Section 4, Chapter 4 - Interface Agreements Flashcards
What controlled airspace is delegated to Aldergrove at FL90 and below, and what UK Flight Information Services (UKFIS) responsibilities does Aldergrove have?
Delegated Airspace to Aldergrove at FL90 and Below:
- The Belfast TMA
- P600 between ROTEV and BLACA
- N34 between NEVRI and BELZU
- Below P620 between BLACA and NIMAT
- Controlled airspace below P620 between BLACA and NIMAT
UKFIS Responsibilities:
- Aldergrove shall provide UKFIS to traffic operating below N34 and P600 when Aldergrove Radar is serviceable.
- Aldergrove will not provide UKFIS to aircraft below P620.
What are the agreed levels for the transfer of traffic using the ATS route system between Scottish Control (PC) and Aldergrove?
Belfast TMA Arrivals:
- Agreed level is FL100.
Belfast TMA Departures:
- Agreed level is FL90.
Traffic Cruising Below FL100:
- When Aldergrove accepts an estimate for traffic cruising below FL100, this level becomes the agreed arrival level.
Departures Filed Below FL90:
- When Belfast TMA departures have filed cruising levels below FL90, this level becomes the agreed departure level.
ATS Route L10 Traffic:
- All traffic cruising on ATS Route L10 at FL90 or below shall be transferred to PC.
Transfer Restrictions:
- Traffic shall not be transferred directly to EGNS Radar if requested by PC, as EGNS does not have the appropriate level of RTF or Radar cover.
What are the agreed routes for traffic inbound to or outbound from Aldergrove and Belfast City airports, and how are they determined?
Agreed Routes:
* Traffic shall be routed according to tables related to aircraft navigation equipment.
RNP 1 Routes:
* Aircraft equipped to use RNP 1 related M and Q routes will flight plan accordingly.
Flight Plan Rejection:
* If an aircraft flight plans to use a route for which they are not equipped, the plan will be rejected.
What are the agreed routes for arrivals to Aldergrove and Belfast City airports based on their approach direction and aircraft navigation equipment?
Approach from NE:
- Via: P600
Approach from E FIR:
- Via: BLACA/TMA Boundary
- Route: BELZU / MAGEE
Approach from SE (RNP 5):
- Via: L10 (FL75+)
- Via: L10 (Below FL75)
- Via: UP6/L46 (RNP 5)
Approach from SE (RNP 1):
- Via: M146 (EGAA arr. - FL255, EGAC arr. FL195-)
- Via: M147 (EGAA arr. FL255+)
- Via: M148 (EGAC arr. +FL195)
Approach from S:
- Via: N34
Approach from SW, W, NW, N FIR:
- Via: TMA Boundary
- Route: Direct to BELZU / MAGEE
What are the agreed routes for departures from Aldergrove and Belfast City airports based on direction and aircraft navigation equipment?
Departing to SE (RNP 5):
- Via: L603 / L15 (RNP 5 FL150+)
- Via: L603 / L15 (FL90 - FL140)
- Via: L10 (FL80-)
Departing to SE (RNP 1):
- Via: Q38 (Belfast TMA RNP1 departures RFL285-)
- Via: Q39 (Belfast TMA RNP1 departures RFL285+)
Departing to S:
- Via: P620
Departing to N:
- Via: P600
Special Requirements for Departures via UL15/Q39 with a Requested Level of FL290 or Above:
Crossing Requirement:
- Aircraft must cross SOSIM/INKOB at FL290 or above.
Speed Restrictions:
Jet Traffic with MTOW > 35,000 kg:
* Max 250kt IAS until FL100, then Max 290kt IAS until FL250.
Jet Traffic with MTOW < 35,000 kg and all non-jet traffic:
* Max 250kt IAS until above FL250.
Unable to Reach FL290 by SOSIM/INKOB:
- Aircraft must advise EGAA/EGAC as appropriate prior to pushback, giving the anticipated flight level at SOSIM/INKOB.
- Once the departure strip is moved into the pushback bay, the Antrim Sector controller must be informed of the aircraft’s anticipated flight level at SOSIM/INKOB.
What are the conditions for silent handovers between the Antrim sector and Aldergrove?
Agreed Route and Level:
- Traffic is following the agreed route and is at or climbing/descending to the agreed level.
Distance and Altitude:
- Traffic inside CAS is within 60NM of the ARP and below FL195 (frequency 133.125 available).
- Traffic outside CAS is within 40NM of the ARP.
Spacing of Successive Arrivals and Departures:
- 10NM: Constant or increasing, between aircraft in trail.
