Certificates Flashcards
List the required certificates
Ship: Cert of Register Cert Of Class Tonnage Load line - Stab book - Condition of ASSIGNMENT Cert of Comp (LYC)
SAFTEY: SAFCON - SRC - CSSC SEC - Safe Manning Document SMC + DOC + COSWP
Pollution: I - IOPP - Oil Record book + SOPEP IV - ISPP V- IAPP - IEEC - SEEMP - EIAPP Anti-Foul Cert or DEC of antifoul system (500gt>) WRECK Removal Bunker (1000gt)
Crew: MLC - Declaration of maritime labour compliance i + ii Cert of financial responsibility for crew Crew Certs Training Manuals (Train) Sanitation Certificates (Clean) Int Ship Security Cert (Secure) - Continuous Synopsis record
Manoeuvring Booklet
A vessel will be considered safely manned if:
- Maintain a safe navigational, engineering and radio watches
- Moor and unmoored the ship
- Manage safety functions
- Perform operations for the prevention of damage to the environment
- Maintain the cleanliness of the vessel to minimize fire risk
- Provide medical care
- Inspect and maintain equipment
- Operate all water tight arrangements and be able to deploy damage control parties
- Operate and undertake maintenance of all emergency scenarios and equipment
- Operate main propulsion
Without compromise of hours of rest
What is contained in the Safe manning document.
Number and categories of Deck officers, ENG officers, Ratings and cooks required to be onboard a vessel when proceeding to sea. May be divided into Distance from safe havens. 60nm,150nm, over 150nm.
Safe Manning Document
Issued: Flag
Validity: life of vessel
Survey: None. Owner/operator to submit a proposal to the MCA with number of crew and qualifications necessary to safely man the vessel. Must include Explanation of how
- Manning level been determined
- Guidance of msn 1868 and Annex G of LYC taken into account
- Takes account for HORS
- Yachts details: layout, size, equipment.
Reason: All vessels must be adequately manned so that it can be safely and efficiently operated having due regard for the nature of their operation and location.
MSN 1858 (yachts) MSN 1868(Uk Requirements for safe manning and watch-keeping)
What is HSSC and which certificates effected
Harmonised System of survey and Certification.
Simplify the survey and cert process
Reduce number of surveys, time, paperwork and cost
All certs valid for 5 years
Cert may also be extended by up to 3 months
All certs subject to annual, intermediate, periodic and renewel
Class able to undertake some of Flag surveys
Certs: IOPP SAFCO SRC SEC Int Load Lines
What is an ACS
Alternative Compliance scheme
Vessel needs to apply for COI (certificate of Inspection)
MCA will undertake general inspection to ensure vessel crew competency in dealing with Likely emergencies. If satisfactory MCA will issue COI which will allow Class to undertake all Flag surveys as well as its own. This excludes ISM, ISPS, MLC which Flag will continue.
What is EAS
Enhanced Authorisation scheme
Only available to vessel and companies which have been deemed low risk through multiple PSC.
Companies will be informed of there eligibility and which vessel are compliant.
All surveys are undertaken by RO (CLASS). Except for ism.
What’s is an intermediate survey
Takes place between year 2 and 3
Specified Items relating to certificate
Initial survey
COMPLETE EXAMINATION before vessel put into service
All items on certificate inspected
Annual Survey
Yearly survey
General Inspection of items on the certificate to ensure that they have been maintained and remain fit for service
Renewal Survey
Every 5 years
Complete examination of equipment listed on certificate
Leads to issue of new certificate
Periodic survey
COMPLETE EXAMINATION of equipment on Certificate. Only applies to some certificates
eg: Cargo Ship safety radio certificate Periodic survey every year.
Cargo ship Safety construction certificate
Issued: class on behalf of flag
5 year
2 bottom surveys required
Surveys: Initial, annual, intermediate, renewal
Inspected: Structure, Machinery, Equipment (other than equip in SEC) i.e. steering gear, auxiliary machinery, Electrical installations.
Reason: Equipment is adequate for the intended use of the vessel.
