Section 4, Chapter 2 - Approach Control Procedures Flashcards
What are the responsibilities of the Approach Coordinator (APC) in Approach Control Procedures?
Co-ordination of IFR traffic:
* Arriving, departing, and over-flying with PC, EGAC, and ADC.
* Includes range checks and radar handovers when delegated by APR.
* Inform APR/RAD2 of all such co-ordination.
Coordination of VFR/SVFR traffic:
* With adjacent ATSUs and ADC.
Runway declaration:
* In consultation with APR and ADC, based on weather and navigational aids serviceability.
Aircraft emergencies:
* Coordinate with ADC and adjacent ATSUs/Agencies.
* Provide necessary information for emergency procedures and updates as available.
Delegation to ADC:
* Certain IFR separations or block delegation of airspace, e.g., SVFR circuits.
* ADC ATCO uses reduced separations as per MATS 1, Section 1 Chapter 3.
Information APC must ensure is available to ADC/APR/RAD2 and adjacent ATSUs:
- Runway in use at EGAA and notification of changes to PC/EGAC.
- Runway in use/serviceability status at EGAC.
- Notification of EGAC runway to PC.
- Serviceability of radio and navigational aids.
- Essential Aerodrome Information.
- Weather warnings, including LVPs.
- Activity states of relevant Danger Areas.
- Airspace Restrictions.
- Minimum Stack Level in Belfast TMA and Transition level on radar display.
- Notification of any flow control restrictions to GMC/ADC and EGAC.
- Keep EFPS display updated in conjunction with INT.
- Inform DEO and WM/DWM of any radio/navigational aids malfunctions reported by aircraft.
When APC is opened by INT:
- APC assumes immediate responsibilities delegated by INT.
What are the key responsibilities of the APC regarding coordination in Approach Control Procedures?
Notify APR:
- Inform APR of any VFR/SVFR traffic that may affect aircraft receiving a Radar Service.
Coordinate Outbound Clearances:
- Coordinate outbound clearances with APR.
- Impose any necessary restrictions regarding VFR/SVFR traffic.
- Notify APR of these restrictions.
Coordinate Non-Standard Routeings:
- ADC must coordinate with APC/PC any non-standard routeings or changes to flight plan information.
- Coordinate routeings that would be contrary to the Standing Agreement between units.
Pass Departure Clearances:
- Include radar headings.
- Coordinate with the APR ATCO regarding outbound, inbound, or transit aircraft.
How should VFR transit aircraft intending to route through the Aldergrove CTR be controlled?
- Control as per Paragraph 3.1.3 VFR Arrivals: Follow the guidelines outlined in this section for managing VFR transit aircraft.
- Transfer to ADC: Any transit aircraft overflying the airfield should be transferred to ADC.
What instructions and clearances are given to VFR traffic wishing to transit the Aldergrove Control Zone and overfly the airfield?
For transit through Aldergrove Control Zone:
- CTR entry clearance
- Routing instructions
- Coordination with ADC should be effected.
For overflying the airfield:
- CTR entry clearance
- Clearance limit
Additional Notes:
- Aircraft joining from the east or southeast will normally be notified via Belfast City ATC.
- Aldergrove may issue a CTR joining clearance to Belfast City for them to pass on to the pilot.
- Coordination with ADC should occur in sufficient time to enable transfer of control before the clearance limit.
What are the procedures for VFR departures from the Aldergrove Control Zone?
Refer to Section 3, Ch 3.1.2 VFR Departures.
ADC Responsibilities:
* Pass pertinent airborne times on VFR departures to APR.
Coordination Requirements:
* VFR departures may require coordination if a conflict exists with other traffic.
* APC may apply restrictions to the departure.
* Any VFR departure wishing to fly above 2000ft must be coordinated with APC.
Frequency Management:
* Departing VFR traffic will remain on the Approach Control frequency until clear of the Control Zone.
What is the procedure for issuing Special VFR departure clearances?
Issued by Approach Control:
* In response to pilot requests.