- 5NM: Constant or increasing, between aircraft on parallel or diverging headings, following the general direction of the appropriate arrival or departure route.
- Deemed Separated Parallel Routes: Aircraft on these routes are deemed separated.
Previously Transferred Traffic:
- The transferring unit must consider previously transferred traffic.
Hazard Management:
- If the Antrim Controller considers that aircraft inbound via BLACA may constitute a hazard to aircraft routing inbound via NELBO, ROBOP, or LIMKA, they shall apply vertical separation and provide a reduced handover to Aldergrove.
Aircraft established on M147/148 or M146/Q39 are deemed separated.
Traffic routing via Q38/39 is not deemed separated until both aircraft are established on those routes.
Coordination is required if the spacing conditions (a or b) cannot be complied with.
What are the procedures for the transfer of control for arriving and departing traffic between Aldergrove and PC?
Transfer of Arriving Traffic:
- Must be completed by BLACA, NELBO, ABSUN, ROBOP, or LIMKA as appropriate.
Transfer of Departing Traffic:
- Must be completed by BLACA or before crossing a line between NEVRI and RINGA as appropriate.
Conditions for Transfer of Control:
- Transfer of control is coincident with the transfer of communications, provided:
- The receiving unit continues the flight in the same general direction and does not alter altitude while still in the airspace of the offering unit.
- Any potential traffic conflicts within the offering sector’s airspace are resolved before the transfer of communications.
Longitudinal Separation:
If 10NM constant or increasing:
* EGAA Radar should route departures on their own navigation according to their flight plan.
* Such traffic may be turned by Antrim by no more than 20° on transfer of communications.
If less than 10NM:
* EGAA Radar shall position departures on a tactical heading to remain south of the radar buffer, ensuring PC can keep the aircraft within CAS after transfer.
Restrictions on Changing Radar Heading by PC:
- PC shall not change the radar heading, unless verbal coordination occurs, until the aircraft:
- Is FL100 or above, or
- Has passed BLACA or crossed a line between NEVRI and RINGA.
- Aldergrove may not turn arrivals via NELBO, ROBOP, or LIMKA to route above the Radar Buffer Zone.
PSNI Operations:
- PC controllers may not alter the assigned route/heading of outbound traffic, without coordination, until the aircraft is above FL110.
Responsibility for Separation:
- If Aldergrove descends arrivals below the agreed level, it is their responsibility to provide separation against departures already transferred to PC.
- If PC climbs departures above the agreed level, it is their responsibility to provide separation against arrivals already transferred to Aldergrove.
- When an aircraft has been transferred to PC, APR must not assume that the aircraft will be given continuous climb by PC on first contact.
What are the conditions for the transfer of communication from an ACC to a civil Approach or military ATC terminal unit?
Transfer of Control:
- Shall not take place at or above FL195 unless specifically authorized by the CAA.
Transfer of Communications:
- May take place above FL195.
Frequency Unavailability:
- When Aldergrove frequency 133.125MHz is not available, traffic shall not be transferred before BEL D.M.E. 40NM.
What are the procedures for traffic positioning in relation to the Radar Buffer Zone?
Radar Buffer Zone:
* Established following the L10 centerline, 6NM long, 5NM wide, from BABGU to 2.5NM NW of SLYDA, at FL90 and FL100.
* Antrim and Aldergrove controllers shall not allow traffic to penetrate the Buffer Zone without prior coordination.
Antrim Responsibilities:
- Position inbound traffic according to the flight-planned routing unless requested otherwise by Aldergrove.
- When the EGAA/EGAC runway combination is 25/04, position EGAC arrivals south of EGAA arrivals.
Aldergrove Responsibilities:
- Endeavor to position outbound traffic according to the flight-planned routing.
- If conflictions arise due to limited TMA airspace, Aldergrove controllers may transfer outbound traffic on headings to remain south of the radar buffer.
- It is then incumbent on Antrim to position the traffic according to the planned route.
What phraseology is used for a reduced handover when the conditions for a silent handover cannot be met?
* “[Callsign] descending to level”.
What are the procedures for handling overflying traffic southbound from BLACA at FL80 or below?
Routing Instructions:
- APR, following coordination with Antrim Sector, will instruct the aircraft to route BLACA - RINGA - NIMAT.
Passing Details:
- Details of all overflying traffic at or below FL100 must be passed to Aldergrove.
- The estimate message should be for BELZU (or abeam that position), BLACA, or ROTEV as appropriate.
