Respiratory Pathology Flashcards
Listening to sounds within the body
Tapping on the surface to determine the difference in the density of the underlying structure
Plerual Rub
Scratchy sound produced by pleural surfaces rubbing against each Raother
Rales (crackles)
Fine Crackling sounds heard on auscultation (during inhalation) when there is fluid in the alveoli.
Rhonchi (rhonchus)
Loud rumbling sound heard in auscultation of bronchi obstructed by sputum
Material expelled from the bronchi, lungs, or upper respiratory tract by spitting
Strained, high pitched sound heard on inspiration caused by obstruction in the pharynx or larynx
Continuous high-pitched Whistleing sounds produced during breathing
Acute viral infection of infants with obstruction of the larygnx, accompanied with barking cough and stridor
Acute infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract caused by the diphtheria bacterium (Corynebacterium)
Whooping cough; highly contagious bacterial infection of thr pharynx, larynx and trachea caused by bordetella pertussis
Chronic inflammation disorder with airway obstruction due to bronchial and bronchiolar edema and contruction
Chronic bronchitis
Inflammation of bronchi persisting over a long time; type Chronic Obstructive Pulomary Disease(COPD)
Chronic diation of a bronchus, usually secondary to infection
collapsed lung; incomplete expansion of alveoli
Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Inherited disorder of exocrine glands resulting in thick Mucinous secretions in the respiratory tract that do not drain normally
Hyperinflation of the air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls
Lung cancer
Malignant tumor arising from lungs and bronchi
Abnormal lung condition caused by exposure to certain dusts; with chronic inflammation, infection and bronchitis
*Anthracosis - Coal (athrac/o)
*Asbestosis - Absestos (absest/o)
*Silicosis - Silica (Silic/o =Rocks) or glass grinder disease
Acute Inflammation and infection of Alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction
Pulmonary Abscess
Large Collection of pus (bacterial Infection) in the lungs
Pulmonary adema
fluid in the air sacs and bronchioles
Pulmonary embolism (PE)
Clot or other material lodged in vessles of the lung
Pulmonary fibrosis
Formation of scar tissue of the lungs
Chronic inflammation disease in which small nodules (granulomas) develop in lungs lymph node and other organs
Tuberculosis (TB)
Infectionous disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis ; Lungs usually are involved, but any organ in the body may be affected.
Rare malignant tumor arising in the pleura
Pleaural effusion
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleura space
Pleurisy (Pleauritis)
inflammation of the pleura
Collection of air in the pleural space