-Binet and was developed in 1905 by ____ ____ and ____ ____ as a method for identifying “____ ____ “ ____ in the ____ school system. It contained 30 tasks that were arranged in ascending order of difficulty and focused primarily on ____ and ____ skills.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales; Binet-Simon Scale; Alfred Binet and Theodor Simon; “Intellectually Limited” Children; French; Verbal and Scholastic
The most popular American version of the Binet-Simon Scale was developed by ____ ____. Since its initial publication in 1916, his Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale has been revised several times. The current version, the ____-____ ____ ____, ____ ____ (___), was published in 2003. Its ____ ____ is ___ to ___, and it was designed not only as a measure of ____ ____ ____ but also to assist in ____ ____, the diagnosis of ____ ____ and ____, and ____, ____, ____, and ____ ____ ____.
Lewis Terman; Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales Fifth Edition (SB5); Age Range is 2:0 to 85+; General Cognitive Ability; Psychoeducational Evaluation; Developmental Disabilities and Exceptionalities, and Forensic Career, Neuropsychological, and Early Childhood Assessment
The development of the SB5 was based on a hierarchical g (____ ____ ____) model that incorporates five ____ ____ derived from the ____-____-____ ____ of cognitive abilities. As shown In Table 2. the SB5 is divided into nonverbal and verbal domains that measure the same five cognitive factors.
General Mental Ability; Cognitive Factors; Cattell-Horn-Carrol Theory
SB5 Cognitive Factors and Domains
____: Testing with the SB5 is tailored to the examinee’s level of cognitive functioning using ____ and ____ ____. Administration begins with the two ____ ____ — Object Series/Matrices (nonverbal) and Vocabulary (verbal), and the starting point for these subtests is based on the examinee’s ____ or estimated ____ ____.
Administration; Routing and Functional Subtests; Routing Subtests; Age; Ability Level
Administration of each of the functional subtests begins at a level ____ ____ the examinee’s ability level as determined by their performance on the ____ ____. Testing for each subtest continues until the examinee reaches their ____ level, which is determined by the designated number of ____ ____.
Slightly Below; Routing Subtests; Ceiling; Consecutive Errors
____ and ____: The SB5 can be ____-____ or scored using ____ ____. Subtest scores (M = _, SD = _) are combined to obtain four types of composite scores (M = 100, SD = 15): ____ ____ ___, ____ ____ (PR, KN, OR, VS, WM), ____ (Verbal and Nonverbal), and ____ ____ ___ (routing subtests). ____ ____ ____ (CSS) may also be calculated.
Scoring and Interpretation; Hand-Scored; Computer Software; 10; 3; Full Scale IQ, Factor Index, Domain, and Abbreviated Battery IQ; Change Sensitive Scores
SB5 scores allow ____-____ ____ of an examinee’s performance in terms of ____ ____ and ____ of the ____ and are useful for evaluating examinees at ____ ____ of ____ and for tracking changes in ____ over time (e.g., changes that occur following traumatic brain injury).
Criterion-Referenced Interpretation; Developmental Level and Complexity; Tasks; Extreme Levels of Ability; Performance
____ ____: The standardization sample for the SB5 consisted of 4,800 people aged 2 to 96 years and was stratified to match the 2000 U.S. Census in terms of gender, ethnicity/culture, geographic region, and socioeconomic level. An additional 1,365 people representing ____ ____ (e.g., individuals with intellectual or learning disabilities, speech or hearing impairments, and attention deficits) were included in the sample.
Psychometric Properties; Special Groups
____ ____ ____ ____ for Full Scale IQ, Nonverbal IQ, Verbal 10, and the Factor Indexes are all above .90, while coefficients for the subtests range from .84. to .89. Evidence for the test’s ____, ____-____, ____, and ____ validity is provided in the Technical Manual.
Internal Consistency Reliability Coefficients; Content, Criterion-Related, Factorial, and Consequential
____ ____ ____ ____: The original ____-____ ____ ____ was developed by ____ ____ as a method for assessing the intellectual ability of ____ ____ and ____. The current version of the test, the ____ ____ ____ ____, ____ ____ (___), was published in 2008 and its ____ ____ is __ through __.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale; David Wechsler; Older Adolescents and Adults; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV); Age Range is 16:0 through 90:11
The WATS-IV and its predecessors reflect Wechsler’s view of intelligence as a ____ ____ comprised of numerous interrelated functions that allow the individual “to act ____, to think ____, and to deal ____ with their ____.”
