10/04/18 Flashcards
What is the relation of the pudendal nerve to the internal pudendal artery as it pases the ischial spine?
What nerve is the anterior labial nerve a division of?
ilioinguinal nerve
What are the 2 terminal branches of the pudendal nerve?
dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris and perineal nerve
Where does the internal pudendal vein drain?
internal iliac vein
What lines the upper 2/3rds of the anal canal?
cuboidal epithelium
What lines the lower 1/3rd of hte anal canal?
non-keratinisedsquamous epithelium
What is Hilton’s line?
junction of the keratinised and non-keratinised epithelium
What is the pectinate line?
junction of the upper 2/3rds and lower 1/3rd
What muscle of the pelvic floor blends with the internal anal sphincter?
Where does pyramidalis lie?
anterior to rectus abdominus within the rectus sheath
What is found in the pudendal canal?
pudendal nerve, artery and vein
How does the pudendal nerve pass the ischial spine?
just lateral to
Where is the lylmphatic drainage of hte bladder?
internal iliac nodes
What is found below the tunica vaginalis?
fibrous layer-tunica albuginea
What does the tunica albuginea form?
septa that divide the testis to form lobules where the seminifierous tubules are located
What is the hydatid of morgani?
remnant of the mullerian ducts
What is the relation of the ureters to the peritoneum?
What do the ureters derive from embryogically?
ureteric buds
Waht provides lubrication to the vagina?
Bartholin’s glands
What is the emrbyological origin of the vagina?
mesoderm- paramesonephric duct and urogential sinus
What is the lymphatic drainage of the superior part of hte vagina?
internal iliac nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the lwoer part of the vagina?
superficial inguinal nodes
What are the 3 muscular layers of the uterus?
endometrium; myometrium and epimetrium
What is the blood supply to the bladder?
superior and inferior vesical arteries derived from teh pudendal artery