Details Provided:
* Specify departure route.
* Specify maximum altitude.
Communication with Aerodrome Control:
* Individual clearances are issued to Aerodrome Control.
What should Aldergrove ATC do for flights leaving Northern Ireland at night intending to use the Scottish FIR?
- Advise the appropriate sector at PC of the intentions of any such aircraft.
- Example: PAZT leaving CTR S/VFR to EGNH.
What procedures must be followed for VFR flights transiting between the EGPX FIR and EINN FIR?
Notify Dublin:
* Tel No: +353 184 44 564.
* Details to be Passed:
* Callsign.
* Type.
* Altitude.
* FIR boundary estimate destination.
* Point of departure.
- Notify Scotland Lower Support Sector (ANT ASST):
- Ensure information, including position and estimate for FIR boundary, is passed for onward transmission.
- ACC Dublin Notification:
- Notify Aldergrove verbally of VFR flights intending to land or transit the Scottish FIR at or below 4000ft.
- Transfer of communications to Aldergrove Approach.
- Scotland Lower Support Sector:
- Pass details of relevant VFR flights to Aldergrove Radar.
What are the procedures and phraseology for Runway 07 when in use during daylight hours?
ATIS Broadcast:
- Phraseology: “There is an airfield with a similar runway near to the final approach track at DME 3NM. Runway 07 at Belfast international airport is lighted.”
If any of the following conditions apply:
- The message is not being broadcast.
- The ATM is Out of Service.
- The AFDA and/or Approach path Monitor are unserviceable.
- An arriving IFR flight is on a Visual or VOR approach.
APC Phraseology when transferring to ADC:
- “[Callsign], caution Langford Lodge, contact Tower on 118.3.”
ADC Instruction to Inbound Aircraft:
- “Report the Runway lights in sight.”
What are the procedures for using a Non-Duty Runway (Non-Promulgated Duty Runway or Opposite End Approaches)?
- Only for Category A aircraft or aircraft carrying out ILS/AGL flight checks.
- Not applicable to cross runway operations.
For Arrival or Departure in Other Circumstances:
- Complete a full runway change as per unit checklist ATC/FORM/203.
- Radar Responsibilities:
- Hold arrivals at the BEL.
- Do not permit inbound aircraft to establish on the FAT until the last departure is airborne and 5NM or greater from the FAT.
- Provide vertical separation between the arrival and departure until the departure is:
- Airborne.
- Identified and radar can assure a minimum of 5NM lateral separation.
Sufficient notice must be given to enable the checklist to be completed when coordinating a runway change.
What actions must APC take when a runway is reduced in length?
Receive Pilot Acknowledgement:
- Confirm receipt of the following message via RTF: “Confirm that you are aware that runway xx is operating at reduced distances.”
Traffic Display Update:
- Place a strip in the traffic display before the aircraft reaches 15NM from touchdown.
- The blank right-hand side of the strip is a text field where appropriate information can be displayed.
What actions must APC take when a runway is returned to full length?
Advise all inbound aircraft:
* Inform them that runway [xx] is operating full length.
Update Traffic Display:
* Remove the strip from their display.
What are the key points of the missed approach procedures?
Standard Procedures:
- Detailed on approach charts, including altitude.
- ATC may deviate from these as necessitated by the prevailing situation.
Wind Shear Considerations:
- Aircraft may use maximum thrust and risk exceeding the cleared level.
If missed approach is due to wind shear:
* ADC must immediately coordinate with INT/FIN to ensure separation.
* INT/FIN must ensure enhanced vertical separation against missed approach profiles where wind shear is known to exist.
What actions must be taken during periods of runway closure?
- Place a “Runway xx Closed” strip in the center bay of the strip display.
- Deselect final approach track overlays.
What are the phases of radar failure and where can the checklists be found?
Phases of Radar Failure:
- Initial
- Intermediate
- Final
~~~~~ - Application: The same phases may apply to a planned outage but are more controlled.
- Checklists: Available in the ‘Checklists’ folders held in VCR and APC Room.