Prosocial Behavior and Social Environment Flashcards
____ ____ are actions that are performed with the intention of helping another person.
Prosocial Behaviors
Commonly cited explanations for prosocial behavior focus on ____ ____ or ____ ____.
Evolutionary Processes or Social Norms
According to ____ ____, prosocial behavior is the result of ____ ____, which refers to a biological predisposition to help genetically related others even if it is sacrificial to the self that developed as a means for ensuring the survival of our genes — i.e., by helping our offspring and other genetic relatives, we increase the likelihood of their survival and ability to pass their genes to future generations.
Evolutionary Theory; Kin Altruism
Evolutionary theorists maintain that the predisposition to help kin is expanded out to ____ ____ ____, and that ____ ____ are used as a proxy for judgments of relatedness. Critics of this theory point out that people do not only help relatives but also friends and strangers who are ____ and that the theory does not explain why people are more willing to assist in some ____ than in ____.
Genetically Related Others; Similarity Judgements; Dissimilar; Circumstances; Others
A more proximal cause of prosocial behaviors are ____ ____, which are general rules of conduct that are established by society to inform its members about what behaviors are expected, For example, the ____ of ____ dictates that we should help others who have helped us, whereas the ____ of ____ ____ prescribes that we should assist others who are in need of help whether or not they have helped us in the past or are likely to do so in the future.
Social Norms; The Norm of Reciprocity; Norm of Social Responsibility
Psychologists interested in prosocial behaviors have looked at factors that contribute to ____ and ____ ____.
Cooperation and Bystander Intervention
____: One of the best known investigations on cooperation is Sherif et al.’s ____ ____ ____. Participants were 11- and 12-year old middle-class boys attending a summer camp that was, unknown to the boys, staffed by ____. The boys were divided into two groups when they arrived at camp, and group activities were structured so as to maximize ____ ____ and ____ ____. Group members quickly became very ____ toward members of the ____ ____, with members of both groups frequently ____ ____ with ____ ____ ____ and calling them ____ ____.
Cooperation; Robber’s Cave Study; Researchers; Intragroup cohesiveness and Intergroup Conflict; Hostile; Opposing Group; Starting Fights with Opposing Group Members; Derogatory Names
Sherif et al. introduced several strategies designed to reduce ____ ____. For instance, they had boys attend ____ ____ that emphasized ____, they introduced a third group that served as a “____ ____,” and they provided ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. Of the strategies used, only one — the introduction of ____ ____ that could be achieved only when members of both groups worked cooperatively was ____: Following their ____ ____ to achieve these ____, members of both groups displayed ____ ____ toward one another and many developed ____ that crossed ____ ____.
Intergroup Conflict; Religious Services; Cooperation; Common Enemy; Intergroup Contact under Pleasant Circumstances; Superordinate Goals; Successful; Cooperative Efforts; Goals; Less Hostility; Friendship; Group Lines
The consequences of superordinate goals were also evaluated by Aronson and his colleagues who looked at the impact of the ____ ____ of learning for students in a fifth grade class. Students in the class were divided into ____ ____, and each team member was assigned a ____ ____ of the material to ____ and then ____ to their ____ so that each member was ____ on other ____ for ____ ____ ____ of the ____.
Jigsaw Method; Multiethnic Teams; Particular Section; Learn; Teach; Teammates; Dependent; Members; Learning All Parts; Material
Results of the jigsaw method and subsequent studies found that the jigsaw method not only ____ ____ ____ and ____ ____ ____ to members of ____ ____ ____ but also enhances students’ ____, ____-____, and ____ ____ ____.
Reduces Ethnic Stereotyping and Increases Student’s Attraction; Different Ethnic Groups; Cooperation, Self-Esteem, and Attitudes Toward School
While the benefits of the jigsaw method for academic achievement tend to be more ____ for ____ ____, ____ students do as well as (or a little better than) they do in a traditional classroom.
Pronounced for Minority Students; White
____ ____: In 1964, a young woman named Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death in Queens, New York; and although at least _ ____ ____ the ____. not one ____ the ____ (although these reports have been questioned in recent investigations).
Bystander Intervention; 38 People Witnessed the Stabbing; Telephoned the Police
To determine the causes of such ____ ____, Latane and Darley conducted a series of studies that involved exposing participants to ____ ____. Results indicated that bystanders were less likely to intervene in the ____ of ____ than when ____ and that the greater the number of bystanders, the ____ the ____ ____.
Bystander Apathy; Emergency Situation; Presence of Others; Alone; Greater the Bystander Apathy
Based on their findings, Latane and Darley concluded that the unwillingness of bystanders to help in emergency situations is due to at least three factors:
Pluralistic Ignorance; Evaluation Apprehension; Diffusion of Responsibility
____ ____: Bystanders conclude that assistance is unnecessary because others are not offering assistance.
Pluralistic Ignorance
____ ____: Bystanders do not help because they fear social disapproval.
Evaluation Apprehension