Coswp Flashcards
What is coswp
COSWP is. A code that is developed by the MCA and intended for all uk registered vessels.
It provides guideline and procedures for safe working practices for commonly undertaken operations onboard ships
It helps ensure that a high level of health and safety is maintain onboard.
It requires risk assessment and permits to work to be undertaken and recorded prior to an operation be started.
It also serves as a reference guide for all personal onboard when clarification of procedures is required prior to undertaking an activity.
It also help create a safety culture onboard.
List some Sections in coswp relevant to yachts
Safety induction
Risk Assessments
Permits to work
Emergency procedures
Safety officials
Fire precations
SAFTEY signs
Enclosed spaces
Working aloft or outboard
Boarding arrangements
Anchoring and mooring
What is a risk assessment
It is a process that Identifies Hazards present in a work undertaking,
Analyses the level of risk,
Considers those in danger,
Evaluates wether hazards are adequately controlled taking into account measures already in place.
5 parts of the risk assessment
- Identify hazards
- Who how at risk
- Evaluate & implement (control measures)
- Record
- Review
What is a permit to work
A formal record to confirm that a risk assessment has been conducted and control measures have been implemented when particular operations are being carried out.
What is a safety officer
Safety officer is delegated by the company. He is the SAFTEY advisor aboard and is in charge of meeting statutory responsibilities for health and safety.
Every vessel with More than 5 crew must have a safety officer. Appointment musty be recorded in the OLB.
Training should be received through an approved SO course
Safety officer duties
- Safety inductions of new crew
- Set an example
- Develop high level of safety consciousness on board
- Approach individuals where unsafe practice is observed
- Look for potential hazards and rectify
- Record all accidents and incident
- Investigate all incidents and accidents
- Duty to stop dangerous work
What is an enclosed space
- Any enclosed or confined space which is foreseeable that the atmosphere contains dangerous or flamable gases or ha Low O2 levels.
- Has limited openings for entry and exit
- Has inadequate ventilation
- Not designed for continuous worker occupation
Prior to entry into enclosed space
Can the work be completed with out entering the space?
- Appoint CP and responsible officer to asses the space
- SMS enclosed space RISK ASSESSMENT
- Adequate Ventilation continuous
- Adequate lighting
- Atmospheric test
- Permit to work
- Procedure for prep and entry
- Coms with team, attendant and bridge
- Emergency procedures discussed
- Attendant posted at entrance
- Recovery gear at entrance
- Master to inspect
- Review
- Cancelation of PTW
What is done during a safety inspection and how often to be undertaken
Health and safety inspection of every accessible part of the ship, At least every 3 months or more frequently if there have been substantial changes to conditions of work.
Safety Representative election
-5 or more 1 rep elected or appointed
- 16 + 1 rep from every department elected
- MAster to enter into log book and minutes of the safety meeting.
- Must have at least 2 years sea going experience since 18.
Safety Representative powers
- Put forward their views open saftey matters
- Be sure of facts
- Be aware of legal position
- Be conscious of what is reasonable practicable
- Haveing made recommendations they should request to be updated on matter
What is a level 1 risk assessment
Generic Risk assessment, Issued by company carried out a a high level with knowledge and experienced personal. Contained with in the SMS. I.e hot work, confined space, going aloft
Safety Committee Requirments
- Vessel with 5 or more seafarers
- Chaired by the master
- Members: S/O, elected Safety reps, and competent person appointed by the employer.
- Record of safety Comintern recorded in OLB and minutes of Safety meeting
What is risk assessment level 2
Task Based:
Vessel and task specific
Must be carried out onboard the vessel. Incorporate risks that may occur during condition specific for the moment the work will be performed.
Carried out by competent person or persons and seafarers who will be involved who understand the work being assessed.
What is a risk assessment level 4
Dynamic risk assessment.
What is risk assessment level 3
Tool box talk:
different type of risk assessment that supports the task based risk assessment.
Talk through the procedure with seafarers involved prior to starting the job
At what height is it considered working aloft.
No defined height, “at height” is defined as a height from which a person could fall a distance liable to result in injury. (Common Sense)
What legislation is COSWP developed under?
The merchant shipping (health and safety at work) regulations 1997
Which mgn gives guidance on the merchant shipping (health and safety) Regulations
MGN 636
Masters responsibility under The merchant shipping (health and safety at work) regulations and COSWP
Master must ensure the shipowners Health and safty policy is implemented on board and that it is clearly communicated. The master sets the tone for health and safety culture on board and it is imperative that he prioritises this which will encourage others. He is responsible fo the day to day safe operations onboard and the safety of those onboard
How does the master Ensure good health and safety policy is implemented onboard
- Every one understands their roles and responsibilities
- Orders are properly understood
- passing on of safety critical information
- Safety posters
- Encourage feedback
- Positive reinforcement
- Safety meetings
- Good, clear emergency response system in place.
How to prevent fatigues
- Ensure well rested at the start of work
- Take scheduled rest periods
- Use rest periods to get adequate sleep
- Eat regular well balanced meals
- Avoid alcohol
- Record hours of rest accurately
How to conduct a safety Meeting
Meeting no.
Date and time
Members present
Minutes from previous meeting
Outstanding matters
Safty officer reports: Investigations, Accidents, Issues
Planned maintenance upcoming
Drills; Past, upcoming, Areas of improvement from last drills
Upcomimng Surveys
Amendments to the SMS
Cabin inspection issues
Open to the comittee:
Appointment of safty reps
Sign Master S/O