Section 1, Chapter 18 - Letters Of Agreement Flashcards
What are the key details about the Letter of Agreement with Belfast Flying Club (Spectrum Aviation)?
Name and Approval:
- Belfast Flying Club, also known as Spectrum Aviation, is a CAA Approved training facility.
- Based at the GAT Aldergrove.
Training Provided:
- Offers training for NPPL, PPL, IMC, and Night Ratings.
Calls Sign:
- Uses the callsign “SPECTRUM” (SPJ).
- Prefixes callsign with “STUDENT” to indicate a student pilot undergoing basic flying training.
What are the circuit procedures for Spectrum Aviation at Belfast Flying Club?
Standard Circuit Height:
- 1000 ft QFE.
Low Level Circuits:
- May be requested and are approved at the discretion of the Aerodrome Controller.
What are the procedures and restrictions for solo student flights at Spectrum Aviation?
First Solo Flights:
- Coordinated between the instructor and ATC.
- Not authorized during the last 45 minutes of ‘day’.
- ATC will advise RFFS when a first solo is about to take place.
Restrictions for Solo Student Pilots:
- No immediate take-off instructions.
- No instructions to fly tight circuits.
- No orbits on final approach unless requested by the pilot.
- No excessively early turns on climb out.
What is the procedure for simulated engine failure after take-off at Spectrum Aviation?
Advance Warning:
* Practice engine failures on take-off will be preceded by advance warning.
RFFS Notification:
* ATC shall advise the RFFS of such practices.
What is the procedure for requesting approval for instrument flight training within the Belfast TMA at Spectrum Aviation?
Request Method:
- Pilots must telephone or email ( to request approval.
- Approval must be authorized by the ATC Watch Manager.
What are the radio failure procedures for Spectrum Aviation?
General Procedures:
- Stand-Alone Radio: Spectrum Aviation uses a CAA approved stand-alone 760 channel/8.33 kHz radio.
- Mobile Phone: If both main and stand-alone radios fail, pilots should use a mobile phone to contact ATC.
- Speechless Code: Controllers should be familiar with the ‘Speechless Code’ available on APR and ADI iPads.
Pilot Actions:
- Squawk: A7600 if transponder equipped.
- Transmit Blind: Position reports and intentions if the transmitter might be working.
- Listen to ATIS: To establish runway in use, QNH, etc.
Aircraft in the Circuit:
- Follow last ATC instruction and look for ALDIS light signals from the ATC Tower.
- If on final without landing clearance, initiate missed approach and follow last flown circuit pattern.
- Orbit at the end of the downwind leg, clear of final approach areas, and look for light signals.
- Perform 5 orbits if no light signals are seen, then route to final and land.
Aircraft Outside the Circuit:
- Return to land at Belfast International, joining the nearest circuit pattern at or below 2000ft VFR.
- Orbit at the end of the downwind leg, look for light signals, and perform 5 orbits if no signals are seen, then route to final and land.
Aircraft Outside the Control Zone/TMA:
- Daylight Hours: Land elsewhere.
- Hours of Darkness: Approach the airfield boundary, join the nearest circuit pattern at or below 3000ft VFR, orbit at the end of the downwind leg, look for light signals, perform 5 orbits if no signals are seen, then route to final and land.
What are the flight details and procedures for balloon GOKYA based near EGAA?
Base Location:
- Approximately 8NM North-East of EGAA within Class D airspace.
Advance Notice:
- Pilot should email Aldergrove ATC the day before launch with intentions, rough timings, callsign, POB, and estimated routing details.
Booking Out:
- At least ten minutes prior to departure, the pilot must book out with Aldergrove ATC by telephone, providing call sign, flight details, and ETD.
- Inform Aldergrove ATC if the ETD varies by ten minutes or more.
Transponder Use:
- If GOKYA has a serviceable transponder, select squawk 7030 or any squawk issued by ATC before getting airborne.
Zone Clearance:
- Booking out does NOT constitute zone clearance. Clearance must be obtained via RT from Aldergrove Radar.
What are the ATC procedures for managing balloon GOKYA flights?
Segregated Airspace:
- Created for ‘GOKYA’ extending from the ground to 1500ft QNH with a 2nm diameter.
Pre-Flight ATC Actions:
- At least 10 minutes before GOKYA’s ETD, select the ‘GOKYA’ map on the Radar display.
