30/03/18 Flashcards
Which antipsychotic is especially assocaited with prolonged QT interval?
What type of immunisation are biologics e.g adalimumab?
passive immunisation (anything with “mab”= monoclonal antibody)
What type of antipsychotic reduces the seizure threshold?
What bone is most likely to be broken in a FOOSH?
distal shaft of radiu
How does CSF go from the third ventricle to the 4th ventricle?
cerebral aqueduct
What is the venous drainage of the right adrenal?
directly into IVC
What is the venous drainage of the left adrenal?
left renal vein
What is the most common type of bladder cancer?
transitional cell carcinoma
What is the difference between cellulitis and erysipelas?
cellulitis involves deeper dermis and subcut tissues whereas erysipelas only affets upper dermis and superficial lymphatics (clearly demarcated)
What happens dermatologically in staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome?
destruction of keratinocyte attachment in the stratum granulosum
Who often gets staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome?
children and adults with CKD
What organism causes erysipelas?
strep. pyogenes
What is given to paitents allergic to penicillin for cellulitis?
What is tumour lysis syndrome?
hyperkalaemia; hyperphosphataemia; hyperuricaemia and hypocalcaemia; renal failure; cardiac arrhythmia
When does tumour lysis syndrome occur?
during treatment of high grade lymphomas and leukaemias
What should be given to prevent tumour lysis syndrome?
IV allopurinol or IV rascburicase
What organelle is responsible for the catabolism of long chain fatty acids?
What is the function of lysosome?
breakdown of large molecules such as proteins and polysaccharides
How much of the cardiac cycle does diastole take up at rest?
What receptors in the SA node does NA bind to?
What nerve supplies the aortic baroreceptors?
What nerve supplies the carotid barorecetpors?
What stimulates the baroreceptors?
arterial stretch
Can you give live vaccines to a patient with splenectomy?