Global Ability; Purposefully; Rationally; Effectively; Environment
The goals of the most recent revision of the WAIS were to (a) enhance the ____ ____ of the test. (b) increase the test’s ____ ____, and (c) improve its ____ ____ by updating its norms, reducing item bias, and improving the test’s floor and ceiling (the Full Scale IQ now ranges from 40 to 160).
User Friendliness; Clinical Utility; Psychometric Properties
A major difference between the WAIS-IV and its predecessor is that ____ ___ and ____ ___ are no longer reported, which makes the WAIS-IV consistent with current theories of intelligence and with the WISC-IV. The test provides a ____ ____ (___), scores on ____ ____, and scores on _ ____ and ____ ____ ____.
Verbal IQ and Performance IQ; Full Scale IQ (FSIQ); Four Indexes; 10 Core and Five Supplemental Subtests
(1) Working Memory Index (WMI); (2) Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI); (3) Processing Speed Index (PSI); (4) Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) Primary
____: The starting point for each subtest is designated in the test manual and, for most subtests, is not ____ ____. When an examinee obtains a score of 0 on the first two items, the “____ ____ “ is used, which involves administering earlier items in reverse order until the examinee obtains a perfect score on two consecutive items. The ____ ____ for each subtest varies and is determined by a designated number of consecutive items that receive a score of _ or a specified ____ of ____.
Administration; Item One; Reverse Rule; Discontinuance Rule; 0; Interval of Time
____ and ____: The WAIS-IV can be ____-____ or scored using ____ ____. Raw subtest scores are calculated and converted to ____ ____ using a table included in the WAIS-IV Administration and Scoring Manual. Subtest scores (M _, SD = _) are then combined to obtain a ____ ____ ___ (___) and four ____ ____ (M = _, SD = _).
Scoring and Interpretation; Hand-Scored; Computer Software; Standard Scores; 10; 3; Full Scale IQ (FSIQ); Index Scores; 100; 15
Interpretation involves a multi-level approach that entails first considering the examinee’s ___, followed by consideration of their ____ ____ and ____ ____. The FSIQ and Index scores must be interpreted with caution when there is, respectively, a difference of _ ____ ____ or ____ between any two Index scores or between any two subtests that contribute to an Index. Subtest score variability is then considered to identify the examinee’s ____ ____ and ____.
FSIQ; Index Scores and Subtest Scores; 1.5 Standard Deviations or More; Relative Strengths and Weaknesses
A ____ ____ ____ (___) can also be derived from the examinee’s VCI and PRI scores and is useful when an examiner wants a summary score that minimizes the impact of working memory and processing speed. In addition, an examinee’s scores can be compared to those obtained by several ____ ____.
General Ability Index (GAI); Clinical Groups
The Technical and Interpretive Manual (Psychological Corp., 2008) notes that the WAIS-IV and its predecessors tend to produce increases in scores (gain scores) on retesting for intervals ranging from several weeks to several months, apparently as the result of ____ ____.
Practice Effects
WAIS-IV gain scores for a sample of examinees varied somewhat for different age groups but, on the average, were 3.3 points for WMI, 4.6 points for PSI, 4.2 points for PRI, 2.6 points for VCI, and 4.5 points for FSIQ. Conversely, a decrease in scores on retesting is relatively rare and may suggest the need for ____ ____ to determine its cause. An exception is for individuals ages _ and older who may show a decrease of less than 7 or 8 points on the FSIQ or Index scores as the result of normal variability.
Further Assessment; 70
____ ____: The standardization sample for the WAIS-IV consisted of 2,200 people aged 16 to 90 years and was stratified to match 2005 U.S. Census data in terms of age, gender, race/ethnicity, geographic region, and education.
Psychometric Properties
The Technical and Interpretive Manual reports ____-____ ____ ____ ranging from .97 to .98 for the FSIQ for different age groups, .90 to .96 for the Factor Index scores, and .78 to .94 for the subtest scores and similar ____-____ ____ ____. Evidence for the validity of the WAIS-IV factor structure is provided by ____ ____ ____ studies, and the test’s construct validity is supported by the ____ ____ (.94) between WAIS-IV and WAIS-Ill FSIQs.
Split-Half Reliability Coefficients; Test-Retest Reliability Coefficients; Confirmatory Factor Analysis; High Correlation
The Stanford-Binet Fifth Edition (SB5) reflects a (1) ____ model of intelligence that includes five cognitive factors and is appropriate for individuals ages (2) ____. The five cognitive factors are Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative Reasoning, (3) ____ and Working Memory. Administration of the SB5 begins with two routing subtests: (4) ____ and Vocabulary. Full Scale and Factor Index scores have a mean of (5) ____ and standard deviation of (6) ____.
