Phrasal Verbs #09 Flashcards
Carry out
Realizar, conduzir
One of the hardest tasks for my wife to carry out is cleaning her closet
Uma das tarefas mais difíceis para minha esposa realizar é limpar o armário dela
Sort out
Every spring she sorts out her clothes to decide which ones to keep
Toda primavera ela organiza as roupas dela para decidir quais guardar
Get rid of
Se livrar de algo
She gets rid of the rest of the clothes in three ways
Ela se livra do resto das roupas de três maneiras
Pay back
Pagar de volta, devolver
Some clothes she sells online. She sends the clothes in the mail and the buyer pays her back
Algumas roupas ela vende online. Ela manda as roupas por correio e o comprador lhe paga
Give away
Doar, dar
Some clothes she gives away to friends or to charity
Algumas roupas ela doa para amigos ou para a caridade
Throw away
Jogar fora, descartar
She throws away the clothes that are in the worst condition
Ela joga fora as roupas que estão na pior condição
Take out
Levar para fora
She sorts the clothes into boxes and takes the boxes out to the garage
Ela organiza as roupas em caixas e leva as caixas para a garagem
Hang up
She hangs up the clothes that she wants to keep
Ela pendura as roupas que ela quer guardar
Clean up
Organizar, limpar
She cleans up the dust and the lint on the floor
Ela limpa a poeira e os fiapos do chão