Section 1, Chapter 2 - Light Aircraft & Unmanned Aircraft Procedures Flashcards


What are the procedures for light aircraft and the handling of potential hazards within the Belfast TMA?


The procedures for light aircraft and handling potential hazards within the Belfast TMA are:

  • Instrument Training Flights: Pilots must telephone to request approval, which must be authorized by the ATC Watch Manager.
  • Potential Hazards: When ATC is aware of a potential hazard within the CTR (e.g., model aircraft, bad weather), pilots should be warned as soon as possible and offered an alternative route if required.
  • Warnings: Relevant warnings will be broadcast on ATIS.
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What are the procedures for managing Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) flights within the Belfast TMA and controlled airspace?


Procedures for managing UAS flights are:

Categories of UAS:

Open Category:
* 400ft or below
* Less than 25kgs
* Within Visual Line of Sight (VLOS)

Specific Category:
* Requires CAA Operational Authorisation (OA) when Open Category criteria cannot be met.

Approval Process:

  • UAS operators must request approval for flights within the FRZ or CAS above 400ft at NATS NSF.
  • Completed applications are sent to EGAA ATC via automated email.
  • Approval in principle does not constitute permission to fly. Operators must contact ATC on the day of flight for confirmation.

Notification Requirements:

  • No need to notify ATC for Open Category or VLOS Specific Category flights in CAS outside the FRZ below 400ft, unless required by OA.
  • Operators may still choose to submit a notification.

Review and Response:

  • EGAA ATC reviews applications and responds to UAS operators.
  • For flights within the FRZ, operators must confirm permission on the day of flight.
  • For flights within CAS outside the FRZ, ATC may advise against the flight for safety or operational reasons.

Documentation and Communication:

  • Applications and OA references are stored in the AA/MAN/061 Special Flight Notifications Folder.
  • Details recorded in the BFSATC Outlook Calendar.
  • Applications forwarded to BIAL ADM by email; ADM notified on the day of flight.
  • Appropriate phraseology read to UAS operators before flight, as per NON 05/2019.
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What actions should ATC take upon receiving a report of unauthorized UAS activity that could endanger flight safety?


Upon receiving a report of unauthorized UAS activity, ATC should:

  • Note the time of the encounter
  • Note the altitude and position of the UAS as notified to ATC
  • Note the description of the UAS (shape/colour) as notified to ATC
  • Note any avoiding action taken by the pilot

Additional actions include:

  • After any ATC closure, check with the Aerodrome Authority for any UAS activity reports when reopening
  • Do not presume the reported UAS is the same as one ATC may have permitted
  • Report the UAS presence and notify other pilots; pilots are responsible for subsequent actions
  • Assess flight safety significance and provide traffic avoidance advice if necessary
  • Advise other aircraft in the vicinity for 30 minutes using specific phraseology
  • File a CA4114 (MOR) on all reported events
  • Notify other ATC units or external organizations based on the unit receiving the information and the reporting party
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