(1) hierarchical; (2) 2:0 to 85+; (3) Visual-Spatial Processing; (4) Object Series/Matrices; (5) 100; (6) 15
The WAIS-IV is appropriate for people aged (7) ____ and provides a Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) score as well scores on four Indexes and 10 core and five supplemental subtests. The four Indexes are (8 ____), Verbal Comprehension, Processing Speed, and Perceptual Reasoning. The FSI@ and Index scores have a mean of (9) ____ and standard deviation of (10) ____ An examinee’s scores can be compared to those obtained by several clinical groups.
(7) 16:0 to 90: 11; (8) Working Memory; (9) 100; (10) 15
For example, samples of individuals with Mild Alzheimer’s Disease, Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD, and Traumatic Brain Injury obtained the lowest score on the (11) ____ Index. The FSIQ must be interpreted with caution when there is a difference of (12) ____ standard deviations or more between any two Index scores. The WAIS-IV and other Wechsler tests tend to produce increases in scores (gain scores) on retesting as the result of (13) ____ for intervals ranging from several weeks to several months.
(11) Processing Speed; (12) 1.5; (13) practice effects
The ____ ____ ____ for ____, ____ ____ (___) is appropriate for children ages __ to __ and is available in ____-____-____ and ____ ____. Its development was based on contemporary structural theories of intelligence, ____ ____, ____ ____, and research with ____ ____.
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V); 6:0 to 16:11; Paper-and-Pencil and Digital Formats; Neurodevelopmental Theory; Neurocognitive Research; Clinical Populations
The WISC-V provides a ____ ____ ___ (___) score; scores on ____ Primary Index Scales (________________________________), scores on optional ____ and ____ ____ ____, and individual ____ ____.
Full Scale IQ (FSIQ); Five; Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed; Ancillary and Complementary Index Scales; Subtest Scores
The FSIQ provides a measure of ____ ____ ____ (g) and is based on seven subtests (Similarities, Vocabulary, Block Design, Matrix Reasoning. Figure Weights, Digit Span, and Coding) that represent all of the aspects of cognitive functioning assessed by the five ____ ____ ____.
General Intellectual Functioning; Primary Index Scales
The ____ ____ and ____ ____ of ____, ____ ____ (___) is appropriate for children ages __ through __. For children ages 3 years, 11 months and younger, scores on primary and ancillary subtests are used to calculate a ____ ____ ___, three Primary Index scores (____ ____, ____ ____, and ____ ____) and three ____ ____ ____ (Vocabulary Acquisition, Nonverbal, and General Ability).
The Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV); 2:6; 7:7; Full Scale IQ; Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, and Working Memory; Ancillary Index Scales
For children _ years of age and older, scores on primary and ancillary subtests are used to calculate a ____ ____ ___. five ____ ____ ____ (Verbal Comprehension, Visual Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed), and four ____ ____ ____ (Vocabulary Acquisition, Nonverbal, Cognitive Proficiency, and General Ability).
4; Full Scale IQ; Primary Index Scores; Ancillary Index Scores
The ____ ____ consist of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II), the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition (KBIT-2), and the Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test (KAIT).
Kaufman Tests
The ___ is a measure of cognitive ability for children ages __ through __ and was designed to be a ____-____ test by minimizing verbal instructions and responses. It provides scores on five scales: Simultaneous, Sequential, Planning, Learning, and Knowledge.
KABC-II; 3:0; 18:11; Culture-Fair
Interpretation of KABC-II scores can be based on one of two models — the ___________________ or _____________________ (which is recommended when an examinee’s performance on measures of crystallized ability would be ____ ____ by a non-mainstream cultural background, a language or hearing impairment, autism, or other factor).
Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model of Cognitive Abilities or Lauria’s Neuropsychological Processing Model; Negatively Impacted
The ___ is a brief screening test of verbal (crystallized) and nonverbal (fluid) ability and is appropriate for individuals ages 4:0 through 90+; and the ___ is multi-subtest battery that is appropriate for individuals ages 1 1 to 85+ and provides ____, ____, and ____ ___ ____.
KBIT-2; KAIT; Fluid, Crystallized, and Composite IQ Scores
The ____ ____ ____, ____ ____ (___) is a measure of cognitive processing abilities that are central to learning and is designed to assist with ____ ____, determining eligibility for ____ ____, and ____ ____.
The Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition (CAS2); Differential Diagnosis; Special Education, and Instructional Planning
The CAS2 is based on the ____ ____ of ____, which distinguishes between the four cognitive functions identified by ____ — ____, ____, ____ ____, and ____ ____. The CAS2 is appropriate for examinees ages 5:0 through 17:11 and provides a ____ ____ score, a score on each ___ scale, and ____ scores.
Pass Model of Intelligence; Luria; Planning, Attention, Simultaneous Processing, and Sequential Processing; Full Scale; Pass; Subtest
The ____ ____ include the Slosson Intelligence Test Primary (SIT-P-l) and the Slosson Intelligence Test — Revised 3rd Edition for Children and Adults (SIT-R3-I).
Slosson Tests
The SIT-P-l is a ____ ____ of ____ for children ages 2:0 through 7:11 whose IQs range from 10 to 170+. It was designed as a method for obtaining a quick estimate of ____ ____ and for identifying children at risk for ____ ____ or who require more ____ ____.
Screening Test of Intelligence; Mental Ability; Educational Failure; Extensive Testing
The SIT-R3-l is a screening test for ____ (____) ____. It is appropriate for individuals ages 4:0 through 65: 1 1 whose IQs are between 36 and 164 and may be used to assess individuals with ____ ____.
Crystalized (Verbal) Intelligence; Visual Impairments
The ____-____ ___ (___) is used to assess ____, diagnose ____ ____, and identify appropriate interventions and consists of three co-normed batteries: The ___ ____ of ____ ____ evaluates broad and narrow cognitive abilities; the ___ ____ of ____ ____ assesses oral expression, listening comprehension, and other oral language-related skills; and the ___ ____ of ____ evaluates reading, written language, mathematics, and academic knowledge. All three batteries are based on the contemporary version of the ____-____-____ (___) ____ of ____ ____ and are appropriate for individuals two through 80+ years of age.
The Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV); Intelligence; Learning Problems; WJ IV Test of Cognitive Abilities; WJ IV Test of Oral Language; WJ IV Test of Achievement; Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Theory of Cognitive Abilities
____ and ____ ____ are generally considered valid as screening devices for ____ ____ and ____ ____. However, when administered to children aged ____ or ____, these tests have limited validity for predicting later ___ ____, with validity coefficients being lower the younger the child’s age at initial testing and the longer the time interval between administrations of the test and for children without disabilities.
Infant and Preschool Tests; Developmental Delays and Neurological Impairment; Two or Younger; IQ Scores
Low correlations between scores on traditional infant tests and later IQ tests are apparently due to several factors including the fact that infant tests and IQ tests measure different characteristics: Most infant tests focus on ____ ____, while IQ tests emphasize ____ ____ and ____-____ ____ ____.
Sensorimotor Skills; Verbal Reasoning and Visual-Motor Problem Solving
The ____ ____ of ____ and ____ ____, ____ ____ (____-_) is used to assess the current developmental status of infants and toddlers ages I to 42 months. ____ ____ ____ are provided: Cognitive, Motor, Language, Social-Emotional, and Adaptive Behavior. In comparison to its predecessor, the Bayley-Ill is easier to ____ and ____, has extended ____ and ____, incorporates a greater amount of ____/____ ____, and provides information to link assessment results to ____.
The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III); Five Separate Subtests; Administer and Score; Floor and Ceiling; Parent/Caregiver Interaction; Interventions
Development of the ____ ____ of ____ ____ (___) was based on research indicating that measures of ____ ____ administered during infancy are good predictors of IQ during childhood.
Fagan Test of Infant Intelligence (FTII); Information Processing
The Fagan test assesses an infant’s ____ ____ to ____ ____, which is presumed to reflect their ability to abstract and retain information. The child’s score is determined by the amount of time they spends looking at pictures of ____ versus ____ ____. The FTII is appropriate for infants from 3 to 12 months of age and is used to identify infants with ____ ____.
Selective Attention to Novel Stimuli; New; Familiar Faces; Cognitive Impairments
Several federal laws apply to the testing of people with physical disabilities, including the ____ with ____ ____ (___), which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, transportation, communication, public accommodations, and governmental activities.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Regarding assessment, ADA requires that any test administered to a job applicant or employee with a disability must accurately measure the ____ and ____ the test was ____ to ____ rather than reflect the examinee’s ____. ADA also mandates that employers make ____ ____ when testing disabled examinees (e.g., by administering the test in accessible locations and modifying the testing materials).
