Fluid between the membrane’s w/c provides lubrication as the surfaces move against each other.
serous fluid
serous fluid is formed as ________
ultrafiltrate of plasma
function of serous fluid
Provides lubrication as the surfaces move
against each other
source of serous fluid
Ultrafiltrate of plasma; fills organ cavities
normal appearance of serous fluid
clear and pale yellow
Closed cavities
PLEURAL, PERICARDIAL, PERITONEAL are lined by 2 membranes known as serous membranes
Parietal Membrane
Visceral Membrane
lines the cavity wall
Parietal Membrane
cover the organs w/in the cavity EFFUSION
Visceral Membrane
an increase in fluid between the membranes
due to disruption of the mechanisms of serous fluid formation & reabsorption.
causes of effusions
increase hydrostatic pressure
decrease oncotic pressure
increase capillary permeability
lymphatic obstruction
increase hydrostatic pressure =
congestive failure
decrease oncotic pressure =
increase capillary permeability =
inflammation and infection
lymphatic obstruction =
usual amount by needle aspiration (serous fluid)
100 mL
procedure/collection for pleural (ser.f)
procedure/collection for pericardial (ser.f)
procedure/collection for peritoneal (ser.f)
tube used for cell counts & differential count in ser.f
EDTA tube
for chemical serologic, microbial & cytologic analysis (syn.f)
Heparinized (green-top evacuated tubes)
Specimens for pH must be maintained ______ in _____.
anaerobically ; ICE
Chemical exams on serous fluids are compared with _____
normal color of syn.f
clear pale yellow
turbid appearance of syn.f =
microbial infection (TB)
bloody appearance of syn.f =
hemothorax, hemorrhagic effusion
milky appearance of syn.f =
Chylous material from thoracic duct leakage
PSEUDOCHYLOUS form ________
chronic inflammation
Form because of a systemic disorder that disrupts the balance in the regulation of fluid filtration & reabsorption.
Testing the transudates is not usually (necessary or unnecessary).
Produced by conditions that directly involve the membranes of the particular cavity, including infections & malignancies.
Obtained from the pleural cavity, located bet. the parietal pleural membrane lining the chest wall & the visceral pleural membrane covering the lungs.
Pleural Fluid
Pleural Fluid is obtained from the _______, located bet. the ______ lining the chest wall & the ______ covering the lungs.
pleural cavity ; parietal pleural membrane ; visceral pleural membrane
Pleural fluid cholesterol & fluid-to-serum cholesterol ratio ____ or _______
> 60mg/dL ↓ or >0.3 ↓
pleural fluid is an (exudate or transudate?)
Neutrophils in pleural fluid is =
pneumonia, pancreatitis, pulmonary infection
Lymphocytes in pleural fluid is =
TB, viral inf., autoimmune disorders,
if this cell has a normal & reactive forms therefore it dont have a clin. Sig.
Mesothelial Cells
_______ are associated with TB
mesothelial cells
plasma cells in pleural fluid =
Malignant cells in pleural fluid =
primary adenocarcinoma & small-cell carcinoma, metabolic carcinoma
low glucose level in pleural fluid is seen in
are seen w/ Rheumatoid inflammation & purulent infections
in pleural fluid, if pH is lower than 7.3 it may indicate …
may indicate the need for chest-tube drainage, in addition to administration of antibiotics in cases of pneumonia
increased amylase in pleural fluid is associated with
pancreatitis, esophageal rupture & malignancy
Staph. Aureus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
in pericardial fluid, about _____ of fluid is normally found bet. the _______ serous membranes
10-50 ml ; pericardial
______ are primarily the result of changes in the permeability of the membranes due to infection (pericardial fluid)
increased neutron is indicative of
bacterial endocarditis
metastatic lung or breast carcinoma
Malignant cells
Determines exudates or transudates
Fluid-to-serum protein
Lactic dehydrogenase ratio
accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity & the fluid is referred to as ascitic fluid
accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity & the fluid is referred to as _________
ascitic fluid
are frequent causes of ascitic transudates
bacterial infection, is a result of intestinal perforation or a ruptured appendix & malignancy are the most frequent causes of exudative fluids.
a sensitive test for the detection of intra-
abdominal bleeding in blunt trauma cases (RBC count = <100,000/ul) (using normal saline)
Peritoneal lavage
results of the _____ count are used to aid in determining the need for ______
RBC ; surgery