Separation for IFR Traffic:
- Provide a minimum of 500ft vertical and 1nm lateral separation from the segregated area.
Information for VFR Traffic:
- Provide generic traffic information on GOKYA as appropriate.
What are the procedures for GOKYA balloon operations when Runway 25/07 is in use?
Departure Conditions:
- Only depart if the wind drift is from the south and the balloon will not drift past the 25/07 Clearance Limit Line (CLL) from Toome VRP to Ballyclare.
Contacting ATC:
- Contact Aldergrove Approach as soon as possible, within 1nm from the departure point, to obtain a zone clearance.
- Set course only after receiving clearance and subject to any ATC restrictions.
Altitude Restriction:
- Climb not above 1500ft QNH VFR.
Drift and Landing:
- If the balloon drifts south of the CLL, advise ATC immediately and land as soon as possible.
Pilot Responsibilities:
- Maintain a good lookout until contact with Aldergrove Approach is established.
- Ensure the balloon remains clear of the instrument approach areas to Runway 25 at all times.
What are the procedures for GOKYA balloon operations when Runway 17/35 is in use?
Departure Conditions:
- Only depart if the wind drift is from the south/south-west and the balloon will not drift west of the 17/35 Clearance Limit Line (CLL) from the windfarm (at the NE CTR boundary), through Templepatrick to Lisburn.
Contacting ATC:
- Contact Aldergrove Approach as soon as possible, within 1nm from the departure point, to obtain a zone clearance.
- Set course only after receiving clearance and subject to any ATC restrictions.
Altitude Restriction:
- Climb not above 1500ft QNH VFR.
Drift and Landing:
- If the balloon drifts west of the 17/35 CLL, advise ATC immediately and land as soon as possible.
Pilot Responsibilities:
- Maintain a good lookout until contact with Aldergrove Approach is established.
- Ensure the balloon remains clear of the instrument approach areas to Runway 17 at all times.
What is the procedure for deactivating the GOKYA segregated airspace after landing?
Post-Landing Action:
* The operator/pilot should telephone Aldergrove ATC to deactivate the GOKYA segregated airspace after landing, whether at the launch site after an abandoned take-off or after an ad hoc landing.
What are the procedures for GOKYA in the event of an RTF failure during outbound flights?
With Clearance Received:
- Continue as per procedures in paragraph or
- After leaving the zone, land at the nearest suitable landing site outside the CTR.
- Telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as possible after landing.
Without Clearance Received:
- If radio failure occurs on departure and no clearance has been received, land as soon as possible.
- Notify ATC as soon as possible after landing.
What are the general details and restrictions for the Ulster Model Aircraft Club (UMAC) flying site?
- Eastern portion of the disused Nutt’s Corner airfield, west of the A26 road.
- Approximate coordinates: 126° at 2.5nm (543748N 0060938W) from the Aerodrome Reference Point.
- Located within Class D airspace and a portion lies inside the Aerodrome Traffic Zone and EGAA FRZ.
- Site routinely used by aircraft holding for clearance to final and by transiting fixed wing and rotary aircraft.
Permitted Operations:
- Flying of model aircraft up to a Maximum Take Off Mass (MTOM) of 25kg.
- Restricted to sporting and recreational purposes.
- Does not absolve the need for CAA permissions for aerial or surveillance work.
- Operators must adhere to regulations around privacy, security, and surveillance operations.
- Nutt’s Corner flying site is notified within UKAIP AD 2.EGAA Warnings (c) for daily flying to 400ft AGL.
What are the airspace access permissions for the Ulster Model Aircraft Club (UMAC) under the Letter of Agreement (LoA)?
Operation Category:
- Open Category of UAS operations.
Model Aircraft Specifications:
- Models up to a Maximum Take Off Mass (MTOM) of 25kg.
- Flying not exceeding 400ft AGL.
- Operations within Visual Line of Sight (VLOS).
ATC Consideration:
- The site is considered permanently active for model aircraft flying up to and including MTOM of 25kg.
What are the notification procedures for Ulster Model Aircraft Club (UMAC) in the event of a model aircraft ‘flyaway’ and for models of different masses?
General Flyaway Notification:
- Notify ATC immediately via telephone in the event of a model aircraft ‘flyaway’ event.
Models Up to 25kg MTOM:
- Notification to ATC is not required.
Models Greater Than 25kg:
- Recognized as full-size aircraft by the Air Navigation Order.
