Neuro Revision Flashcards
What do you need for a classification of posteiror circulation syndrome?
cerebellar or brainstem syndromes; LOC; isolated homonymous hemianopia
What do you need for diagnosis of TCAS?
unilateral wekness of face; arm and leg; homonymous hemianopia; higher cerebral dysfunction
What is higher cerebral dysfunction?
dysphasia; visuospatial disorder
Why is there LOC with posterior circulation stroke?
reticular formation
What do you need for a lacunar syndrome?
unilateral wekaness; pure sensory stroke; ataxis hemiparesis
What is medial part of the motor and sensory cortices?
motor and sensory areas to foot and leg; also urinary bldder motor
What would microinfarcts suggest?
lacunar syndrome
What do you need to rule out for back pain?
cauda equina; spinal #; neoplasm; infection
What would suggest spinal #?
veterbal body tenderness; hx of traum adn pain releived by lying down SUDDEN onset
What would suggest infective cause of back pain?
DM: TB or recent UTI; IVDU; immuno-compromised state- HIV; transplant; FEVER
What would suggest neoplasm cause of back pain?
> 50; severe pain; grad onset; localised tenderness; prev malignancy; persistent pain; weight loss
What would suggest cauda equina?
BILATERAL leg weakness; incontinence; reduced anal tone; saddle anaesthesia
what should you do when you do straight leg raise?
look at patient face for pain
What are 4 midline structures that begin wtih M?
motor (CST); medial lemniscus; medial longitudinal fascicullus; motor nucleus(CN) and nerve
What are the 4 structures on the side that begin with S?
spinalcerebellar tract; spinothalamic; spinal trigeminal tract; sympathetic tract
What happens in an internuclear opthalmoplegia?
ipsiltateral- can’t abduct
What would be seen with a lesion of the spinal trigeminal tract?
ipsiltaeral loss of pain and temp
What are the 4 cranial nerves in the medulla?
What happens in a X lesion?
uvula away from side of lesion
what happens in a XII lesion?
tongue deviated to side of lesion
What are the 4 CNs in pons?
What are the 4CNs above the pons?
What would be seen with a trochlear palsy?
hypertropia and vertical diploplia worse on downgaze
When might olfactory lesion occur?
severe URTI or head trauma