Skills and Abilities; Designed to Measure; Disability; Reasonable Accommodations
The ____-____, ____ ____, and several other tests are available in versions that can be used with examinees who have visual, hearing, or other impairments. In addition, a number of tests have been developed specifically for people with disabilities.
Stanford-Binet, Wechsler Tests
The ____ ____ ____ ____-____ ____ (___) is a test of general reasoning ability for children ages 3:6 through 9:11. A unique feature of the CMMS is that it does not require ____ ____ or ____ ____ ____.
Columbia Mental Maturity Scale-Third Edition (CMMS); Verbal Responses or Fine Motor Skills
The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale consists of 92 cards that contain 3, 4, or 5 ____; and, for each card, the examinee is required to indicate the drawing that ____ ____ ____ with the others. Although the CMMS was originally developed for children with ____ ____, it is also useful for children with brain damage, intellectual disability, speech impairments, hearing loss, or limited English proficiency.
Drawings; Does Not Belong; Cerebral Palsy
The ____ ____ ____ ____-____ ____ (___-_) measures receptive vocabulary. It consists of 228 cards that contain four pictures. As each card is presented, the examiner verbally provides a ____ ____, and the examinee responds by indicating the picture that best illustrates the ____ of the word. The PPVT-4 is designed for examinees ages 2:6 to 90+ years. It is useful for people with a ____ or ____ impairment and can be administered to any examinee who is able to hear the stimulus word, see the drawings, and in some way communicate a response.
The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Fourth Edition (PPVT-4); Stimulus Word; Meaning; Motor or Speech
____ ____ ____ for the ____ ____: The ____ ____ ____ is for individuals ages 16:0 and older who are blind or partially sighted. It makes use of ____ ____ and includes six subtests: Digit Symbol, Object Assembly, Block Design, Object Completion, Pattern Board, and Bead Arithmetic.
Haptic Intelligence Scale for the Adult Blind; Haptic Intelligence Scale; Tactile Stimuli
____-____ ____ of ____ ____: The ____-____ ____ is a measure of learning ability for children ages to 17:6 who have hearing or language impairments. It can be administered ____ or in pantomime and consists of 12 nonverbal subtests that assess a broad range of ____ ____ (e.g., Picture Identification, Spatial Reasoning, Memory for Color).
Hiskey-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude; Hiskey-Nebraska Test; Verbally; Intellectual Abilities
The identification of IQ test score discrepancies between various cultural, ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups led to concern about the validity of standard IQ tests for assessing the intelligence of people who come from other than White middle-class backgrounds and to attempts to develop ____-____ ____. Most of these tests have reduced ____ ____ and make use of a nonverbal format to overcome the cultural loading associated with ____.
Culture-Fair Tests; Cultural Content; Language
Unfortunately, the research suggests that culture-fair tests may be as ____ ____ as ____ ____ and ____ ____ as predictors of ____ ____ and ____ ____. Several experts contend that intelligence test performance discrepancies between examinees belonging to different groups are due primarily to differences in test-taking motivation and interest, problem-solving approaches, cognitive styles, and attitudes toward standardized tests and that these differences have not been eliminated in ____-____ ____.
Culturally Loaded; Traditional Tests and Less Valid; Academic Achievement and Job Performance; Culture-Fair Tests
The ___ and ___-_ (which are described above) are often included in the category of culture-fair tests.
____ ____ ____ ___-___ ____ (___-): The ___- was designed as a culture-fair measure of cognitive abilities for individuals aged 3 to 75+ years. It can be administered without ____ ____ and is also useful for individuals with language problems or hearing impairment. Examinees are required to match a set of response cards to corresponding illustrations on an easel. Test items emphasize ____ ____ and evaluate four domains of cognitive functioning — visualization, reasoning, memory, and attention.
Leiter International Performance Scale-Third Edition (Leiter-3); Leiter-3; Verbal Instructions; Fluid Intelligence
____ ____ _____ are nonverbal measures of general intelligence (g) and are considered useful as multicultural tests because they are relatively independent of the effects of specific educational and cultural learning. Because instructions for these tests are ____ and can be pantomimed if necessary, they can also be used with examinees who are hearing-impaired or non-English speaking or who have aphasia or a physical disability. The tests require an examinee to solve problems involving ____ ____ and ____ by indicating which of several alternatives complete a given ____.