- Subject to extra procedures as laid down by the CAA (operated by the Large Model Association).
- Full notification procedures and ATC clearances are required prior to flying.
- ATC may impose any necessary flying restrictions.
What are the operational requirements for model flying activities at the Ulster Model Aircraft Club (UMAC)?
- All model flying activities must comply with the CAP722 suite of documents regarding UAS.
- CAP722F provides specific guidance for model aircraft operations.
Fuel-Powered Model Aircraft:
- UMAC should provide a lookout to warn flyers of full-size aircraft in the vicinity.
- The person in charge of the aircraft must ensure safe operation and compliance with the Air Navigation Order.
Flying Limits:
- All model flying must be within the limits shown on the Site Plans in figure 14.
- A separate Helicopter Hover Area is used for low hovering, as illustrated in figure 14.
What are the requirements for First Person View (FPV) flying at the Ulster Model Aircraft Club (UMAC)?
- FPV flying must adhere to the guidelines detailed in CAP722.
Observer Requirement:
- Pilots must be accompanied by a competent observer who takes on the ‘look out’ responsibilities.
- The remote pilot is still responsible for the safety of the flight.
Flying Limits:
- All FPV flying must be within the limits shown on the Site Plan in figure 14.
What is the purpose and procedure of the Martin-Baker Test Track at EGAL?
- To operate an Ejection Seat Test Track in association with RLC Engineering Group.
- Involves the forward projection of a test sled along a rail system, simulating the forward movement of an aircraft at ejection.
- The seat is ejected to a maximum height not greater than 200ft AGL.
- The actual test lasts a few seconds but is part of a week-long process, often with a short window of opportunity on the test day.
What are the procedures for conducting the Martin-Baker Test Track at EGAL?
Advance Notice:
- Martin-Baker advises EGAA ATC about a week before the test via email ( with the date and approximate time.
- ATC notes these details in the Diary and/or Handover Board.
Confirmation on Test Day:
- Martin-Baker contacts EGAA via OSS mobile handset to confirm the proposed time and operations contact number.
Pre-Test Communication:
- Approximately 5 minutes before the test, ‘Martin Baker Test Track’ checks in with Aldergrove Tower via RT.
- ADC asks MBTT to advise when testing is complete.
- Test continues as planned once two-way communications are established.
Emergency Halt:
- If necessary to halt the test, Aldergrove Tower transmits: “Martin Baker, Stop, Stop, Stop. Acknowledge.”
- ATC advises Martin Baker via RTF or telephone of the reason and approximate duration of the delay.
Communication Failure:
- If two-way communications cannot be established on the Tower frequency, Martin-Baker contacts EGAA ATC via telephone to agree on a test time window.
- The test must be carried out within the agreed time or re-negotiated if necessary.
Aircraft Warning:
- ATC warns aircraft in the vicinity of EGAL of the test to reduce cockpit distractions.
- Martin-Baker performs a visual scan before the test and delays if aircraft are observed overflying.
Test Completion:
- Martin-Baker advises EGAA ATC via OSS mobile when the test is complete.
Log Entry:
- ADC makes an appropriate entry in the Log Book.
What are the general and flight details for operations at the Killultagh Helicopter Private Landing Site managed by Helicopter Management Solutions?
- Killultagh Helicopter Private Landing Site, Upper Ballinderry, Co Antrim.
- Approximately 170° from EGAA at a range of 6NM within Class D airspace.
Flight Booking:
- Pilot must book out with Aldergrove ATC by telephone at least ten minutes prior to departure, providing call sign and flight details including ETD.
- Inform Aldergrove ATC if the ETD varies by ten minutes or more.
Zone Clearance:
- Booking out does NOT constitute a zone clearance. Clearance must be obtained via RT from Aldergrove Radar.
International Flights:
- For flights leaving UK airspace (e.g., to Dublin), a full flight plan must be filed with Aldergrove ATC at least sixty minutes prior to departure.
What are the outbound and inbound procedures for helicopter operations at the Killultagh Helicopter Private Landing Site?
Outbound Procedures:
- Contact Aldergrove Radar as soon as possible to obtain a zone clearance.
- Helicopters may hover not above 200ft and within 1nm of Killultagh Hall to establish two-way R/T contact.
- Set course only after receiving clearance, subject to any ATC restrictions.
- Ensure aircraft remains clear of the instrument approach areas to Runway 25 and Runway 35 until clearance is received.
