ISPS Flashcards
What is the ISPS CODE
International ship and port Facility security code
Solas ch 11
The ISPS code prescribes the responsibilities for flag states, port facilities, ship companies and shipboard personal for implementing procedures and protocols to protect the maritime industry from security threats.
Objective of the ISPS code?
- CONTROL the access of unauthorised persons
- MONITOR activity of people and cargo operations and to detect security threats
- PROVIDE security levels to ships and port facilities and determine various duties
- CREATE roles and responsibilities for port and ship officers
- COLLECT data from all over the world concerning security threats
Who are the 4 responsible entities in the ISPS
The flag state
The shipping company
The vessel through ship security officer
The port facility and personal
Responsibilities of the shipping company
To provide a security policy
Produce a ship security plan
Appoint ship security officer
Advise the vessel on the level of threat
Responsibilities of the vessel/ship security officer
Implement and maintain ship security policy
Maintain and ensure proper use of Security equipment and training
Risk assessment to vessel and personal
Report any deficiencies in the SSP
Propose modifications to SSP
Report any security incidents to the company security officer
Enhance security awareness
Complete DOS
What is Security level 1
- Controlling access to the ship
- Controlling embarkation
- Monitoring restricted areas, allowing only authorised persons in
- Monitoring of deck areas and around the ship
- Supervising handling of cargo and stores
- Ensuring security coms available
What is security level 2
Additional security measures in place
- Deck patrols during quiet hours
- Regular bag checks
- Regular searches of the vessel
- Limiting access points
- Restrict access to area around the vessel including sea area (port authaurity)
What is level 3 security
Exceptional ( security incident is probable or immanent)
- Limit access to a single point
- Suspend embarkation and disembarkation of personal
- complete shutdown
- military or police protection
- Refusing all deliveries
- leave port
- evacuation of the ship
- Continuous patrols
What is a DOS
Deceleration of security
It is an agreement between a ship and a port facility, which lays down the individual security responsibilities for each party during a ship to port interface or a ship to ship interface.
A DOS must detail what responsibilities can be shared or additionally provided.
When can a DOS be requested
A DOC can be requested by a ship when ;
- a port facility has a lower security level than the level at which your own ship is operating
- when there has been a direct security threat or incident to the vessel or port.
- when a ship is at a port or interacting with another vessel that does not require or does not have an approved SSP
What is a ship security alert system and who does it apply to
Vessel over 500gt
It is a system that when activated send a security alert to a competent authority.
It must send the vessel’s ID, position and that it is in distress.
It must not send info to other vessels
It must not alarm on the vessel
It must have at least one additional activation button elsewhere in the vessel
The buttons must be in a position where they cannot be accidentally activated
Tested every 3 months
Checks during a Survey
Reference LLoyds ISM and ISPS pocket checklist
2.Access control procedures
3. SSP and Records protected
4. officers aware of parts of SSP acces is allowed
5. Security level correctly set
6. Ships stores being checked
7, Security equipment is used correctly and maintained.
8. Drills
9. Restricted area clearly identified
10. SSAS
12. Records.
Who does ISPS apply to
Vessels over 500gt and all passenger ships
Obligation of the company in ISPS
Ensure that the Ship Security Plan has a clear statement emphasising the “Masters Overriding Authority” and responsible to make decisions with respect to safety and security and to request assistance from the company or any contracting government .
Measures to be considered for deterring acts of Piracy
- Risk Assesment
- Development of a counter piracy plan
- Routing and delaying anchoring
- Additional Vigilance and watchkeeping prior to entering
- Ships Comunications
- Lighting
- Secure measure (Citadel)
- Alarms
- Evasive manoeuvring and use of hoses
- Use of distress flares
Where to find information
Regarding preparing a vessel through a piracy area
Department of transport’s guide “measures to counter Piracy”
Master response to discovery of Stowaway
- Port of embarkation
- Establish identity and nationality
- Statement of all relevant details of stowaway. (Stowaway appendix)
- Inform: Owner, Auth at port of embarkation, auth at next port of call, Flag state
- Do not depart from planned route, except if arrangements have been made for repatriation.
- Present to authaurities at next port of call
- Ensure health and safety of Stowaway
- Security measures to protect crew and ship.
What is an Ship ID number and where must it be placed
it is the IMO number.
Permanently marked in a visible place on the exterior of the vessel
Ship security assessment
Integral part of developing a Ship security Plan.
Reviewed annualy
-Identifies existing measures and procedures
- Identifies key ship board operations that need to be protected
- Identifies Possible threats and likely hood of them occurring
- Identification of weakness, human or procedure related.
Ship security Plan
Duties of crew members at different security levels as well as do’s and song’s for different types of security threats.
Plain must be protected from unauthorised access
Must inlcude:
- Measure to prevent weapons
- ID of restricted area and prevention of acces
- Prevention of acces top the ship
- Procedures for responding to threats
- Procedures for evacuation
- Training and drills
- Reviews of the plan
- Reporting of security incidents
- Identification of SSO and CSSO
- Procedures and Use of the SSAS.
When can officers of an administration access the SSp
Never, except if there is grounds to believe the ship is in noncompliance, then they may look at certain sections.
Where to get up to date Piracy information
- ICC (international chamber of commerce) IMB piracy reporting centre.regular report via Inmarsat or online. Report acts directly to them.
ISPS at Anchor
- Adequately lit
- CCTV equipment
- Regular deck patrols / increased person on patrols, Patrols staggered and unpredictable
- All accesses secured/locked
- Routine security searches
Prepping vessel for pirate area
- Risk assessment
- Develop a Counter piracy plan
- Routing
- Watch keeping
- Lighting
- Alarms
- Perimeter protection
- Use of armed guards