- Provide APR at least 15 minutes notice whenever possible.
Radar Handover:
- Subject to a radar handover with Aldergrove at or before the lateral boundary of the delegated area.
- APR will not change the level or squawk of this traffic.
Transfer Back to Antrim:
- Traffic will be transferred back to Antrim sector at or before the lateral boundary of the delegated area.
What are the procedures for handling military traffic requesting entry to Aldergrove and outbound military OAT traffic?
Inbound Military Traffic as GAT:
- Route via IOM VOR.
- The London (Military) controller will request ATS Route L10 joining clearance from Antrim Sector.
Outbound Military OAT Traffic:
- Must remain clear of PC airspace and contact London Military.
- If aircraft wish to transit through PC airspace, they must file a full flight plan.
What are the coordination procedures for IFR departures from Aldergrove to the FIR?
VFR Arrivals and Departures:
Subject to individual coordination.
IFR Departures:
Departures via Antrim Sector:
- East of the western edges of the Strangford CTA and the Belfast TMA above FL55, and if cruising level is below FL090.
Departures into the West Coast Sector:
- West of the western edges of the Strangford CTA and the Belfast TMA.
- Aldergrove shall allocate a maximum of FL90 to FIR departures from Belfast TMA airfields.
- If Aldergrove requests climb coordination from West Coast Sector, any climb instruction above FL90 before the TMA boundary must be coordinated directly with Antrim Sector (unless the two sectors are bandboxed).
- Aldergrove will provide a departure warning and airborne time for such traffic to be transferred to West Coast.
Departures into PC FISO Sector:
- East of the western edges of P600 and east of the Belfast TMA, FL55 and below.
What are the coordination procedures for IFR arrivals from the FIR to Aldergrove?
General Coordination:
* PC shall coordinate FIR arrivals, giving at least 15 minutes notice whenever possible.
From the FIR into Antrim Sector:
Arrivals at FL100 or Above:
- Subject to the agreed level and routing procedures as detailed in section 4.1.2.
- Shall be transferred in accordance with silent handover procedures, descending to FL100.
- Antrim shall clear such arrivals to join CAS.
Arrivals Below FL100:
- Antrim shall coordinate a joining clearance with Aldergrove and issue it to the aircraft.
From the West Coast Sector:
Level Coordination:
* West Coast shall coordinate a level with Aldergrove for Belfast TMA arrivals.
* West Coast shall transfer traffic when clear of confliction and within 40nm of EGAA to enable Aldergrove to issue a CAS joining clearance in a timely manner.
* Aldergrove will ensure that such traffic crosses the Belfast TMA boundary at or below FL90, unless coordinated with Antrim.
From PC FISO Sector:
Estimate and Clearance:
* The FISO (A) will normally pass an estimate on known traffic to Aldergrove.
* Aldergrove Radar may issue a joining clearance which the FISO (A) should relay, or may request that the aircraft contacts Aldergrove Radar directly for a joining clearance.
What are the procedures for handling police aircraft operating at FL100 in the Belfast TMA and P600?
Identification and Validation:
- APR shall identify, validate, and verify the Mode A and C of the police aircraft and confirm the type of service being provided.
Request Clearance:
- APR shall advise PC Antrim Sector of the requirement for use of FL100 and request clearance for the flight at that level.
- Provide details of the callsign, aircraft type, and squawk.
Coordination Procedures:
Belfast TMA Arrivals:
* Descended to FL110 by Antrim Sector.
Belfast TMA Departures:
* Climbed to FL90 by APR and transferred clean of the police aircraft (lateral separation of 5NM constant or increasing).
Higher Climb for Departures:
* May be coordinated on an individual basis as required, still ensuring the traffic is transferred clean of the police aircraft (vertical separation of 1000ft or lateral separation of 5NM constant or increasing).
Cruising Levels Coordination:
- Traffic arriving and departing the Belfast TMA at or below FL90 shall continue to be coordinated at their cruising levels as per the Standing Agreement.
Completion of Police Aircraft Detail:
- When the police aircraft has completed the detail and descended below FL90, APR shall advise PC Antrim Sector, and all parties will revert to the Standing Agreement.
What are the procedures for traffic operating outside the Belfast TMA within the West Coast Sector?
Identification and Validation:
- Traffic in the FIR within West Coast Sector wearing an Aldergrove Radar squawk (7031-7047, excluding 7045 Listening) may be deemed identified, validated, and verified by PC.
- Assumed to be operating not above FL85 VFR unless otherwise advised by Aldergrove.
- West Coast shall coordinate as required against such aircraft.
