19/04/18 Flashcards
What type of scan should be done in stroke?
unenhanced CT
How does McArdle’s disease present?
painful muscle cramps after exercise in adulthood
What is the inheritacne of McArdle’s disease?
What is a disadvantage of breast feeding?
breast milk has inadequate levels of vit K and nutrients
What is the 10% rule in phaeo?
10% are familial; bilateral; mlaignant and extra-adrenal
What conditions are associated with phaeochromocytoma?
MEN2; NF and von-Hippel Lindau syndrome
What is the characteristic pattern of clotting in liver failure?
all are low except for VIII
Why is VIII high in liver disease?
synthesised in endothelial cells thourghout the body
What artery supplies the lateral aspect of the heart?
left circumflex
What does lactase break sugar into?
glucose and galactose
Where is Gerotas fascia found?
surrounding the the kidney
What forms the trigone of the bladder?
two ureteric orificies and internal urethral orifice
How is relative risk reductino/increase calculated?
dividing the absolute risk change by the control event rate
Where is the majority of water absorbed in the GI tract?
What is the only reason for aspiring in under 16?
Kawasaki disease
What is Reye’s syndrome?
encephalopathy and liver damage
what blood group is associatied wtih gastric cancer?
blood gorup A
What is the most common type of gastric cancer?
What are the 4 collateral venous systems with superior vena caval obstruction?
azygous; internal mammary venous pathway; long thoracic venous system with connections to the femoral and vertebral veins
Where does the long head of biceps orginitae?
supraglenoid process
What does prompt antibiotic treatment prevent the devleopment of in suspected strep throat?
rheumatic fever- not GN
What WBC is found in granulomas?
What stastic is used in case-control?
odds ratio
What statistic is used in a cohort study?
relative risk
When is a left sided murmur loudest?
on expiration
When is a right sided murmur loudest?
on inspiration
What innervates quadratus lumborum?
subcostal nerve
What are the actionso f quadratus lumborum?
pulls rib cage inferiorly and lateral flexion
Why is there a mixed pattern of neuro signs in MND?
damages motor cortex adn anterior horn celsl
What cancer is associated with BCL-2 oncogene?
follicular lymphoma
Whhich area of the prostate is associated with BPH?
transitional zone
How much bile enters the small bowel in 24 hours?
What is the MOA of amiloride?
potassium sparing diuretic which inhibits epithelial sodium channels in the collecting ducts
Why are proximal ulnar injuries less severe than more distal ones?
causes denervation of medial half of FDP which causes decreased flexion of fingers which reduces claw like appearance
What class of hormone is insulin?
What is MOA of ondansteron?
5-HT3 receptor antagonist
What ish te MOA of SUs?
block potassium ATP channels on beta cells to cause memrbaen depolarisation
Which structure of the IV disc usually herniates in dic prolapse?
nucleus pulposus
What is seen in tabes dorsalis?
degeneration of the dorsal columns
What is gravidity?
number of times a woman has been pregnnat
What is Down’s screening between 11 and 14 weeks?
combined test- US and blod test
what is the screening for Down’s between 15 and 20 weeks?
triple or quadruple test (blood tests)
When should anaemia be checked in pregnancy?
booking appointment and at 28 weeks
What is considered a positive result with down’s screening?
risk higher than 1 in 150
What are the indications of fetal echocardiography?
mothers with congenital heart disease; type 1 diabetes or epilepsy; high risk NT result or abnormal heart on anomaly scan
What does an increased NT but normal chromosomes suggest?
multiple structural abnormalities
What is secondary dysmenorrhea associated with?
endometriosis; PID; IUD; cervical stenosis after large loop exicions
How is baseline variablity calculated?
distance between the highest peak andl owest trough in a 1 minute segment
What suggests an abonrmal features with late decels?>
if present in over 50% of contractions for over 30 minutes
Aside from the classic triad; what else in associated with Reiter’s syndrome?
circinate balanitis(red lesions on penis); keratoderma blenorrhagicum (hard nodules on soles)
What is molluscum contagiosum caused by?
DNA poxvirus
What serovars of chlamydia cause infection in the eye?
A,B, C
Is jaundice seen in cholecystitis?
How is acute fatty liver of pregnancy differentiated from HELLP syndrome ?
acute fatty liver- hypoglycaemia and high uric acid
What is pain and discmofort in the pelvic area which can radiate to the upper thighs and perineum, worse on walking?
symphysis pubis dysfunction
What is the shape of the anteiror fontanelle?
diamond dhaped
What is the shape of hte posteiror fontanelle?
What are teh indicators of breech presentation?
ballotable head at fundus and fetal heart heard above the umbilicsu
What are the 3 types of breech?
extended; felxed and footling
what is extended breech?
feet extended near the head
What is flexed breech?
feet next to bottom
What is footling breech?
foot presents at cervix
what is the most common type of breech?
extended breech
What are the CI to exterenal cephalic version?
previous C/S; hx of APH; multiple pregnnacy; oligo/polyhydramnios and placenta praevia