12/04/18 Flashcards
What is agnosia?
inability to interpret sensations
What may be seen with prosthetic heart valves on blood film?
fragment cells
What is Felty’s syndrome?
RA with hypersplenism and neutropenia
what is seen on blood film with Felty’s syndrome?
neutropenia with myeloid hyperplasia
What is the most common infective cause of IDA worldwide?
hookworm infestation
Why is there partial ptosis in Horner’s syndrome?
loss of the msucle of Muller- sympathetic innervation
What is anisocoria?
unequal pupil size
What is the cause if a patient presentas with pancytopenia and neuro deficit?
B12 deficiency
What are Heinz bodies?
RBC inclusions of denatured Hb
Why do Heinz bodies arise?
oxidant damage to RBCs
When should an event recorder ECG be done to diagnose AF?
symptomatic episodes are more than 24 hours apart
What is the HASBLED score?
HT Abnormal liver/renal function Stroke Bleeding tendency Labile INR Age >65 Drugs (aspirin/NSAIDs) or alcoho
Who should be offered apixaban?
nonvalvular AF wtih 1 or more RF e.g: prior stroke/TIA; age >75; HT; DM; symptomatic HF
Who shouldn’t be offered rate control as a first line for Af?
AF has reversible cause; heart failure caused by AF; new onset; atrial flutter who is suitable for ablation
What is first line for rate control?
beta-blocker or rate-limiting CCB
Who should get digoxin?
non-paroxysmal AF and are sedentary
What shoudl be offered if monotherapy rate control isn’t adequate?
combination of 2 of: beta blocker; diltiazem; digoxin
Who should get pharma/eletrical rhythym control?
symptoms continue after HR controlled or not been successful
What is used for pharma conversion?
flecainide or amiodarone
When is thrombolysis with alteplase recommended?
wihtin 4.5 horus of onset of stroke symptosm and CT has excluded haemorrhage
How long should warfarin be continued for people with distal DVT?
6 weeks (calf vein)
How long should warfarin be continued in people wiht proximal DVT or PE with temporary RFs?
3 monhts
How long should warfarin be continued in people with proximal DVT due to unkonw cause?
6 months
What should patietns be counselled on when starting warfarin?
should be taken at same time everyday; dose; when appointments are; adverse effects- and whwat to do; factors that can effect INR- medicine; food; alcohol; acute illness