Observation and Reporting:
- Aldergrove shall advise West Coast if an aircraft is observed using a local code but not in contact with them.
IFR Departures:
- IFR departures from Aldergrove will be transferred to PC sectors with 5nm and 1,000ft separation from these squawks.
What are the coordination procedures for traffic affecting EGAE instrument approach areas?
Traffic Routing:
- All traffic operating at or below 3000ft intending to route North or North West of the Belfast TMA that is likely to affect EGAE instrument approach areas should be coordinated with and/or transferred to EGAE in a timely manner.
Operating Hours:
- EGAE operating hours are NOTAMed and can be found on the daily nav warnings.
- EGAE will telephone EGAA RAD to advise when opening and closing.
EFPS Display:
- The “EGAE OPEN” info strip shall be placed into the INT EFPS display when EGAE advises they are open and removed when they advise they are closed.
What are the departure routings for IFR aircraft entering the West Coast Sector?
- DEGOS: VF073
- ERNAN: VF108
- NIPIT: VF053
- MOLAK: VF041
- NIBOG: VF148
- LUTOV: VF034
- KUGUR: VF147
- APSOV: VF024
- MIMKU: VF146
- AMLAD: VF105
- IBROD: VF137
- GOMUP: VF059
- ERAKA: VF060
- BALIX: VF061
- ATSIX: VF062
- STN: VF063
- LUSEN: VF260
- ORTAV: VF267
- ADODO: VF279
- ETILO: VF289
What is the delegated airspace to Belfast City Airport and its coordination requirements with Aldergrove?
Delegated Airspace:
- The airspace between 2,000ft and 3,000ft above Belfast City’s Control Zone and CTAs 1 and 2 is delegated to EGAC during the airport’s hours of opening.
Coordination with Aldergrove:
- Due to the proximity to the let down area for Runway 25 at Aldergrove, Belfast City must ensure all aircraft operating NW of the runway centerline above 2000ft are identified to Aldergrove, which can be achieved via EFPS.
- Belfast City must coordinate any traffic they intend to position west of their CTR/CTA above 3,000’.
What are the conditions for EGAC to clear aircraft into the delegated portion of the Aldergrove CTR, and what are the coordination requirements?
Delegated Portion:
- The segment of the Aldergrove CTR between 544000N 055720W and 543210N 0060350W is delegated to EGAC up to 2000ft during EGAC hours of opening.
- A map overlay is available at AERON>AC_CORD and shall be displayed during EGAC hours of opening.
Conditions for Clearing Aircraft:
- The aircraft must be VFR.
- The maximum altitude allowed is 2000ft.
Coordination Requirements:
- EGAC can clear aircraft into the delegated portion without prior coordination with Aldergrove.
- EGAC shall show the EFPS of traffic in the delegated airspace to EGAA and annotate “DA” in the remarks box.
What documents contain the procedures for non-radar operations at Aldergrove and Belfast City, and what is specified about equipment availability for radar?
Presumption of Serviceable Radar:
- The following procedures presume serviceable radar at Aldergrove.
Non-Radar Procedures:
- Detailed in Aldergrove MATS Pt 2, Section 4, 2.8.
- Detailed in Belfast City MATS Pt 2, Section 4, 5.5.
Out of Service Radar at Belfast City:
- Procedures are detailed in Para 4.2.9.
What are the procedures in the event of NAS failure for outbound and TMA inbound squawks?
Outbound Squawks:
- Each unit will obtain their own outbound squawks from PC.
TMA Inbound Squawks:
- Aldergrove will be passed all TMA inbound squawks by PC.
- These squawks will then be annotated on EFPS.
What essential interface information must be exchanged between Aldergrove and Belfast City, and what information must EGAA keep PC apprised of?
Aldergrove to Belfast City:
- Any relevant equipment serviceability state.
Belfast City to Aldergrove:
- Opening and closing of watch.
- Relevant equipment serviceability state.
- Any pertinent missed approach information, such as if a climb above 3,000’ is required.
- The runway in use at Belfast City.
What are the separation requirements against Belfast City traffic for Aldergrove Radar and Belfast City ATC?
Standard Separation:
- 5nm or 1,000’ between aircraft under the control of Aldergrove Radar and Belfast City ATC.
IFR Traffic Transit Rules:
- When Belfast City is open, IFR traffic transiting the CTR or CTA1/2 shall not be descended below 4000ft or a level vertically separated from a Belfast City outbound (if higher has been given) until:
- The EGAC departure is identified and lateral separation is achieved, or
- Deemed separation may be applied.
