Posterior Leg: Part 2 Flashcards
Deep compartment muscles
- Deep transverse intermuscular septum of the leg
- Separates from superficial
Popliteus (structural classification)
- Partially intracapsular
- Partially extracapsular
- Covered by fascia derived from semimembranosus
Popliteus origin
- Lateral femoral condyle (popliteal groove)
- Posterior aspect of lateral meniscus
Popliteus insertion
- Posterior aspect of proximal tibia, superior to soleal line
Popliteus innervation
- Tibial nerve
Popliteus blood supply
- Posterior tibial artery
- Medial inferior genicular artery
Popliteus function
- Unlocks knee by:
- Laterally rotating femur on tibia
- Medially rotating tibia on femur
Flexor hallucis longus
- Most lateral muscle in deep posterior compartment
Flexor hallucis longus origin
- Inferior 2/3 of posterior fibula
- Intermuscular septum
- Deep fascia
Flexor hallucis longus insertion
- Plantar aspect of base of distal phalanx of hallux
Flexor hallucis longus pathway
- Through groove on posterior tibia/talus
- Inferior to sustentaculum tali, through the flexor retinaculum
- Between fibular/tibial sesamoids
- Inserts plantar aspect of base of distal phalanx (hallux)
Flexor hallucis longus innervation
- Tibial nerve
Flexor hallucis longus blood supply
- Posterior tibial artery
- Fibular artery
Flexor hallucis longus function
- Flex (plantarflex) hallux at interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joint
- Can help plantarflex and invert foot
- Important during push-off of gait
Flexor digitorum longus
- Most medial deep compartment muscle
- Tendon is palpable around medial malleolus
Flexor digitorum longus origin
- Posterior tibia, inferior to soleal line
Flexor digitorum longus insertion
- Plantar aspect of the bases of distal phalanges, digits 2-5
Flexor digitorum longus pathway
- Through tibial groove
- Medial to sustentaculum tali, through the flexor retinaculum
- Plantar foot: splits into 4 slips (at cuneiforms)
- Slips pass along plantar surface of lesser metatarsals and phalanges to insertion
Flexor digitorum longus innervation
- Tibial nerve
Flexor digitorum longus blood supply
- Posterior tibial artery
Flexor digitorum longus function
- Flex (plantarflex) digits, distal and proximal interphalangeal joints, and MTPs
- Help with ankle plantarflexion
Flexor digitorum longus tendon crosses
- Superficial to FHL tendon in sole of foot
Master knot of Henry
- Connective tissue between the FHL and FDL
- FHL is dorsal (superior) to FDL
- FDL is plantar (inferior) to FHL
- Inferior to navicular tuberosity
Tibialis posterior
- Deepest muscle of deep posterior compartment
- Tendon is palpable around medial malleolus
Tibialis posterior origin
- Posterior tibia inferior to soleal line
- Posterior aspect of fibula anterior to medial crest
- Interosseous membrane
Tibialis posterior insertion
- Navicular tuberosity
- Plantar aspect of all cuneiforms
- Base of metatarsals 2-4
- Can also insert into plantar aspect of cuboid and 1st,5th metatarsal bases (all tarsals except for talus)
Tibialis posterior pathway
- Posterior to tibia in a groove with FDL
- Inferior to medial malleolus, through the flexor retinaculum
- Passes superior to sustentaculum tali
Tibialis posterior innervation
- Tibial nerve
Tibialis posterior blood supply
- Posterior tibial artery
- Fibular artery
Tibialis posterior function
- Inverts and adducts the foot
- (supinate subtalar and midtarsal joints)
Synovial tendon sheaths of deep compartment muscles
- Flexor hallucis longus sheath
- Flexor digitorum longus sheath
- Tibialis posterior sheath
All proximal synovial tendon sheaths of deep compartment muscles
- Pass within the flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament)
Flexor hallucis longus PROXIMAL sheath
- Begins about the distal tip of the medial malleolus
- Surround tendon posterior to medial malleolus and inferior to sustentaculum tali
- Ends at knot of Henry
- Begins and ends most distally
Flexor hallucis longus DISTSAL sheath
- Surround tendon from the hallux met head to proximal phalanx
Flexor digitorum longus PROXIMAL sheath
- Begins posterior to medial malleolus, little proximal to FHL sheath
- Ends proximal to master knot of Henry
Flexor digitorum longus DISTAL sheath
- All 4 tendons of digits 2-5 from the metatarsophalangeal joint to middle phalanges
Tibialis posterior sheath
- Begins about 4cm proximal to tip of medial malleolus
- Ends at porta pedis
- Begins and ends most proximally
Tibial nerve (L4-S3) pathway
- Passes deep to tendinous arch of soleus
- Innervates all posterior compartment muscles
Tibial nerve (L4-S3) gives off
- Medial sural cutaneous (S1,2)
- Muscular branches
- Medial calcaneal branches
- Medial/lateral plantar nerves
Medial sural cutaneous (S1,2) nerve
- Joins with fibular communicating nerve to form sural nerve
Medial calcaneal branches (from tibial nerve)
- Pierce through flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament)
- Supply skin in the medial calcaneal region
Terminal branches of tibial nerve
- Medial plantar nerves
- Lateral plantar nerves
Popliteal artery
- Continuation of femoral (deep in popliteal fossa)
- Supplies knee joint and surrounding musculature
Popliteal artery pulse
- Difficult to feel
- Easier more superior and medial to midline
Popliteal artery pathway
- Passes into posterior leg compartment
- Deep through fibrous arch of soleus
Branches of popliteal artery
- Superior medial/lateral genicular