- Be aware of the proximity to R431 (Maghaberry).
Inbound Procedures:
- Contact Aldergrove Radar at least ten minutes flying time before the Control Zone boundary for clearance to enter.
- Report when descending into and when on the ground at the private landing site.
- If no acknowledgement is received after landing, telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as practical.
- An inbound clearance does not absolve the need to contact appropriate adjacent ATSUs for transit clearance.
- Be aware of R431 (Maghaberry).
What are the procedures for helicopter operations at the Killultagh Helicopter Private Landing Site in the event of R/T failure?
General Procedure:
- Squawk A7600 in the event of radio failure.
Outbound Procedures:
- Clearance Received: Continue as per the clearance. After leaving the zone, land at the nearest suitable Aerodrome/Landing Site outside the CTR and telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as possible after landing.
- No Clearance Received: Make a circuit of the strip and land. Notify ATC as soon as possible after landing.
Inbound Procedures:
- Clearance Received: Continue in accordance with the given clearance. On landing at the base, telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as possible after landing.
- No Clearance Received: Land at the nearest suitable Aerodrome/Landing Site outside the CTR and telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as possible after landing.
What are the SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) squawk codes for helicopter operations at the Killultagh Helicopter Private Landing Site?
Normal Operations:
- Squawk A7030 while outbound or inbound, or as directed by ATC.
Radio Failure:
- Squawk A7600.
- Squawk A7700, whether operating within the confines of the circuit or not.
What are the ATC procedures for segregated airspace at the Killultagh Helicopter Private Landing Site?
Segregated Airspace:
- Extends from the ground to 1500ft QNH with a diameter of 2nm.
- IFR Traffic: Minimum of 500ft vertical and 1nm lateral separation from the segregated area.
- VFR Traffic: Provided with traffic information as appropriate.
Activation Times for Segregated Airspace:
- Departure: At least 10 minutes before the ETD and until two-way RT has been established.
- Landing: From when the aircraft reports descending into the private site until confirmation of landing is obtained.
What is the ATC coordination procedure for flights to/from the Killultagh Hall Helicopter Private Landing Site?
ATC Coordination:
* Flights will be coordinated between Aldergrove Aerodrome Control, Approach Radar Control, and Belfast City as appropriate.
What are the key responsibilities of the UGC according to section 18.6.1 General regarding the activation of the LoA and coordination with Aldergrove ATC?
- Ensure all pilots are properly briefed before activating the LoA.
- Contact Aldergrove ATC by telephone at least 15 minutes prior to a planned flight to agree on a time window and maximum altitude for the Gliding Block.
- Provide the name and contact number of the initiating pilot when a site is activated.
- Respond ASAP to emergency calls from ATC and ensure the area is vacated if required, informing Aldergrove ATC upon completion.
- Use ‘local’ time for all times agreed with ATC.
- Notify Aldergrove ATC when gliding activities are completed either via RT with Aldergrove Radar or by telephone, ensuring only the initiator or their direct representative does so.
- Ensure all pilots have a means of determining altitude (amsl) with a device having a tolerance of +/- 100ft and cross-check altitude prior to flight.
- Ensure all members fly within the defined lateral and agreed vertical extent of the designated area.
- Ensure pilots meet VFR flight minima for Class D airspace.
- Note that the LoA refers only to segregated flying activity within Class D airspace and that ATC has no control over other IFR/VFR flights in Class G airspace beneath the designated area.
What is the procedure outlined in section for ATC and UGC coordination regarding segregated flying activity within the designated area?
ATC Responsibilities:
- Assess predicted traffic flow, equipment serviceabilities, and weather before agreeing to segregated activity.
- Complete ATC Form 189.
- Ensure no IFR aircraft penetrate the flying area from 15 minutes before activation until 15 minutes after flying has ceased, maintaining a minimum of 500ft vertical and 1nm lateral separation. VFR flights are permitted with VFR information passed.
- Notify pilots of sports and recreational gliding activity if a VFR/SVFR flight is likely to route through delegated airspace, passing generic traffic information based on reported or observed activity.
- Request the pilot to vacate the UGCGB with 15 minutes notice if needed.
UGC Responsibilities:
- Inform ATC if unable to vacate the area and provide a time when it can be vacated.
- Contact ATC during or after the activity to request an extension or another time slot/altitude if required.