Raven’s Progressive Matrices; Simple; Abstract Figures and Designs; Matrix
The most commonly used version is the ____ ____ ____ (___), which includes 60 matrices that require the examinee to choose the missing section from six alternatives. It is appropriate for individuals ages and older. The ____ ____ ____ (___) is an easier and shorter version of the test and is designed for examinees ages to 1 1 older adults, and individuals with mental or physical impairments; while the ____ ____ ____ (___) is for adolescents and adults who have above-average intelligence.
Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM); Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM); Advanced Progressive Matrices (SPM)
____ ____ ____ are used in schools, industry, the armed services, and other settings where it is necessary to test a large number of examinees. Group tests often consist of ____-____ ____ grouped in terms of ____ and administered as a series of separately timed tests or arranged in a spiral-omnibus format, in which different types of items are mixed together and arranged in order of ____ ____.
Group Intelligence Tests; Multiple-Choice Questions; Content; Increasing Difficulty
The ____-____ ____-____ ____ is a multilevel battery for children in grades K through 12 and evaluates school learning ability. An examinee’s performance is reported in terms of ____, ____, and ____ ____. Although the test assesses both ____ and ____ ____, its content is less dependent on ____ than other individual and group intelligence tests.
Kuhlmann-Anderson Test-Eighth Edition; Verbal, Quantitative, and Total Scores; Verbal and Nonverbal Abilities; Language
The ____ ____ ____ (____) measures an examinee’s reasoning abilities in three areas that are linked to academic success – ____, ____, and ____. It is appropriate for students in grades K through 12 and is used to predict ____ ____ and determine a student’s eligibility for placement in a ____/____ ____.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT); Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal; School Grades; Gifted/Talented Program
____ ____: The ____ ____ ____-____ (___-_) is a 12-minute test of cognitive ability for adults and includes several forms that contain 50 verbal, numerical, and spatial items. It is used primarily by employers to assist with ____ ____.
Wonderlic Tests; Wonderlic Personnel Test-Revised (WPT-R); Hiring Decisions
The Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) is a 40-minute test that assesses job-related ____ and ____ ____ and is used by ____ ____ and ____ to evaluate an individual’s ____ for an ____-____ ____ ____.
Verbal and Math Skills; Educational Institutions and Employers; Employability; Entry-Level Career Position
The WISC-V is appropriate for individuals ages (1) ____ and provides a Full Scale 10 score along with scores on five Primary Indexes — Verbal Comprehension, Visual-Spatial, Fluid Reasoning, Working Memory, and (2) ____. The WPPSI-IV is for children ages (3) ____.
(1) 6:0 to 16: 1 1; (2) Processing Speed; (3) 2:6 to 7:7
The KABC-II was designed to be a cultural-fair test by minimizing (4) ____ and can be interpreted in terms of the (5) ____ model of cognitive abilities or Luria’s neuropsychological processing model. The (6) ____ provides scores on the four cognitive functions identified by Luria (planning, attention, simultaneous processing, and sequential processing) and is appropriate for examinees ages 5:0 through 17:11, and the SIT-P-1 is a (7) ____ for children ages to 7:11.
(4) verbal instructions and responses; (5) Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC); (6) Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition (CAS2); (7) screening test of intelligence
Infant tests tend to have low predictive validity, especially when administered prior to (8) ____ years of age. This is due in part to the fact that traditional infant tests usually measure (9) ____ skills. The Denver Il is a screening device for (10) ____ and is appropriate for children from birth to six years of age, while the (11) ____. Test of Infant Intelligence assesses selective attention to novel stimuli and is appropriate for infants from 3 to 12 months of age.
(8) 2; (9) sensorimotor; (10) developmental delays; (11) Fagan
The (12) ____ Act requires that testing of a person with a disability be done so that test performance accurately reflects what the test purports to measure rather than the person’s disability. The PPVT-4 is a measure of (13) ____ and is particularly useful for people with a motor or speech impairment.
(12) Americans with Disabilities; (13) receptive vocabulary
The Leiter-3 does not require verbal instructions or responses and is used not only as a culture-fair measure of cognitive abilities but also to assess individuals who have a (14) ____ impairment. Raven ‘s Progressive Matrices is considered useful for multicultural assessment and can also be administered to hearing-impaired examinees because its instructions can be (15) ____.
(14) language or hearing; (15) pantomimed
Group intelligence tests are used in school, industry, and other settings where it is necessary to test a large number of examinees. An advantage of the Kuhlmann-Anderson Test is that it is generally less dependent on (16) ____ than other intelligence tests. The (17) ____ is a 12-minute test of cognitive ability that is used by employers to assist with hiring decisions.
(16) language; (17) Wonderlic Personnel Test