- Sural arteries
- Middle genicular
- Inferior medial/lateral genicular
- Anterior/posterior tibial (terminal branches)
Superior lateral genicular artery
- Passes deep to and biceps femoris
Superior medial genicular artery
- Passes deep to medial hamstring muscles/adductor magnus above medial femoral condyle
Sural arteries (muscular branches of popliteal) supply
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Plantaris
Middle genicular artery
- Pierces oblique popliteal ligament
- Supplies internal knee structures
Inferior lateral genicular artery
- Passes deep to gastrocnemius/plantaris
- Superficial to popliteus
- Passes around lateral tibial condyle
Inferior medial genicular artery
- Follows along superior border of popliteus toward medial tibial condyle
Anterior tibial artery
- Terminal branch of popliteal
- Branches off popliteal artery near inferior border of popliteus
- Passes through superior opening of interosseous membrane
- Enters anterior compartment
Branches of anterior tibial artery
- Anterior tibial recurrent
- Posterior tibial recurrent
Posterior tibial recurrent artery
- Branches off before entering the anterior compartment
- Passes deep to popliteus
- Joins with genicular anastomosis
Anterior tibial recurrent artery
- Branches right after passing through superior opening in the interosseous membrane
- Passes superiorly
- Anastomose with inferior genicular arteries
Branches of posterior tibial artery (deep posterior compartment)
- Circumflex fibular artery
- Fibular artery
Circumflex fibular artery
- Wraps around neck of fibula
- Joins with inferior genicular arteries
Fibular artery
- Descends posterior to fibula
Venous drainage of deep posterior compartment
- Anterior/posterior tibial vein > Tibial vein > Popliteal vein > Femoral vein
Posterior tibial artery is located
- Between FHL and FDL
- Superficial to TP (in the deep compartment)
Posterior tibial artery pathway
- Passes posterior to medial malleolus
- Divides into its terminal branches posterior to medial malleolus (tarsal tunnel)
Posterior tibial pulse
- Between medial malleolus and Achilles tendon
Branches of posterior tibial artery
- Circumflex fibular (not always)
- Muscular branches
- Nutrient artery of tibia
- Fibular artery
- Posterior medial malleolar branch
- Artery to tarsal canal
- Medial plantar artery
- Lateral planter artery
Nutrient artery of tibia enters
- Inferior to soleal line
Terminal branches of posterior tibial artery
- Medial plantar artery
- Lateral plantar artery
Fibular (peroneal) artery pathway
- Descends between FHL and TP
- Posterior to lateral malleolus
Branches of fibular (peroneal) artery
- Muscular branches
- Nutrient artery of fibula
- Perforating branch of fibular (peroneal)
- Fibular communicating
- Posterior lateral malleolar arteries
- Lateral calcaneal arteries
Nutrient artery of fibula is located
- Around mid-shaft
Perforating branch of fibular (peroneal) artery
- Passes through inferior opening in the interosseous membrane (5 cm superior to lateral malleolus)
- Enters anterior ankle region
Fibular communicating artery
- Joins with posterior tibial (posterior, very inferior leg)
Flexor retinaculum (Laciniate ligament)
- Thickening of crural fascia
- Anchors flexor tendons
- Tendons pass through retinaculum in separate compartments surrounded by their synovial sheaths
Flexor retinaculum (Laciniate ligament) attaches to
- Distal and posterior medial malleolus
- Medial calcaneus
Tarsal tunnel
- Passageway between posterior leg and plantar foot
- Septae divide into 4 compartments
Compartments of tarsal tunnel
- 1 for neurovascular bundle
- 3 for tendons
- Tendons are surrounded by synovial sheaths through compartments
Tarsal tunnel boundaries
- Medial: flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament) and abductor hallucis
- Lateral: calcaneus, posterior talotibial and calcaneotibial ligaments
Tarsal tunnel MEDIAL boundary
- Flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament)
- Abductor hallucis
Tarsal tunnel LATERAL boundary
- Calcaneus
- Posterior talotibial ligament
- Calcaneotibial ligament
Tarsal tunnel content (anterior to posterior, or medial to lateral)
- Tibialis posterior tendon
- Flexor digitorum tendon
- Posterior tibial artery and vein
- Tibial nerve
- Flexor hallucis longus tendon (inferior to sustentaculum tali)
Posterior leg (medial to lateral)
- TP
Posterior to medial malleolus in tarsal tunnel (medial to lateral)
- TP
Distal to Master Knot of Henry
- TP
Flexor digitorum accessorius longus
- Accessory muscle
- Found 3-12% of the time
- Content of the tarsal tunnel if present
- Crowds tarsal tunnel
Flexor digitorum accessorius longus origin (variable)
- Tibia or fibula
- Crural fascia
- Proximal FDL
Flexor digitorum accessorius longus insertion
- FDL tendon around master knot of Henry
- (or)
- Quadratus plantae
Flexor digitorum accessorius longus bloody supply
- Blood and nerve supply same as posterior compartment muscles
- (Posterior tibial artery)
- (Tibial nerve)
If flexor digitorum accessorius longus crowds tarsal tunnel,
it can cause
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- FHL tenosynovitis
Porta pedis
- Canal that is formed by the abductor hallucis muscle and calcaneus
Porta pedis is a passageway for
- Medial/lateral plantar arteries, veins, nerves to/from the medial ankle
- Potential site of entrapment
Tarsal tunnel location
- Posteromedial ankle
- From proximal flexor retinaculum to porta pedis