Anatomy Flashcards
What is the lateral ankle ligament complex?
anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and calcaneofibular ligament
What is the most likely ankle ligament to be sprained?
anterior talofibular
Where is the pain/swelling with a sprianed anteiror talofibular ligament?
anterior to the lateral malleolus
What does the fibular artery supply?
posterioir and lateral compartments of the leg
What is the fibular artery a branch of?
posterior tibial artery
What is the continuation of the anterior tibilar artery after the extensor retinaculum?
dorsal artery of foot
What forms the superior border of the femoral triangle?
inguinal ligament
What forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle?
what forms the medial border of the femoral triangle?
adductor longus
What forms the medial floor of the femoral triangle?
what forms the lateral floor of the femoral triangle?
Where is the location of the femoral herinas?
femoral canal
What envelopes the femoral artery and vein?
femoral sheath
What forms the femoral sheath?
transversalis and iliopsoas fascia
How are hte medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries named
aspect of profunda femoris
How do the femoral vessels and nerve enter the lower limb?
retroinguinal space
Where is adductor brevis in relation to adductor longus?
What supplies the hamstring part of adductor magnus?
tibila nerve
Where does lymph from the superficial inguinal nodes drain?
external iliac nodes
Where does lymph following the small saphenous vein drain?
popliteal lymph nodes
Where does lymph from the popliteal nodes drain into?
deep inguinal nodes
Where are the deep inguinal nodes foudn?
deep to fascia lata medial to the femoral vein
Where does lymph from the deep inguinal nodes drain?
external iliac nodes