Cargo ship safety Radio certificate
CLASS on behalf of flag
5 year
Survey: Initial, periodical(yearly), Renewal
Inspected: All vessel radio installations in compliance with SOLAS.
+FORM R (record of equipment for SRC)
- Ship Particulars: Name, call sign, IMO, Number of persons required to operate radio installation.
- Details of radio facilities
- Method used to ensure availability or radio (i.e. shore-based maintenance)
Cargo ship Safety Equipment certificate.
Class on behalf of flag
Survey: initial, Annual, Periodical (in place of annual on year 2 or 3), Renewal
Inspected: LSA, FFE, COLREGS(Lights, shapes, sound signals), Pilot boarding, NAV equipment, Naut pubs.
\+ FORM E (record of equip for the SEC) LSA - All LSA Incl SART and SCT NAV systems and Equip - Compass - Charts and Pubs (incl ECDIS) - Tracking Equip (GPS & RADAR) - Track Systems ( AIS, LRIT) - Speed and Distance - Steering (Rudder angle indicators, Autopilt etc)
Cargo ship safety certificate
500gt <
CLASS on behalf of flag
Survey: Initial, Annual, Intermediate, Renewal
Inspection: Combines all Cargo ship safety certs. (Constr, Radio and Equip)
2 Bottom surveys
Combines form E and R
What particulars are recorded on the cargo ship certs
Name Call sign IMO Port of register Gross tonnage Dead weight Length Type of ship Date of keel laid Endorsements if any
Certificate of registry
All uk registered Vessels
Valid: 5 year or Change of ownership
Survey: None, but issue of the certificate requires Registration document.
(Pro Athletes Eat Biscuits In Situations That Bring Cold Mornings)
Reason: To prove that vessel is registered to a Flag state and that it must then comply with the ratified conventions of that state and will be held accountable to that state with regard to the upkeep of all applicable codes and conventions through regular surveys.
Information found in COR
Info on COR: Name, Callsign, port of register, Port of previous registry,, Official no, IMO, Type, Owner & Address, Builder & Address, Dimensions, Tonnage(Net & Gt), Engines, Accommodation
When can the safe manning document be revoked.
- Treading areas
- Construction
- Machinery
- Nature of operation
- Method of maintenance
or Vessel continuously fails compliance with hours of rest
International Tonnage certificate
All ships
Issued: Class on behalf of Flag
Valid: Life of the vessel
Survey: Initial
Info: Name, call sign, Port of reg, Main dimension, Moulded depth, Gross tonnage and Net tonnage, number of passengers.
Reason: Ensure the vessel has been measured in accordance with Universal system of tonnage measurements
Cancellation - Changes to construction, arrangements, assigned load line, number of passengers, change of flag.
What is the Int Tonnage convention for.
To Ensure there is a universally agreed Ayon system for measuring the tonnage of ships.
What is the international load line certificate
Issued: Class and flag
Size: All Vessels over 24m
Valid: 5 year
Survey: Initial, Annual, Renewel
- If any alterations to structure or hull
- fittings and appliances for protection of openings
- Freeboard markings
- Stability booklet and Conditions of assignment
(Initial/Renewal): structure, equipment, arrangements, materials and scantlings fully comply with convention.
Info: Ships Particulars(common), Freeboard deck line measurements(tropical, summer, winter, winter North Atlantic), Load line above summer load line, FW allowance
Reason: Proves that the vessel adheres to all the requirements of the LL convention and has sufficient strength, reserve buoyancy (freeboard), damage stability and watertight integrity to with stand the normal perils of the sea.
Additional: Record of condition of assignment and Stability booklet.
What are Conditions of assignment.
A vessels freeboard and stability is calculated as if the hull is entirely sealed. This is not completely practical as opening are necessary. Therefore for the freeboard to be assigned certain condition need to be met with regard to openings. These conditions are concerned with water tight integrity and are know as the conditions of assignment. They are found in the Record of Conditions of assignment.
It Lists all opening into the vessel which would include: - Doorways, Windows and portholes, Hull openings and hatches, Freeing ports and scuppers, air ventilator and air pipes and protection of crew(handrails) - It will describe: closing arrangement dimensions materials heights numbers strength