Grammar Hacks #15 Flashcards
There was a cat on my bed.
Tinha um gato na minha cama.
Was there a mouse on my pillow?
Tinha um rato/camundongo no meu travesseiro?
There was not a dog on my chair.
Não tinha um cachorro na minha cadeira.
There was a man outside my house.
Tinha um homem fora da minha casa.
There wasn’t anyone there.
Não tinha ninguém lá.
There were three people with me.
Tinham três pessoas comigo.
There were mushrooms on my pizza.
Tinham cogumelos na minha pizza.
Were there peppers on my pizza?
Tinham pimentas na minha pizza?
There weren’t onions on my pizza.
Não tinham cebolas na minha pizza.
There was someone looking for you.
Tinha alguém procurando por você.
Was there someone looking for you?
Tinha alguém procurando por você?
There wasn’t anyone looking for you.
Não tinha ninguém te procurando.
There was a bird in your living room.
Tinha um pássaro na sua sala de estar.
There were lots of people at your birthday meal.
Tinha muitas pessoas no seu almoço/jantar de aniversário.
How many people were there at your birthday meal?
Quantas pessoas estavam no seu almoço/jantar de aniversário?
There weren’t many people at your birthday meal.
Não havia muitas pessoas no seu almoço/jantar de aniversário.
There were two phone calls for you .
Tinha duas ligações para você.
Were there any calls?
Tinha alguma ligação?
There were no calls for you.
Não houve nenhuma chamada para você.
There was a book on his desk.
Tinha um livro na escrivaninha dele.
Was there a lamp on his desk?
Tinha uma abajur na mesa dele?
There wasn’t a pen on his desk.
Não tinha uma caneta na escrivaninha dele.
There were crumbs in his bed.
Tinha migalhas em sua cama.
Were there clean sheets on his bed?
Havia lençóis limpos em sua cama?
There weren’t any pillows on his bed.
Não havia travesseiros em sua cama.
There were raisins in his cookies.
Tinha passas nos biscoitos dele.
Were there nuts in his granola?
Tinha nozes na granola dele?
There were no blueberries in his muffins.
Não havia blueberries (mirtilos) nos muffins dele.
There was a suitcase in her closet.
Tinha uma mala no armário dela.
Was there a jacket in her closet?
Tinha uma jaqueta no armário dela?
There wasn’t a scarf in her closet.
Não havia um cachecol no armário dela.
There was chocolate on her sleeve.
Tinha chocolate na manga dela.
Was there syrup on her shirt?
Tinha xarope na camisa dela?
There was no ice cream on her pants.
Não havia sorvete em suas calças.
There were bees in her garage.
Tinha abelhas na garagem dela.
Were there wasps in her shed?
Tinha vespas no galpão dela?
There weren’t hornets in her attic.
Não havia vespões no sótão dela.
There was a dent in the car door.
Havia um amassado na porta do carro.
Was there a scratch on the windscreen?
Havia um arranhão no pára-brisa?
There was no leak in the tires.
Não havia nenhum vazamento nos pneus.
There were lots of skirts in the shop.
Haviam muitas saias na loja.
There was room at our table.
Tinha espaço na nossa mesa.
Were there any boots?
Tinham botas?
There weren’t any sweaters in the shop.
Não tinha nenhum suéter na loja.
Was there a spare seat at our table?
Tinha um lugar sobrando na nossa mesa?
There wasn’t anywhere to sit.
Não havia lugar para sentar.
There was a robbery on our street.
Houve um assalto na nossa rua.
Was there a break-in on our road?
Houve um arrombamento em nossa estrada/rua?
There wasn’t a crime in our neighborhood.
Não houve um crime no nosso bairro.
There were cops in front of our apartment.
Tinham policiais na frente do nosso apartamento.
There weren’t any cops in our garden.
Não havia nenhum policial em nosso jardim.
There was milk in their smoothies.
Tinha leite nos smoothies deles.
Was there sugar in their fruit juice?
Havia açúcar no suco de frutas deles?
There wasn’t any fruit in their milkshakes.
Não tinha frutas nos seus milkshakes.
There was a fight in their class.
Houve uma briga em sua aula.
There was no argument in their lesson.
Não houve discussão na lição deles.