22/04/18 Flashcards
Where does the transverse sinus lie?
attached margin of tentorium cerebelli to skull
Where does the straight sinus lie?
junction between tentorium cerebelli and flax cerebri
What ligaments form the lesser omentum?
hepatoduodenal ligament and hepatogastric ligament
What type of bilirubin is fat soluble?
How is the diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis confirmed?
osmotic fragility test
What is seen in complex regional pain syndrome?
localised/diffuse pain; swelling; trpohic changes and vasomotor disturbance
How would hypokalaemia or hypomagnesaemia cause abdominal distension?
paralytic ileus or pseudo-obstruction
What is the found in the retropubic space?
retroperitoneal fat
What does gynaecomastia and a testicular tumour suggest?
raised HCG
What is the treatment for whooping cough?
What is the typical frequency of the resting tremor in Parkinsons?
What type of refractive issue increases the risk of retinal detachment?
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
What transporter is required for water absorption?
chloride exchanger
What is volvulus?
rotation of an organ around its mesentery
When should a second dose of BZD in status be given?
after 5 minutes of no improvement
What nerve is most at risk during breast surgery?
long thoracic nerve
What is assayed in CF newborn screening program?
immunoreactive trypsinogen
What is the function of the medullary respiratory centre?
sets inherent rhythmicity of breathing
What happens if the apenustic centre in the lwoer pons is divided from the upper brain stem?
inspiratory gasps occur
What is the function of pneumotaxic centre in the upper pons?
inhibts inspiration after it has reached a certain point
What is the mechinism of fibrates?
increased action of lipopotein lipase
What causes the prothrombotic tendency in nephrotic syndrome?
loss of antithrombin III in urine
What SE is trazadone associated with?
priapism trazabone