06/04/18 Flashcards
What cytokines are involved in cachexia and fever?
TNF-alpha and IL1- cockexia
What cytokine is invovled in T-cell activation?
IL2- 2 cell activation
What cytokine is the bone marrow stimulant?
IL3- 3-some if you wanna bone
What cytokine is the eosinophil activator?
IL5- JZs hands look like an eosinohpil- 5 fingers on a hand
What is the leukotriene neutrophil chemotactic agent?
IL8- on side is an infinity sign (neutrophils are most common WBC in body)
Which cytokine is the granuloma activator?
IFN-gamma (activates macrophages to become granulomas)- Gamma= granuloma
What is the treatment for mild hyperparathyroidism?
increased fluid intake; avoid thaizides and a high calcium/vitD intake- see every 6 months
What are the indications for surgical tx of hyperparathyroidism?
high serum/urianry Ca; osteoporosis; renal calculi; bone disease; decreased renal function; <50
What physical problems are more commonly seen in vascular dementia compared with Alzhemiers?
urinary incontinence; decreased mobility; balance problems
What dementia is found more commonly in patients under 65?
fronto-temporal dementia
What non-cognitive symptoms should be asked about in dementia history?
behavioural disturbance; hallucinations and delusions
What can be used in the diagnosis of dementia that involves a close relation to the patietn?
informant questionnaire on cognitive decline in the elderly
What can help distinguish dementia from depression on CT?
measures of hte medial temporal lobe
What is the difference between the memory loss in FTD compared to AD?
FTD has deficits in semantic memory and attention/executive function compared with loss of episodic memory in AD
What forms of dementia is rivastigmine used for?
Alzhemeirs and Lew body dementia
Why are NMDA-antagonists useful in Alzhemiers?
enhancement of the excitatory action of L-glutamate may play a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimers
What is the problem with Ginkgo and warfarin/aspirin?
causes bleeding
What is the problem with Ginkgo and thiazides?
raises blood pressure
What are the causes of hyperandrogenism?
adrenogenital syndromes (congenital adrenal hyperplasia); androgen-secreting tumours; other causes- Cushing’s; drug-induced
What is the effect of raised insulin in PCOS?
works synergistically with LH to enhance androgen production by theca cells and inhibits sex-binding globulin production by the liver- increased free testosterone
What other causes should be looked for in a patient with suspected PCOS?
simple obesity; primary hypothyroidism; hyperprolactinaemia; premature ovarian failure; non-classic congential adrenal hyperplasia; cusghins; androgen-secreitng neoplasm; acromegaly
What investigations should be done for PCOS?
testosterone; sex-hormone binding globulin; calculate the free androgen index; TVUS
Waht investigations should be done to rule out other causes of PCOS?
What should be offered in patients with oligomennorhea or amenorrhea?
regular withdrawal bleeding at least once every 3 months- COC or IUS