04/04/18 Flashcards
Why might a serous cystadenoma appear solid?
papillary growth
What type of ovarian tumour may cause pseudomyxoma peritonei?
mucinous cystadenoma/carcinoma
What causes endometrial polyps?
inappropriate rseponse to oestrogenic stimulation
what other name is atypical endometrial hyperplasia known as?
endometrial intra-epithelial neoplasia
What is the zona pellucida?
mucopolysaccharide layer
What other name is a benign transitional cells tumour known as ?
Brenner tumour
Which chromosome is BRCA1 found on?
What is seen histologically with dysgerminoma?
germ cells mixed with lymphocytes
What is the effective treatment for dysgerminoma
What is a monodermal teratoma?
tissue derived from one germ cell layer
Who gets yolk sac tumours?
below age 30
Waht is the most common sex cord tumour?
What can be used as a tumour marker in granulosa cell tumours?
How may Leydig cells be identified?
Reinke’s crystals wtihin the cytoplasm
How are clear cell carcinoma and endometrioid cancers related?
clear cell is a variant of endometrioid
What is seen histologically with erythema nodosum?
vasculitis or small venules and panniculitis
Aside from wasting of the lower limbs in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, what other muscles are affected?
small muscles of the hands
How is the diagnosis of acromegaly confirmed?
What is seen on OGTT with acromegaly?
non-suppression of growth hormone
What are common triggers of psoriasis?
stress; infection; skin trauma; drugs; alcohol; obesity; smoking and climate
What drugs are triggers of psoriasis?
lithium; NSAIDs; beta-blockers; antimalarials
What is first line mx of psoriasis?
topical vit D analogue e.g calcipotriol; emollients ; coal tar
What is second line mx fo psoriasis?
topical steroids; retinoids or dithranol
What should you be careful about with dithranol?
avoid on normal skin and sensitive areas
Which patients are most likely to get intraventricular haemorrhages?
How does hyperparathyroidism cause peptic ulcers?
increased calcium increased gastrin and ACh release
Waht is the effect on clotting and platelets with henoch schonelien purpura?
What is the visual defect with retinitis pigementosa?
tunnel vission
What is the visual field defect seen with internal capsular infarction?
homonymous hemianopia
what is the mechanism of atropine?
What ANCA is associated with Wegeners
What ANCA is assocaited with EGPA and microscopic polyangiits?
What other inflamatory condition is assocaited with pANCA?
What drugs can be used in the mx of delirium tremens?
diazepam; beta-blockers; clonidine; carbamazepine and neuroleptics
What type of epithelium is seen at the transformation zone of the cervix?
non-keratinising stratified squamous epithelium
What is the epithelium in the uterus?
simple columnar epithelium
Waht is the effect of ciprofloxacin on warfarin?
prolongs the INR
What hormone produced by the placenta is lactogenic; regulates glucose metabolism and promotes fat breakdown?
human placental lactogen
When is puncate basophilia seen?
lead poisoning and beta thal
What causes pseudobulbar palsy?
bilateral UMN lesions
Waht is seen with Patterson-Kelly-Brown syndrome?
post-cricoid web
What is a SE of alpha-methyl dopa?
haemolytic anaemia
Which complement deficiencies are assocaited iwht HSP?
C1-4 deficiency
What is the prognosis of FSGS
chronic renal failure in 50%