Consideration for Belfast City Departures:
- Aldergrove Radar must consider released Belfast City departures when determining descent to or below the release level.
- Aldergrove may release a Belfast City departure subject to the Belfast City radar controller being able to provide 5nm+ separation on specified Aldergrove traffic.
What are the conditions for deemed separation between Aldergrove Radar and Belfast City traffic?
Video Map Overlay:
- The AERON >3NM_NPR overlay must be displayed on Aldergrove Radar.
Conditions for Deemed Separation:
When west of the 3NM_NPR overlay, IFR aircraft are deemed separated from:
* An inbound aircraft established on the FAT for Runway 22/04.
* Belfast City inbound aircraft making a standard missed approach.
* Aircraft departing Runway 22 or 04 (once west of the dotted red line 3nm NW of and parallel to the Noise Preferential Routeing of 033°).
Additional Tools:
- AERON >5NM_NPR is available to assist Aldergrove Radar in determining 5nm separation.
EGAA Inbound Aircraft:
- Already west of Belfast City CTR, north of P6, and diverging from the 04/22 center-line are deemed separated from an outbound requested by EGAC.
- The above deemed separation does not apply to EGAC departures departing N/NW (e.g., via Oceanic/VF routes).
What are the standard routing and coordination procedures between Belfast City and Aldergrove for runway use and departures?
Runway Use Notification:
- Belfast City will inform Aldergrove of their runway in use.
- Any change to the runway will be notified to Aldergrove as part of the runway change procedure.
- Aldergrove will notify PC Antrim of any runway changes.
Standard Inbound and Outbound Routes:
- As detailed in the UK AIP.
- Departures to EGPH will route BLACA-TUNSO.
- Aircraft flight-planned via L15 will be routed via PEPOD instead of DUFFY.
Noise Abatement Procedures:
- Routes are subject to Noise Abatement Procedures as detailed in the UK AIP.
What are the procedures for identification, validation, and verification of Belfast City IFR departures before transfer to PC?
Identification, Validation, and Verification:
- Aldergrove Radar must ensure all IFR departures are identified, validated, and verified prior to transfer to PC.
Direct Transfer to PC:
- If Aldergrove coordinates climb to FL90+, they may instruct Belfast City to transfer the aircraft directly to PC.
- In this instance, Belfast Radar assumes responsibility for identification, validation, and verification.
Confirmation of Task Completion:
- Aldergrove may use EFPS annotations to confirm that identification, validation, and verification are complete.
What are the procedures for departure clearances for Belfast City departures?
ATC Clearance:
- Belfast Tower will issue an ATC Clearance as per the standard routes or to leave CAS as per the flight plan, to an altitude of 3,000’.
Outbound Release Request:
- Belfast ADC or Radar will request an outbound release from Aldergrove Radar, which includes a navigation instruction (routeing towards a waypoint or a radar heading) and a coordinated level.
Coordination for Non-Duty Runway:
- Must be coordinated by telephone in advance of a release request.
Clearance Acceptance:
- If Belfast City cannot accept the clearance, they must request a release via telephone.
Non-Standard Releases:
- Must be requested via telephone, and the heading/level instructions annotated on EFPS (when serviceable).
Telephone Response:
- Aldergrove Radar may respond to the release request via telephone where additional coordination is required.
Transfer of Departing Aircraft:
- Aldergrove can expect departing aircraft to be transferred in the anticipated manner.
- Aircraft should be transferred “clean” of Belfast City inbounds unless coordination is effected.
Noise Abatement Restrictions:
- If an outbound is still under noise abatement restrictions, Aldergrove shall prefix any initial heading or routing instruction with “after noise abatement, turn ……”.
Avoiding Climb-Out Blockage:
- Aldergrove should avoid blocking climb-outs with EGAA inbound aircraft whenever possible.
What are the procedures for EGAC outbound releases?
Request Process:
- EGAC ADC shall request one outbound release at a time in the order of the departure sequence.
- R2 will flash orange on the EGAC pending departure strip in EGAA INT.
- The HDG and LVL fields will already be populated.
Non-ATS Route Departures:
- For non-ATS Route departures, EGAC will assign “S/A” off Runway 22 or “033” off Runway 04.
- Changes to the route/heading or level fields are only required if there are modifications.
Release Approval:
- INT will select green to release the departure.
- Amendments will be automatically highlighted dark blue.
Rejection Process:
- If EGAC ADC does not accept the release, they will select the red “Reject” through R2 and initiate a phone call to INT.