What is the purpose of the Blocker Strip, and how is it used when the Designated Area is active?
- The Blocker Strip is an information strip that must be displayed when the Designated Area is active.
- The blank right-hand side of the strip serves as a text field where appropriate information can be displayed.
- It ensures that relevant details about the activation of the Designated Area are visible and communicated effectively.
What flying areas are covered under the LoA - UHPC?
The LoA - UHPC covers the following flying areas:
- Big Collin/Agnews
- Knockagh
- Slieve Croob
- Slieve Donard
- Divis/Cave Hill
What are the procedures for UHPC pilots under the LoA?
- All UHPC pilots must be briefed before activating the LoA.
- A UHPC pilot will contact ATC at Aldergrove at least 15 minutes prior to a planned flight to agree on a time window and maximum permitted altitude for the required flying area.
- The initiating pilot will leave their name and contact number with ATC in case of emergency when a site is activated.
- The pilot must respond to an emergency call from ATC within 15 minutes and ensure the area is vacated if required, informing Belfast/Aldergrove ATC when this is complete.
- Other pilots must confirm the vertical extent and time window before launch by contacting ATC or another informed pilot.
- All times agreed between ATC and the UHPC will be in ‘local’ time.
- UHPC pilots must fly with a means of determining altitude (amsl) using a GPS or barometric altimeter set to QNH, with a tolerance of +/- 100ft.
- Pilots must remain within the defined lateral notified areas of each designated site where bounded by Class D Airspace.
- Pilots must meet the VFR flight minima as published for Class D Airspace.
- A UHPC pilot will notify ATC if flying ceases earlier than the agreed expiry time.
- The LoAs refer only to segregated flying activity within Class D Airspace; ATC has no control over IFR/VFR flights in Class G Airspace beneath the designated areas.
- Pilots must be aware that other VFR flights may transit the Designated Areas during activation times.
What are the ATC procedures for managing UHPC segregated flying activities?
- Assessment: ATC Aldergrove or Belfast City will assess predicted traffic flow, equipment serviceabilities, and weather before agreeing to segregated activity within the Designated Area.
- Local Time Agreement: All times agreed between ATC and the UHPC will be in ‘local’ time. ATC will agree on a time period for flying, subject to the assessment.
- IFR Separation: ATC will ensure no IFR aircraft penetrate the flying area within Class D airspace from 15 minutes before activation until 15 minutes after flying has ceased, maintaining a minimum of 500ft vertical and 1nm lateral separation.
- VFR/SVFR Notifications: If a VFR/SVFR flight through delegated airspace is likely, Aldergrove/City will notify the pilot of the gliding activity and pass generic traffic information based on reported or observed activity.
- Extension Requests: The UHPC may contact ATC during or after the segregated activity to request an extension or another time slot/altitude if required.
- Documentation: Complete ATC Form 193.
What are the designated areas and their specific procedures for UHPC flying activities?
See MATS2 for more details on this (copy & paste broken)
Big Collin/Agnews (Designated Area 1)
- ATC will agree on a maximum permitted altitude with the UHPC pilot, ranging from 3000ft-5000ft amsl, depending on forecast traffic.
Slieve Croob (Designated Area 2)
- NATS Aldergrove will coordinate the release of this area with Belfast City ATC.
- ATC will agree on a maximum permitted altitude with the UHPC pilot, ranging from 4000ft-5000ft amsl, depending on forecast traffic.
Knockagh (Designated Area 3)
- NATS Aldergrove will coordinate the release of this area with Belfast City ATC.
- Once agreed, the maximum permitted level by a glider will be 2500ft.
Slieve Donard (Designated Area 4)
- NATS Aldergrove will coordinate the release of this area with Belfast City ATC.
- Once agreed, the maximum permitted level by a glider will be 5000ft.
Divis / Cave Hill (Designated Area 5)
- NATS Aldergrove will coordinate the release of this area with Belfast City ATC.
- Once agreed, the maximum permitted level by a glider will be 2000ft.
General Note for All Areas:
- The designated area must be selected on the RDP for the duration that the area is active.
What is the purpose of the Blocker Strip, and how is it used when the Designated Area is active?
- The Blocker Strip is an information strip that must be displayed when the Designated Area is active.
- The blank right-hand side of the strip serves as a text field where appropriate information can be displayed.
- It ensures that relevant details about the activation of the Designated Area are visible and communicated effectively.
