Memory and Forgetting Flashcards
Researchers interested in memory describe it as involving three processes –
Encoding; Storage; Retrieval
a) ____ is the translation of incoming stimuli into a code that can be processed by the brain. Although encoding is often ____, it is more effective when it involves ____ ____.
Encoding; Automatic; Deliberate Rehearsal
b) ____ is the process of maintaining information in memory. Storage can be disrupted by several factors including ____ and ____ ____ and ____ ____.
Storage; Retroactive and Proactive Interference; Brain Trauma
c) ____ refers to the recovery of stored information. Retrieval is facilitated by the used of ____ ____.
Retrieval; Retrieval Cues
Models of Memory: The ____-____ and ____-of-____ ____ are two of the models that attempt to explain “____ ____ ____.”
Information-Processing and Levels-of-Processing Models; How Memory Works
The ____-____ ____ describes memory as consisting of three components – ¬¬¬__________________.
Information-Processing (Multi-Score) Model; sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory
is also known as sensory register and provides brief storage of sensory stimuli.
Sensory Memory
Although sensory memory seems to be capable of storing a ____ ____ of ____, it is retained for not more than a ____ ____. There may be separate sensory memories, one for ____ of the ____. The sensory store for auditory information is called the “____ ____,” while the store for visual stimuli is referred to as “____ ____.”
Great Deal of Information; Few Seconds; Each of the Senses; Echoic Store; Iconic Store
When information in sensory memory becomes the focus of attention, it is transferred to ____-____ ____.
Short-Term Memory (STM)
STM holds a ____ ____ of ____, and without ____, information in STM begins to ____ ____ _ ____. Encoding in STM is believed to be primarily ____ but may also be, to a lesser degree, ____, ____, and/or ____. STM consists of ____ ____ (____ ____ ____) and ____ ____.
Limited Amount of Information; Rehearsal; Fade within 30 Seconds; Acoustic; Semantic, Visual, and/or Kinesthetic; Primary Memory (Passive Memory Storage) and Working Memory
Regarding primary memory, Miller (1956) proposed that the average capacity of short-term memory is between _ and _ (7 ± 2) distinct units and that the ability to hold larger amounts of information in STM is due to the ____ (____) of related items of information. To remember a string of 21 members, for instance, you might chunk the numbers into groups of three, resulting in seven distinct units of information. ____ ____ is responsible for the manipulation and processing of information. For instance, it is working memory that allows you to repeat the phone number you just found in the phone book until you dial the number on the phone.
5 and 9; Chunking (Grouping); Working Memory
Although the process involved in converting information from STM to ____-____ ____ is not well understood, it’s likely due to the type of ____.
Long-Term Memory (LTM); Rehearsal
Information is more likely to be transferred to LTM with ____ ____, which involves relating new information to existing information, than with ____ ____, which involves simple repeating the information with little or no processing.
Elaborative Rehearsal; Maintenance Rehearsal
Encoding in LTM is largely ____, although some information may be encoded ____ or ____. The capacity of LTM seems to be ____, and some experts believe that material stored in LTM is ____. LTM consists of ____ (____) ____ and ____ ____.
Semantic; Visually or Acoustically; Unlimited; Permanent; Recent (Secondary) Memory and Remote Memory
The existence of separate short- and long-term stores is supported by studies of the ____ ____ ____. These studies have shown that, when people are asked to recall a list of items immediately after reading the list, the items in the ____ and ____ of the ____ are recalled much better than those in the ____. Apparently, the “____ ____” occurs because words at the beginning of the list have already been rehearsed and are stored in long-term memory, while the “____ ____” occurs because items at the end of the list are still in short-term memory.
Serial Position Effect; Beginning and End of the List; Middle; Primacy Effect; Recency Effect
When there is a brief time delay between reading the list and recalling it, there is only a ____ ____, and this is apparently due to the fact that items at the end of the list are no longer in ____-____ ____.
Primacy Effect; Short-Term Memory
The ____-___-____ ____ is an alternative to the information-processing model. It proposes that differences in memory are due to differences in depth of processing rather than to separate memory stores and distinguishes between three levels of processing: ____, ____, and ____.
Levels-of-Processing Model; Structural, Phonemic, and Semantic
When trying to memorize a word, you can focus either on its structural or physical properties (Is the word in capital letters?); on its phonemic or sound properties (What does this word rhyme with?); or on its meaning. The later represents the ____ ____, which is the deepest level of processing and produces the greatest amount of recall.
Semantic Level
LTM is conceptualized as consisting of ____ and ____ components. ____ ____ stores information about how to do things (“learning how”) and is used to acquire, retain, and employ perceptual, cognitive, and motor skills and habits.
Procedural and Declarative; Procedural Memory
____ ____ mediates the acquisition of facts and other information (“learning that or what”) and is further subdivided into semantic and episodic memory.
Declarative Memory
____ ____ includes general knowledge that is independent of any context and is responsible for the storage of facts, rules, and concepts, while ____ (____) ____ consists of information about events that have been personally experienced.
Semantic Memory; Episodic (Autobiographical) Memory
____ ____ (vivid, detailed images of what one was doing at the time a dramatic event occurred) are stored in ____ ____. Episodic memory is affected more by ____ ____ than are semantic and procedural memory.
Flashbulb Memories; Episodic Memory; Normal Aging
Some investigators also distinguish between ____ and ____ aspects of LTM, which roughly correspond to procedural and declarative memory. ____ ____ is automatic, while ____ ____ requires conscious recollection.
Implicit and Explicit; Implicit Memory; Explicit Memory