- A new release will be coordinated, INT will amend the release, and select green again.
Amendments Before Transfer of Control:
- No amendments to level should be offered before transfer of control.
- In exceptional circumstances, with clear telephonic coordination, an amended higher departure level may be coordinated.
- This level will be input by EGAC into the level field and will remain dark blue until passed to the aircraft.
Under what circumstances can Aldergrove Radar suspend Belfast City departures, and what should be done after taking such action?
Suspension of Departures:
- Aldergrove Radar may suspend Belfast City departures in extreme circumstances.
- Departure restrictions can be imposed as per MATS 1, Section 4, Chapter 2.
Recording the Action:
- This action must be recorded in the respective Watch Logs.
What are the procedures for Belfast City arrivals in terms of estimates, squawks, and transfer of control?
Estimates and Squawks:
- Belfast City receives estimates and squawks via NAS.
Transfer of Control:
- All TMA inbound aircraft are transferred from PC Antrim or West Coast Sectors to Aldergrove Radar.
- Aldergrove Radar will separate Belfast City inbound aircraft from other TMA aircraft and appropriately position them.
Belfast Radar Manning:
- Aldergrove can expect Belfast Radar to be manned by the time an inbound aircraft is 45nms from the airfield.
What are the procedures for radar handovers or releases to Belfast City Radar for inbound IFR traffic?
Radar Handover or Release:
- Aldergrove Radar shall provide a radar handover or release to Belfast City Radar on their inbound IFR traffic and transfer the aircraft as soon as reasonably practical.
- If Belfast Radar cannot accept the proposed handover or Aldergrove Radar consider a radar release is required, coordination must be effected via telephone.
EFPS Serviceable:
- Provided EFPS is serviceable, Aldergrove shall “show” the conflicting aircraft to Belfast City Radar as part of the release.
- If either Unit deviates from the release, they become solely responsible for retaining at least 5nm lateral or 1,000’ vertical separation.
Expected Actions:
- Belfast Radar is expected to continue the flight in the anticipated manner, based on prevailing traffic and runway in use.
- Unless the aircraft is subject to a radar release, Aldergrove Radar remains responsible for maintaining separation between this aircraft and all other aircraft under their control (e.g., if the aircraft is turned, cleared for a visual approach, avoids weather).
Cater for CDAs:
- Generally, Aldergrove should cater for Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs) into Belfast City, expecting aircraft to be 4,000’+ on base leg.
SSR Out of Service:
- If Belfast City SSR is out of service, a radar identification message must precede the handover/release.
What are the procedures for EGAC inbound releases from INT to Belfast City?
Offering an Inbound:
- INT can offer EGAC an inbound using R3 when the aircraft is outside 40nm from their overhead but should not transfer communications until the aircraft is within 40nm from their overhead.
Populating Fields:
- As a minimum requirement, the HDG and LVL fields will be populated.
- The HDG field can be populated with:
- A Waypoint (the aircraft must be transferred before the waypoint, except where the aircraft has entered the MAGEE or HB holds)
- O/N (when the aircraft is on the flight planned arrival route)
- CF (when the aircraft is on a Centre Fix)
Rejection of Offer:
- If EGAC RAD rejects the offer, they will select the red “Release 3” through R3 and initiate a phone call to INT.
- A new release will be coordinated, INT will amend the release, offer it again, and await the green response.
Amendments Before Transfer of Control:
- Before transfer of control, any further amendments can be initiated by either party by telephone, and INT will amend the release.
Runway Field Population:
- EGAA should not populate the runway field if the aircraft is making an approach to the runway in use.
What is the restriction on visual approaches for Aldergrove Radar regarding Belfast City?
Visual Approach Restrictions:
- Detailed in the UK AIP.
Aldergrove Radar Limitation:
- Aldergrove Radar is not permitted to clear an aircraft for a visual approach to Belfast City.
What is the procedure for coordinated climb for EGAC go-arounds?
Standard Climb:
- EGAC go-arounds climb to 3,000 feet (3A).
Higher Level Coordination:
- With clear telephonic coordination, a higher level may be coordinated.
- This level will be input by EGAC into the level field and will remain dark blue until passed to the aircraft.
What are the procedures for the transfer of control for inbound aircraft to Belfast Radar?
Surveillance Service Range:
- Belfast Radar may only provide a surveillance-based service out to 40nm from their ATZ.
Transfer Restrictions:
- Aldergrove Radar shall not transfer inbound aircraft prior to this 40nm point but may offer a handover.
