Section 1, Chapter 9 - Recording Handovers Flashcards


What are the procedures for recording operational handovers at Aldergrove using the iPOS system?


The procedures for recording operational handovers at Aldergrove using the iPOS system are:

Initiating the Handover:

  • The outgoing ATCO selects the ‘RELIEF BRIEF’ button on the iPOS function bar, which will highlight in green.
  • This sets up two-way communications between each headset plugged into the iPiP (Plug-in-Panel), allowing the conversation to be heard on the console as a ‘live’ headset.

Communication During Handover:

  • Communication from either headset will be heard in any telephone call (Ground/Ground communications).
  • Air/Ground communications are not affected if the oncoming ATCO speaks during an R/T transmission.

Providing the Handover:

  • The outgoing ATCO provides a full handover in accordance with established procedures detailed in Section 3, paragraph 1.2.1, and Section 4, paragraph 1.4.2.

Completing the Handover:

  • Once the incoming ATCO has accepted responsibility for the operational position, the ‘RELIEF BRIEF’ button is deselected.

Recording and Accountability:

  • The entire handover is stored on the VERISTORE Recorder and can be replayed later.
  • The responsibility for the accuracy of the handover lies with the person vacating the operational position.
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What are the procedures for recording handovers when splitting or band-boxing positions at Aldergrove?


The procedures for recording handovers when splitting or band-boxing positions at Aldergrove are:

Full Handover:

  • A full handover is to be given as per the normal HOW/TOW requirements.
  • This is done by selecting the RELIEF BRIEF function on the VCCS to ensure the handover is recorded on Veristore.

Both ATCOs Participation:

  • Both the ATCO in the currently band-boxed position and the incoming ATCO to the position to be split shall select RELIEF BRIEF to ensure both sides of the handover are recorded.

Completing the Split Sector Requirements:

  • Once the split sector requirements are met and any aircraft on a discrete frequency have transferred, the outgoing ATCO shall “close” the position by selecting RELIEF BRIEF and stating “[position] closed” before leaving.

Immediate Assistance:

  • If an ATCO takes the position on short notice due to immediate assistance, a full RELIEF BRIEF handover shall be conducted as soon as practicable.
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