09/04/18 Flashcards
How should respiratory function be monitored in patients with Guillain Barre syndrome?
regular spirometry
What is the landmark for L3/4?
line draw across the superior aspect of hte posterior iliac crests
What space is reached in an LP?
subarachnoid apce
What types of vasculitis can cause eosinophilia?
espeically Churg-Strauss syndrome but any vasculitis e.g RA
What is hemiparesis in migraine caused by?
vasoconstrictive ischaemia
Waht is the MOA of sumatriptan?
5HT1 agonst- receptor present in cranial and basilar arteries
Waht position do children with epiglotits typically sit in?
tripod position
what age is epiglotitis most common in?
children aged 2-3 years
Can PCOS be diagnosed in a psotmenopasual woman?
What is seen in ovarian stromal hyperthecosis?
hyperplasia of the ovarian stroma and clusters of luteinising cells distributed throughout the ovarian stroma
What is seen on hormones with ovarian stromal hyperthecosis?
increased androstenedione and testosterone secretion
What is the action of cyclizine?
H1 receptor antagonist
What is the action of ondansetron?
5-HT3 receptor antagonist
Waht is a partial seizure evolving to generalised called?
secondary partial
What are the side effects of valproate ?
Vomiting Alopecia Liver toxicity Pancreatitis and pancytopenia Retained fat Oedema Appetitie Tremor/teratogenic Enzyme inhibitor
What are the carbamzepine side effects?
Sexual dysfunction
How long are total cholesterol levels falsly lowered for after an MI?
24 hours to 6 weeks
What is augmentin?
What type of antibiotic cover is needed for abdominal hysterectomy?
broad-spectrum e.g co-amox
Which artery is hte most common cause of GI bleeding from peptic ulcer disease?
gastroduodenal artery
what is the gastroduodenal artery a branch of?
common hepatic artery
Where does the gastroduodenal artery run?
psoteiror to hte first part of hte duodenum
why is liver implicated in problems with warfarin?
rich natural source of vitamin K- reduces INR
What happens to the platelet count in splenic dysfunction