What is the description of Mr. Ian Robb’s airstrip and aircraft as per the LoA?
- Location: Mr. Ian Robb’s airstrip is in very close proximity to Aldergrove and within the ATZ/CTR (Class D).
- Proximity: The westerly end of the airstrip is approximately 1.3nm from the 25 final approach/07 climb out.
- Aircraft:
- CFM Shadow C Series Ultralight, registration GMWYD.
- Cessna 172, registration GAWLF.
What are the procedures for Mr. Ian Robb’s flights as per the LoA?
Booking Out:
- The pilot must book out with Aldergrove ATC by telephone at least ten minutes prior to departure, providing the call sign, flight details, and estimated time of departure (ETD).
- The pilot must be reminded by ATC staff not to get airborne without a positive ATC clearance.
- If the ETD varies by ten minutes or more, Aldergrove ATC must be informed of the revised ETD.
- Booking out does not constitute zone clearance. Clearance must be obtained via RT from Aldergrove Tower.
General Rules:
- Circuits at Hillview will only be granted based on controller workload and airspace congestion, at the controller’s discretion.
- The aircraft must be equipped with a serviceable transponder and radio.
- Visiting aircraft must have permission granted by either Mr. Ian Robb or Mr. Chris Robb, who will notify ATC in advance by email ( and a telephone book out, with a minimum of 3 hours’ notice before the aircraft enters the CTR.
What are the outbound and inbound procedures for Mr. Ian Robb’s flights as per the LoA?
Outbound Procedure:
- The pilot must contact Aldergrove Tower frequency as soon as possible to obtain a zone clearance.
- The pilot must obtain the latest ATIS to determine the weather and whether RiT (Radar in Transit) is in operation. If RiT is in operation, the aircraft should call the Radar frequency.
- The aircraft must not get airborne until two-way communication is established and a clearance is obtained.
- ATC will issue a CTR clearance only when the airspace is clear of conflicting traffic.
- Once clearance is received and the pilot is requested to report airborne, the flight can set course, subject to any ATC restrictions.
- The pilot must route the aircraft away from the 25 approach/07 climb out unless specified otherwise by ATC.
- The aircraft’s transponder must not be turned on until given a zone clearance by ATC and until the clearance has been fully read back.
Inbound Procedure:
- Contact Aldergrove Radar at least ten minutes flying time before the Control Zone boundary to request clearance to enter the Control Zone.
- The pilot must report on final approach and when on the ground at the private landing site.
- No alerting service will be provided by ATC unless requested.
- Once on the ground, the transponder must be turned off immediately.
- An inbound clearance does not absolve the pilot from the need to contact appropriate adjacent ATSUs for transit clearance.
What are the ATC procedures for handling Mr. Ian Robb’s aircraft when inbound?
- The aircraft will be treated as a VFR arrival into Aldergrove and sequenced accordingly.
- Appropriate MATS 1 advisory times and distances for wake turbulence will be provided against inbound/outbound traffic depending on the runway in use.
- For integration with other traffic, ATC will consider the aircraft landed at ETA plus 5 minutes.
- No alerting service will be provided unless requested by the pilot.
- In the event of accidental transponder use while not in RT contact with ATC, contact should be made via telephone using the number stored in the VCCS.
What are the SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) procedures for Mr. Ian Robb’s aircraft when outbound or inbound?
- The aircraft should squawk A7030 while outbound or inbound, or as directed by ATC.
- In the event of radio failure, the aircraft should squawk A7600.
- In case of an emergency, the aircraft should squawk A7700.
- These procedures apply whether the aircraft is operating within the confines of the circuit or not.
What are the procedures for Mr. Ian Robb’s aircraft in the event of radio failure?
General Procedure:
- If radio failure is experienced, the aircraft should squawk A7600.
Outbound Procedure:
- Clearance Received: The aircraft will continue as per After leaving the zone, the pilot will land at the nearest suitable Aerodrome/Landing Site outside the CTR and telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as possible after landing.
- No Clearance Received: The aircraft must not get airborne. The pilot is to inform ATC as soon as possible of the radio failure.
Inbound Procedure:
- Clearance Received: The aircraft will continue in accordance with the clearance given. On landing, the pilot is to telephone Aldergrove ATC.
- No Clearance Received: The pilot will land at the nearest suitable Aerodrome/Landing Site outside the CTR and telephone Aldergrove ATC as soon as possible after landing.