Transfer of Control:
- Transfer of control is coincident with the transfer of communications unless specified through radar release.
What are the conditions and procedures for EGAA vectoring EGAC aircraft to final approach for an ILS approach?
Service Limitation:
- An ATCO providing a RiT service may not use this procedure.
- Instances of EGAA Radar vectoring EGAC inbounds for an ILS approach must be recorded on ATC/FORM/221.
- The EGAA WM and EGAC Supervisor must coordinate an agreed transition point or time for EGAA to commence vectoring EGAC inbounds for an instrument approach.
Range Checks:
- Necessary only if EGAC Radar or ATM is unserviceable. In such cases, EGAA must pass two checks for each inbound, with the final check passed between 10-15nm from touchdown.
Visual Approaches:
- EGAA ATCOs are not permitted to authorize visual approaches to EGAC.
Traffic Priority:
- Priority order: EGAA traffic, the DF as a whole, then additional sequencing for EGAC. If unmanageable, EGAC traffic should be held, and a non-radar service provided by EGAC approach, with handover at 4A in the MAGEE / HB hold. EGAC is responsible for issuing EATs.
Manageable Workload:
- If workload is within manageable limits, ATCOs should consider opening a dedicated position using a dedicated frequency (120.905).
Vectoring Conditions:
- Aircraft must intercept the procedure at not less than 10nm from touchdown and at not less than 3000ft.
- DOC for 04 and 22 ILS: Glidepath 10 DME, Localiser 25 DME.
- Instruct aircraft: “when inside 10 DME descend on the glidepath.”
- Caution: Minimum terrain safe level is 4000’ (Runway 22) and 3500’ (Runway 04).
- Aircraft must be presented to EGAC with not less than 10nm spacing, unless previously coordinated for increased spacing.
Speed Control:
- Essential to maintain separation, as traffic will be lost below radar cover at approximately 1500ft.
Weather and Aeronautical Information:
* EGAC will pass the current ATIS letter and QNH to EGAA, who may record the details if required.
* EGAA will ensure inbound aircraft are in receipt of the latest ATIS information before approach.
* EGAA will inform the pilot of the type of approach.
Operational Considerations:
Aircraft Movements:
- EGAC must not permit movements above 2,000ft Belfast QNH within the Belfast City CTR and CTA without prior coordination with EGAA Radar, except for missed approaches.
Missed Approach Notification:
- EGAC must inform EGAA Radar of a missed approach at the earliest opportunity.
S/VFR Aircraft:
- EGAC must advise EGAA Radar of all S/VFR aircraft operating in the EGAC CTR/CTAs.
- EGAC must minimize and exercise caution when clearing S/VFR aircraft to enter the CTR/CTAs. They must not cross the approach extended centerline without prior coordination with EGAA Radar.
Non-Duty Runway:
- The non-duty runway is not to be used when EGAA is vectoring EGAC inbound traffic. A runway change procedure must be implemented for non-duty runway use, with an agreed transition point.
Flow Control:
- The EGAC supervisor must contact the EGAA WM to coordinate Flow Control requirements and implement it accordingly.
What are the procedures for handling S/VFR traffic towards Belfast City from Aldergrove?
Initial Coordination:
- Aircraft departing Aldergrove to operate in or near Belfast City’s Area of Responsibility should be shown by ADC to APR first, and then by APR to Belfast City.
Routing and Frequency Coordination:
- Aldergrove APR shall coordinate a routing and frequency for the aircraft.
Clearance into Controlled Airspace:
- If the clearance limit is within Belfast City airspace, Aldergrove will clear the aircraft into controlled airspace.
- Otherwise, the pilot should be instructed to remain outside and contact Belfast Approach.
Coordination with Belfast City:
- All Aldergrove S/VFR outbounds towards Belfast City must be coordinated with Belfast City prior to departure.
- An airborne time must be passed to Belfast City.
Transfer of Control:
- Transfer of control should take place before the aircraft enters the segment of the Aldergrove CTR delegated to Belfast City (e.g., NW of DIVIS).
What are the procedures for handling S/VFR traffic towards Aldergrove from Belfast City?
Passing Details:
- Belfast City shall pass details of S/VFR traffic routing into or close to Aldergrove’s area of responsibility to Aldergrove Radar and coordinate a routing and frequency for the aircraft.
Clearance into Controlled Airspace:
- If the clearance limit is within the Aldergrove Control Zone, Belfast City will clear the aircraft into controlled airspace.
- Otherwise, the pilot should be instructed to remain outside and contact Aldergrove Approach.
