Seamanship Flashcards
What is Heavy weather?
Any predicted weather at Beaufort scale 6 or above.
What is a watertight door?
A door which has scantlings and arrangements that does not allow the flow of water in either direction.
A watertight door divides the hull into compartments and is fitted in a watertight bulkhead.
It is operated by a hydraulic mechanism either locally or remotely. It must be substantially constructed and able to withstand the total hydraulic pressure of the adjoining compartment if it floods.
What is a weathertight door?
A door which prevents water movement in one direction only. A door fitted above the freeboard deck. It is of adequate strength to maintain the watertight integrity of the structure but would not be string enough to withstand pressure from the other direction.
What routine checks should be carried out on watertight doors.
- Seals : Seals should be checked for damage, greased if necessary, door should fit properly.
- Dogs : Dogs, screws and other securing devices operate freely and be lubricated
- Hinges : Doors must swing open and close freely
- Latches : Latches, magnets and mechanism holding door shut should be inspected regularly and checked that they do not release door accidentally as well as release door when activated.
- Training : Crew need to be trained on door use and maintenance.
Heavy Weather precautions? Navigation STABILITY Deck Crew
Rerouting: Adjust course to avoid storm
Position: Verify Vessels position
Reporting: Report weather to coats station and to vessels in vicinity
Storm: Plot Position of Storm
Weather : Regular Weather updates
Speed: Reduce speed and reassess ETA
Bridge: Bridge secure for rolling
Manual Steering: Check that change over from manual to auto is functioning.
Steering test: Full steering tests prior to onset
Find a LEE : To weather the storm
Watch keeping: Re-arrange watch keeping hours to reduce fatigue
Go to sea : If in port or at anchor consider going to sea
GM : Not too Tender not too Stiff. Move any object up high down low.
Water tight integrity: Water and weather tight doors, Dead lights, Storm shutters
Free surface effect: Empty half empty tanks and full slightly empty tanks:
Ballast vessel down: Fill ballast tanks to increase GM, Adjust trim
Pools: Empty
Anchors secured
Freeing arrangements: freeing port and scupper clear
Lashings : Ensure all lashing are secured and tight on tenders, anchors, LSA
Stow : Remove any unnecessary item from deck
Secure : Ensure any erquipment on deck that cannot be removed is secured
Ventilation: Any unnecessary ventilation intakes closed.
Restrict : Restrict personnel movements on deck.
Safety lines : Rig safety lines on deck
Weather tight: Close all weather deck doors.
Heads of department: Inform all department heads, stop work, Adjust watched, Prepare additional food, Seasick
5 most common actions for a vessel running into heavy weather?
- Head to weather : Wind and sea fine on the bow at reduced speed.
- Stern to weather. : Running before the weather at reduced speed .
- Heave too. : Preferably behind a land mass until storm passes.
- Anchor. : If sufficient shelter and depth
- Divert : Alter course early to evade storm.
What are some safety rules when undertaking a tow from a tug or another vessel?
Communication. : Establish Good coms between bridge for deck and tug
Snap Back Zones : Crew stay away from line under load
Angles. : Avoid sharp Angles
Chafe. : Protect lines with chafe gear and lubrication.
Eye. : Never directly on a bit. The tow line should be rigged as a slip on the bit
Test : Always test setup before beginning tow
Release : Always release line in controlled manner
Tug : Tug in ahead when release from stern of tug, wash will keep line away.
Turning a vessel short round right hand fixed propeller.
- Port side of channel, bare steerage way.
- Rudder hard over to starboard. Order full ahead to start turn, Then full stop before to much headway is gathered.
- Order full astern
- Rudder amidship, Vessel will gather stern way and stern will can’t to port and bow to starboard.
- All stop.
- Rudder hard over to starboard. Ahead.
What should be included in the Anchor Plan.
- Authorities - Allowed to anchor, permission.
- Position -
- Protection - Provide shelter from the weather
- Depth - At different tidal heights
- Draft - Available water and UKC
- Swing room - Location of other vessels and land
- Holding/bottom composition - Good holding?
- Obstructions - Cables, Explosive dumping, Wrecks.
- Weather forecast - Weather/wind good for time planned for anchorage.
- Tide - Current
- Scope - How much cable required
- Traffic - Thoroughfare?
- Anchors - What type how many
- Approach to anchorage.
- Communication with fordeck
- Signals
- Checks GPS position accurate.
What is the definition of Distress?
When a vessel is in grave and imminent danger of being lost.
What are the Masters Bridge standing orders?
They are the masters policies, orders and instructions for the conduct of a safe navigational watch which will include procedures and responses to be carried out in emergency situations . It will also contain the responsibilities of the OOW and lookouts.
What should be contained in the Masters Bridge standing orders?
- Bridge watchkeeping organisation
- Designation of watchkeeping personal.
- Responsibilities of the OOW, lookouts and helmsman,
- Authoaurity of the OOW
- Duties of the OOW
- Duties of the lookout
- Duties of the Helmsman
- Periods of duty
- Communication means with the master
- Use of bridge equip and nav aids
- Gmdss Watch-keeping
- Use of VHF radio, especially with respect to collision avoidance
- Position fixing and radar plotting
- Order and instructions for emergency procedures
- MANDATORY OCCASIONS when master is to be called
LOA: 70m LWL: 63m Beam: 11.5m Draft: 4.2m GT: 1622gt ME: Cat 3512B - 1230KW Gen: Cat 3406C - 225kw E-Gen: Cat 3056 - 100kw Single CPP prop Single Becker Flap rudder Max speed: 15kts Cruise: 12kts Range: 9000Nm Fuel: 255000L Water: 44000L Bow thruster: JASTRAM 200kw Stabiliser: Quantam Sewage treatment: Hamann Fire detection system: Autronica- heat, smoke and gas detectors. Fire suppression: Hi-Fog GM. 0.735 Windlass: muir 20000 Capstan: Muir 10000 Anchor: 1259Kg Spek Chain: 8 shackles 26mm
What omissions would deem a vessel unseaworthy?
A vessel leaving port with out the following.
- Valid Statutory Certificates
- Valid certificate of class
- Proper stowage and securing of cargo
- Cargo Care system in good order
- A properly qualified master and crew
- The proper crew complement, as set out in the safe manning document
- Appropriate charts and publication, corrected and up-to-date.
- Sufficient bunkers, stores and provision fo the intended voyage.
Definition of seaworthiness?
A vessel is reasonable fit in all respects to encounter the ordinary perils of the sea.
What would make a vessel unseaworthy
Structural Damage Undermanned Equipment- missing, unmaintained, broken Overloaded Uncertified
Prep for sea with regard to stability
Weather forecast Free surfaces reduced With in load line specification All hull openings below freeboard deck sealed Dead lights and storm shutter Air vents and ventilators Freeing ports and scuppers Conditions of assignment Jacuzzi and pools drained and open Water tight doors No loose equipment OLB FRE13
What is cross flooding
The action of flooding a compartment or ballast tanks on the opposite side of a damaged flooding compartment to reduce the list. Can be done by opening a cross folding valve which connects the two tanks.
Action of finding water/flooding
Muster and general alarm Watertight doors Bilge pumps Determine leak Arrangements to stem flood. Cross-flooding Stability booklet Position Weather Urgency or distress OLB Abandonment