Delegated Segment of Airspace:
- Belfast City may clear VFR aircraft into the Aldergrove zone within the delegated segment of airspace.
- Belfast City is responsible for ensuring that this traffic does not exceed the clearance limit.
What are the procedures for handling VFR traffic above Belfast City’s area of responsibility?
Coordination with Belfast Radar:
- VFR traffic intending to operate above Belfast City’s area of responsibility should be coordinated with Belfast Radar.
- Belfast Radar will assume responsibility for ensuring separation between this aircraft and aircraft under their control.
UKP Aircraft Near Aldergrove CTR:
- UKP aircraft leaving or operating near the edge of the Aldergrove CTR may be given a continuous clearance to leave/join the CTR as operationally required.
- Clearance limit example: “remaining SE of the Belfast Hills (Cavehill, Black Mountain, Divis).”
What are the SVFR separation responsibilities between Aldergrove and Belfast City?
Deemed Separation:
- Aircraft operating SVFR within the SE sector are deemed separated from:
- Arriving/departing aircraft from EGAC.
- SVFR aircraft SE of the 04/22 center-line.
- Separation is valid when the aircraft are NW of the solid red line 3nm NW of the 04/22 center-line.
- EGAA Radar is responsible for ensuring the aircraft is held NW of the red line.
- EGAC is responsible for ensuring their traffic remains SE of their center-line.
Military Aircraft:
- Military aircraft intending to leave the Aldergrove CTR SVFR to the SE are not separated from aircraft operating SVFR NW of the 04/22 center-line once beyond the SE SRP unless:
- Coordination has taken place with EGAC.
- 3+nm radar separation can be maintained.
What are the procedures for using local squawks between Belfast Aldergrove and Belfast City?
Local Squawk Blocks:
- Belfast Aldergrove: 7030-7047
- Belfast City: 4250-4257
Squawk Cancellation:
- Local squawks should be cancelled prior to transfer from one unit to the other but may be retained following coordination.
Mode S Identification:
- Belfast City commonly uses Mode S as a tool for identification.
Situational Awareness:
- Aldergrove Radar may request that EGAC allocate a local squawk to their aircraft to assist in overall situational awareness.
What is the Belfast City Listening Squawk and its operational guidelines?
Listening Squawk Code:
- 4255
- Pilots operating/transiting close to the Belfast City CTR/CTZ but not requiring an ATS are encouraged to use this squawk.
- Monitor Belfast Approach frequency 130.850 MHz.
- Pilots should only select squawk 4255 when operating within 25nm of Belfast City.
- The squawk is considered a conspicuity code and is therefore treated as unvalidated and unverified.
- It is not available for allocation by the Radar Controller.
- Details of the Listening squawk and its operation are published within the UK AIP ENR 1.6 & EGAC Aerodrome Section, and the UK SSR Code Assignment Plan.
What are the procedures for handling EGAD (Newtownards) IFR traffic using the ATS Route system?
Flight Plan Details:
- Belfast City and Aldergrove should receive flight plan details on Newtownards IFR aircraft using the ATS Route system via NAS.
Flight Progress Strips (FPS):
- If either unit needs to raise a FPS in EFPS, they shall ensure that the aircraft is made visible to the other unit.
How will Newtownards inbound IFR traffic be handled by Aldergrove?
Handling Procedure:
* Newtownards inbound IFR aircraft will be handled by Aldergrove in the same manner as Belfast City inbound traffic.
What are the procedures for outbound IFR traffic from Newtownards?
Initial Contact:
- Outbound IFR traffic from Newtownards will contact Belfast City, remaining outside CAS.
Belfast City Responsibilities:
- Issue a joining clearance into their airspace.
- Advise PC that the aircraft is airborne.
- Coordinate a clearance to enter the TMA or join controlled airspace with Aldergrove Radar.
- Issue this clearance to the aircraft as part of an ATS Route clearance.
What procedures should EGAC adopt in the event of ATC evacuation or suspension of ATS at Aldergrove?
Procedure Adoption:
* EGAC will, following coordination with PC, adopt the same procedures as for radar failure at Aldergrove.
What is the procedure for notification of airspace infringements involving EGAC controlled airspace?
Infringement Notification:
- Belfast City is responsible for notifying Aldergrove in the event of an infringement of EGAC CTR or CTA.
Separation Rules:
- As per MATS1 Section 1: Chapter 6: 15. Unknown Aircraft, unless radar derived or other information indicates an airspace infringement, increased separations do not apply to radar returns observed which could legitimately be operating within EGAC controlled airspace.